Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

Farris (N. E.) Nasrallah's selections.

Farwell (Cecilia) Chart of child de-
velopment. 3501.

Father Payne. 7783.
Father Penn. (Drama) 4697*.
Fatherland corp. Koester (Frank)
Secrets of German progress. 7337.
Faught (F. A.) Essentials of lab.
diagnosis. 344.

Faulkner (Georgene) Italian fairy
tales. 2419.

Faulkner (R. B.) Tonsils & adenoids.

Fauquier (Francis) Francis Fauquier
on An essay on ways & means.
1756. 2179.

Faurote (F. L.) Ford methods & the
Ford shops. 6995.

Favill (H. В.) Preventive med.

Faxon (G. B.) Methods, aids & de-
vices for teachers. 2595.
Fay (L. E.) Instruction in the use
of bks. & libraries. 2793.

[blocks in formation]

Ferguson (W. B. M.) Man's code.

Ferguson (W. B.) Art of estimating
the cost of work. 1046.
Fergusson (E. M.) Westminster
Sunday schl. supt.'s service bk.

Fernald (J. E.) Conant (A. F.)
Complete concordance to Miscel-
laneous writings. 6814.

Fernández (Mme. Ramón) Comment

je vis sans fortune. 7638.
Fernández Shaw (Carlos) Figuras del
"Quijote." 7526*.

Ferrara (Orestes) Guerra europea.

Ferris (E. E.) Bus. adventures of
Billy Thomas. 1486.

Ferris (R. H.) Tempted in all points.

Fessenden (C. H.) Valve gears. 489.
Fessenden (T. W.) Life's other way.

Fetter (F. A.) Economics. 5319.
Feuchtinger (Eugene) Vocal organ-
its mechanism. 7783*.

[blocks in formation]

pt. 1, n. s,

Feuillet (Octave):


Village. 5434**.

Finn (F. J.) That office boy. 6187.
Finn (M. P.) John Bannister, t

priest-poet. 6903.

Feyler (Fernand) Guerre européenne. Finnish socialistic pub. co. Nuorte


Ficke (A. D.):

Man on the hilltop, & other poems.

Twelve Japanese painters. 6619.
Fiechtl (Hans Schrott-) See Schrott-
Fiechtl (Hans)

Field (A. P. L.) Story of Canada
Blackie. 4121.

Field (C. L.) Unseen King, & other
verses. Appendix 152.

Field (Jessie) College women & coun-
try leadership. 550.

Field (Samuel) It pays to advertise.

Field (W. B. O.) Thackeray (W. M.)
Napoleon. 7757.

Field (W. L. W.) Field (C. L.) Un-
seen King, & other verses. Appen-
dix 152.

Field (W. S.) Civil service manual.

Fiesole (Angelico da) Work of. 1306.
Fifth avenue bank of New York.

Fifth avenue. 5820.

Figlio di Genoveffa. 2026.
Figuras del "Quijote."



Filkins (C. C.) China painters A B С.

Filson club. Robertson (J. R.) Peti-
tions of the early inhabitants of Ky.

Financier of New York. (Drama)

Finch (M. S.) Minn. Christmas, &
other verses. 206.
Finckh (Ludwig) Bodenseher. 1620.
Finco (Gaetano) Homilies on all the
Sunday Gospels of the ecclesiastical
yr. 6620.

Finding & handling of news. 2066.
Finegan (T. E.) Text bk. on N. Y.
schl. law.

Finger of God. (Drama) 662**.

Fink (Bruce)
Fink (L. M.)

olic religion.

Tobacco. 7224.
Catechism of the Cath-

4699, 4755.

[blocks in formation]

(Santeri) English-Finnish


[blocks in formation]

Fischer (P. D.) Internationale nach-
richtenverkehr u. der krieg. 3411
Fischer (S.) verlag:

Berend (Alice) Brautigame der
Babette Bomberling. 6306.
Flake (Otto) Prophezeiung, u
andere novellen. 7226.
Hesse (Hermann) Knulp. 6325.
Hirschfeld (Georg) Kreuz der
wahrheit. 7541.

Holitscher (Arthur) Geschichten
aus zwei welten. 7239.
Kellermann (Bernhard)
im Westen. 7660.


Ludwig (Emil) Fahrten der Em-
den u. der Ayesha. 6828.

Mann (Thomas) Friedrich u. die

grosse koalition. 7265,



Michel (Robert)

Häuser an der

Džamiji. 5445.

[blocks in formation]

Bent twig. 6071.

Hillsboro people. 1535.

Fisher (F. B.) Way to win. 7225.
Fisher (G. P.) Hist. of the Christian

church. Appendix 153.
Fisher (Irving) How to live. 6622.
Fisher (J. C.) Fisher's probate law
direct. 19.

Fisher (J. I.) Fisher's instalments at
simple int. amortization tabs. 6369.
Fisher (M. A.) Story of the Mary
Fisher home. 1536.

Fisk (E. L.) How to live. 6622.
Fiske (A. M.) Fiske (John) Wash-

ington & his country. Appendix 60.
Fiske (James) pseud. See Wolff (W.
A.) jr.

