pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Fox (E. L.) Behind the scenes in Fox (Herbert) Text-book of pathol- Fox (R. J.) Claim-the proof of loss Fracker (S. B.) Classification of lepi- dopterous larvae. 5727. Crainquebille. 5639*. Violations des lois de la guerre par l'Allemagne. 7642. Francis (Anna) New Maltese crochet Francis (J. H.) My last drink. 7731. Franciscan sisters of perpetual adora- Francke (A.) Abplanalp (Arthur) German-American's confession of German classics of the nineteenth Easy French reading. 4994. François de Sales (Saint) Herme- Frandsen (J. H.) Manufacture of ice Frank (C. D.) Conversational French Ques. & ans. for inspector, milk Stenographer & typist. 4124. Frank (Emil): Im ringen um das luftmeer. 2733. Frank (F. K.) : Cinderelline. 6187*. Jew to Jesus, & other poems. Frank (Henry) Clash of thrones. Frankenberg (H. E.) Barsaloux (E. Frankenberg (H. E.) co. Barsaloux Franklin (B. A.) Experiences in effi- Franklin (Ben) mutual casualty in- Franklin (W. S.) Advanced theory of French (Alice) Knitters in the sun. Augier (Emile) House of Four- chambault. 1565*. Banville (T. F. de) Charming Benedix (Roderich) Law-suit. Third man. 5425**. I'm going! 5963*. French (T. E.) Agricultural draw- French (W. A.) Anderson (P. L.) Pic- French without a master. (Drama) Freuder (Samuel) Missionary's re- Frey (N. J.) Cost of insur. 2653. Frueh (A. J.) Log of the Ark, by Fry (C. E.) Kingdom within a king- Fry (W. W.) Dictatypy. 3309. Neutrality of Bel- Blind Boone. 7784*. gium. 6421. Gnade muss es sein. 1863. Zum irrgang. 2939. Fürst (Artur) Emil Rathenau. 5494. Füssli (Orell) art. institut. Meinicke Fulda (Ludwig) Amerikanische ein- Fuller (A. F.) Fifty thousand miles Fuller (C. A.) Designing, heating & Fuller (H. B.) Act to regulate com- Fuller (H. G.) Fuller's Dakota jus- 4463. pendix 371. Fullerton (G. S.) First prin. of chem. Fullerton (H. S.): Illus. primer. Ap- Germany of to- Hall (S. R.) Short talks on re- tail selling. 6675. High schl. Standard dict. 210. MacGregor (T. D.) Bk. of thrift. Roberts (K. L.) Club woman's handbk. of programs & club Vaile (P. A.) Modern tennis. Funke (Heinrich) Philosophie Furman (F. De R.) u. Galli (W. A. Thomas-San-Galli (W. A.) Gallichan (W. M.) Women under Gallinger (H. P.) Conversations with Luther. 7464. Gallizier (Nathan) 5099. Crimson gondola. Galloway (T. W.) Zoology. 3003. Bit o' love. 2833** Little man, & other satires. 2012. Galvin (G. W.) Thousand faces. Ganghofer (L. A.): Front im osten. 6318. Reise zur deutschen front, 1915. Gannaway (J. W.) Comparative free 6585. govt. Furness (C. E.) Introd. to the study Furness (H. H.) jr. Shakespeare Furniss (G. L.) Man on the box. ratory systems. Outlines of physical Lieutenant What's- Futrelle (M. P.) Gablentz (Georg von der) Heilige Gaebelein (A. A.) Current events. Gabriel (C. H.) Slighted stranger, & other poems. 6422. Gaëll (René) Soutanes sous la mi- traille. 3643. Birds of a feather. Gannett (Henry) Gannett (William) Laurel cook Gardiner (S. D.) Pages in azure & gold. 7063. Gardiner (Mrs. George) Gardner (A. H.) Wrecks around Nan- Must we arm? 3644. Effective bus. letter. pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Gardner (H. A.): Observations on painted lumber. Paints to prevent electrolysis in Garesché (Louis) Biog. of Lieut. Col. Tail. 1103. Garland (John) pseud. Ross Grant, Garnett (J. M.) jr. Md. digest annot. Inscriptions at the Panama-Pa- Garrett (Phineas) One hundred Garrido (L. García) See García Gar- Garrison (F. R.) Publication & filing Geissler (Max) Nach Russland Geller (Carl) Standard telegraphie Garten (J. v.) Dolch des Sejanus. Gelograph. 4343. 2942. Gartner (K. K.) Gartner's notes to Gates (Eleanor): Swat the fly. 2134*. General council of the Evangelical Land of delight. 1441. Gates (J. S.) Gauckler (E.) Psychoneuroses & Gaupp (R. E.) Über wesen u. be- Gavin. 7648. Freebern Genung (J. F.) Outlines of composi- George (A. W.) Roentgen diagnosis George (J. Z.) Political hist. of slav- George (R. F.) Gordon & George. |