Lapas attēli

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Fox (E. L.) Behind the scenes in
warring Germany. 2652.

Fox (Herbert) Text-book of pathol-
ogy. 4537.

Fox (R. J.) Claim-the proof of loss
-when is loss payable? 2367.
Fox (W. A.) Geneal, of the Fox fam-
ily. 1860.

Fracker (S. B.) Classification of lepi-

dopterous larvae. 5727.
France (Anatole):



[blocks in formation]

Violations des lois de la guerre

par l'Allemagne. 7642.
Francillon (R. E.) Gods & heroes.

Francis (Anna) New Maltese crochet
designs complete with instructions.

Francis (J. H.) My last drink. 7731.
Franciscan monastery of St. Clare.
McDonough (M. V.) One year with
God. 5236.

Franciscan sisters of perpetual adora-
tion. Sixty lessons in Engl. for the
grades. 5983.

Francke (A.) Abplanalp (Arthur)
Abplanalp's rumpf-turnen in rück-
enlage. 5611.
Francke (Kuno):

German-American's confession of
faith. 5321.

German classics of the nineteenth
& twentieth centuries. 861, 862.
François (V. E.):

Easy French reading. 4994.
Introductory French prose com-
position. 3196.

François de Sales (Saint) Herme-
neutics. 3783.

Frandsen (J. H.) Manufacture of ice
cream & ices. 7446.

Frank (C. D.)

Conversational French
readers for beginners. 4935.
Frank (C. L.):

Ques. & ans. for inspector, milk
& food. 4653.

Stenographer & typist. 4124.

Frank (Emil):

Im ringen um das luftmeer. 2733.
In der not der zeit; Die scholaren.

Frank (F. K.) :

Cinderelline. 6187*.

Jew to Jesus, & other poems.

Frank (Henry) Clash of thrones.

[blocks in formation]

Frankenberg (H. E.) Barsaloux (E.
S.) Utopia bk. of filet & Venetian
crochet. 2360.

Frankenberg (H. E.) co. Barsaloux
(E. S.) Utopia yarn bk. 4790.
Frankfurter (Felix) Selection of
cases under the Interstate commerce
act. 2615, 6462.

Franklin (B. A.) Experiences in effi-
ciency. 2011.

Franklin (Ben) mutual casualty in-
surance co. Swift (W. J.) First
aid manual. 1649.
Franklin (Fabian) Cost of living.

Franklin (W. S.) Advanced theory of
elec. & magnetism. 960.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

French (Alice)
Appendix 155.
French (Allen) Old Concord. 5492.
French (George) Advertising. 93.
French (S. L.) Reminiscences of
Plymouth, Luzerne Co., Pa. 2232.
French (Samuel), or French (Samuel)

Knitters in the sun.

Augier (Emile) House of Four-

chambault. 1565*.

Banville (T. F. de) Charming
Léandre. 581*.

Benedix (Roderich) Law-suit.

Third man. 5425**.
Bernard (Tristan) French with-
out a master. 581**.

I'm going! 5963*.

[blocks in formation]

French (T. E.) Agricultural draw-
ing. 5493.

French (W. A.) Anderson (P. L.) Pic-
torial landscape-photography. 57.
French Lick Springs hotel co. French
Lick Springs hotel, French Lick,
Ind., U. S. A. 7644.

French without a master. (Drama)

Freuder (Samuel) Missionary's re-
turn to Judaism. 1537.

Frey (N. J.) Cost of insur. 2653.
Frey (O.) Mein handwerkszeug. 4263.
Fri os fra det onde. (Drama) 871*.
Frich (L. P.):

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Frueh (A. J.) Log of the Ark, by
Noah. 6424.

Fry (C. E.) Kingdom within a king-
dom. 3128*.

Fry (W. W.) Dictatypy. 3309.
Fuehr (Alexander)

Neutrality of Bel-

Blind Boone. 7784*.

gium. 6421.
Fuell (Melissa)
Fünfgeld (M. M. v. O.):

Gnade muss es sein. 1863.
Knirps. 3784.

Zum irrgang. 2939.

Fürst (Artur) Emil Rathenau. 5494.
Fuess (C. M.) High schl. spelling bk.

Füssli (Orell) art. institut. Meinicke
(Bernhard) Tugendbold. 262*.
Fuhrer (Bertha) New program of
monologues, scenes, stories & poems.

Fulda (Ludwig) Amerikanische ein-
drücke. 2940.

Fuller (A. F.) Fifty thousand miles
backridden. 2368.

Fuller (C. A.) Designing, heating &
ventilating systems. 249.

Fuller (H. B.) Act to regulate com-
merce, construed by the Sup. ct.

Fuller (H. G.) Fuller's Dakota jus-
tice; procedure & forms, civil &
crim. 6674.
Fuller (R. W.)

Fuller (Sarah)

pendix 371.

Fullerton (G. S.)
day. 6768.

First prin. of chem.

Fullerton (H. S.):

Illus. primer. Ap-

Germany of to-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hall (S. R.) Short talks on re-

tail selling. 6675.

High schl. Standard dict. 210.
Kleiser (Grenville) Kleiser's
complete guide to public speak-
ing. 4137.

MacGregor (T. D.) Bk. of thrift.

Roberts (K. L.) Club woman's

handbk. of programs & club
management. 7104.

Vaile (P. A.) Modern tennis.
Vizetelly (F. H.) Essentials of
Engl. speech & lit. 947.
War-words. 1276.

Funke (Heinrich) Philosophie
weltanschauung. 2941.

Furman (F. De R.)
gears. 1728, 4078.


Galli (W. A.

Thomas-San-Galli (W. A.)

Gallichan (W. M.) Women under
polygamy. 1048.

Gallinger (H. P.) Conversations with

Luther. 7464.

Gallizier (Nathan)


Crimson gondola.

Galloway (T. W.) Zoology. 3003.
Galsworthy (John):

Bit o' love. 2833**
Freelands. 4314.
Justice. 3003*.

Little man, & other satires. 2012.
Recruit. 6623.

Galvin (G. W.) Thousand faces.

Ganghofer (L. A.):

Front im osten. 6318.

Reise zur deutschen front, 1915.
3595, 5821.

Gannaway (J. W.) Comparative free


Valves & valve

Furness (C. E.) Introd. to the study
of variable stars. 5984.

Furness (H. H.) jr. Shakespeare
(William) Macbeth. Appendix

Furniss (G. L.) Man on the box.
Futcher (T. B.)
diagnosis of the

ratory systems.

Outlines of physical
circulatory & respi-

Lieutenant What's-

Futrelle (M. P.)
his-name. 908.
Future of us boys. 3775.

Gablentz (Georg von der) Heilige
auge. 2833.

Gaebelein (A. A.) Current events.

Gabriel (C. H.)

Slighted stranger, &

other poems. 6422.

Gaëll (René) Soutanes sous la mi-

traille. 3643.
Gaffney (T. J.)

Birds of a feather.

[blocks in formation]

Gannett (Henry)

Gannett (William)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Laurel cook

Gardiner (S. D.)

Pages in azure &

gold. 7063.

Gardiner (Mrs. George)
bk. 2323.

Gardner (A. H.) Wrecks around Nan-
tucket. 3197.
Gardner (A. P.)
Gardner (E. H.)

Must we arm? 3644.

Effective bus. letter.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Gardner (H. A.):

Observations on painted lumber.

Paints to prevent electrolysis in
concrete structures. 636.
Gardner (L. T.) Cupid's capers.

Garesché (Louis) Biog. of Lieut. Col.
Julius P. Garesché. Appendix 6.
Gargol' (N. V.) Taras Bulba. 5217.
Garis (H. R.) Bully & Bawly No-

Tail. 1103.
Garland (C. W.) Or. citator digest.

Garland (John) pseud. Ross Grant,
tenderfoot. 2689.

Garnett (J. M.) jr. Md. digest annot.
1403, 6689.
Garnett (Porter):

Inscriptions at the Panama-Pa-
cific internatl. expos. 3198.
Stately homes of Cal. 5641.

Garrett (Phineas)

One hundred
choice selections. Appendix 269,

Garrido (L. García) See García Gar-

[blocks in formation]

Garrison (F. R.) Publication & filing
of tariffs. 5985.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Geissler (Max) Nach Russland
wollen wir reiten! 3985.

Geller (Carl) Standard telegraphie
cipher code for the cotton trade.

Garten (J. v.) Dolch des Sejanus. Gelograph. 4343.


Gartner (K. K.) Gartner's notes to
the Interstate commerce comn, repts.

Gates (Eleanor):

Swat the fly. 2134*.

General council of the Evangelical
Lutheran church in North America
(Board of publ.) See Evangelical
Lutheran church in North America
(Board of publ. of the General coun-

[blocks in formation]

Land of delight.


Gates (J. S.)
Gates (W. G.) Propagation of mink
& marten. 6822.
Gathmann (Heinrich) Eiserne wehr.

Gauckler (E.) Psychoneuroses &
their treatment by psychotherapy.

Gaupp (R. E.) Über wesen u. be-
handlung der schlaflosigkeit. 3268.
Gauss (C. F.) Through college on
nothing a year. 5642.
Gautier (Henri) Gaëll (René) Sou-
tanes sous la mitraille. 3643.
Gauvain (Auguste) Origines de la
guerre européenne. 3413.
Gauvreau (C. F.) Reminiscences of
the Spanish-American war in Cuba
& the Philippines. 3089.
Gavin (Basil) Michael

Gavin. 7648.


[blocks in formation]

Genung (J. F.) Outlines of composi-
tion & rhetoric. 2182.

George (A. W.) Roentgen diagnosis
of surgical lesions of the gastro-
intestinal tract. 7230.

George (J. Z.) Political hist. of slav-
ery in the U. S. 3986.

George (R. F.) Gordon & George.
Presenting the speed-ball pen. 4505.
George (R. H.) Wordsworth (Wil-
liam) Prelude. Appendix 378.
George Washington. (Drama) 189.
George Washington memorial assn.
Patriotic movement to meet a natl.
civic need. 4215.

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