Fiske (John) Washington & his coun-
try. Appendix 60.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

To one from

Fitz Simons (T. L.)
Arcady, & other poems. 6961.
Flaccus (Quintus Horatius) See Hora-

tius Flaccus (Quintus).

Flagg (E. P.) Handbk. of elem. sew-
ing. 3194.

Flagg (Isaac) Circe. 4552*.
Flake (Otto) Prophezeiung, u. andere
novellen. 7226.

Flake (W. H.) From crime to Christ.

Flammarion (Ernest):

Charriaut (Henri) Droit contre
la force. La Belgique, terre
d'héroïsme. 3829.

Colin (J. L. A.) Grandes batailles
de l'histoire. 1939.
Deleutre (P. C. P. E.) 1914-1915.
Femmes et gosses héroïques.

Diehl (Charles) République pa-
tricienne, Venise. 3832.
Driant (E. A. C.) Guerre souter-
raine. 4896.

Finot (Jean) Civilisés contre
Allemands. 2938.

Frapié (Léon) Contes de la
guerre. 5728.

Le Bon (Gustave) Enseignements
psychologiques de la guerre
européenne. 7019.

Luchaire (Julien)

italiennes. 6919.


[blocks in formation]


Nida (W. L.) Elem. agriculture.



Fitch (L. E.) Children's parties for
Sunday schl. & home. 4652.
Fitch (W. M.) Mo. laws made plain.

Flatau (Edward) Neurologische
schemata für die ärztliche praxis.

Flather (J. J.) Text bk. of eng.
thermodynamics. 1452.

[blocks in formation]

Flebbe (Beulah):
Dix (B. M.) Enemy. 1722*.
Pageant of peace. 2040*.

[blocks in formation]

Fleuron (Svend) Danskforaar. 6962.
Flewelling (R. T.) Personalism &
the problems of philosophy. 4807.
Flex (Walter) Kanzler Klaus v. Bis-

marck. 3692.
Flippin (P. S.) Financial adminis-
tration of the colony of Va. 2046.
Flitcraft (A. J.) 1915 dividends &
net cost on annual dividend ordinary
life. 3934.

Flom (G. T.) Phonology of the dia-
lect of Aurland, Norway. 4040.
Flood (T. H.) & co. :
Ballard (E. E.)
prop. 61.

Law of real

[blocks in formation]

of pract. 4034.
Comp. laws. 1141-1143.
Florida east coast ry. co. Feed & hay
crops for Fla. live stock. 2010.
Florio (Caryl) Convocation choir bk.
Appendix 252.

Flower (B. 0.) Patriot's manual.

Flower (Gertrude) Selected works
of Edward Fitzgerald, Richard Le
Gallienne, Sir Richard Francis Bur-
ton [and] Justin Huntly McCarthy.

Flower (J. G.) Grace Harlowe's re-
turn to Overton campus. 4605.
Flower (Sydney) Manual of trichem-
istry. 4122.

Flude (A. L.) While the fire burns.

[blocks in formation]

Prince d'Allemagne. 3593.

Follet (Wilson) Joseph Conrad. 6370.
Fonkalsrud (A. O.) Scandinavian-
American. 3982.

Fontaine (Camille) En France. 5487.
Fontane (F.) & co. Fontane (George)
Feldpostbriefe 1870-1871. 3085.

[blocks in formation]

Ford (H. J.) :

Natural hist. of the state. 2366.
Scotch-Irish in America. 2614.

Ford (J. L.) Great mirage. 91.
Ford (John) 'Tis pity she's a whore,
and The broken heart. 2475.

Ford (N. F.) Pageant of Methodism.

Ford (Patrick) Crim. hist. of the
British empire. 3935.

Ford (R. C.) White captive. 1857.
Ford (Sewell):

Shorty McCabe on the job. 815.
Torchy, private sec. 6569.

Ford (W. E.) Third app. to the 6th
ed. of Dana's System of mineralogy.

[blocks in formation]

Advanced civics.


Essentials in civil govt. 2557.

Govt. in O. 6671.

Fornaro (Carlo de)

Mexico. 1243.

Carranza &

Forrest (J. E.) Errors of Russellism.


Forrester (I. L.) :

Greenacre girls. 5982.

Polly Page camping club. 2651.
Forster (A. L.) Princ. & pract. of
spinal adjustment. 3594.

Forsyth (C. H.) Logarithms & anti-
logarithms. 4952.

Forsyth (C. J.) Hidden unit. 6123.
Fort Sumter memorial. 1945.
Fortier (Alcée) Louisiana. 772.
Fortier (Samuel)
irrigation. 160.

Use of water in

Fosdick (C. A.) Our fellows. Appen-

dix 62.

Fosdick (H. E.)

Fosdick (R. B.)
tems. 773.

Foster (A. K.)
ter. 1047.

Foster (Agnes)

hangings. 7062.

Meaning of prayer.

European police sys-

Cartoons in charac-

Making curtains &

Foster (Daniel S.) Universal church
register. Appendix 154.

Foster (David S.):

Kidnapped damozel; The oval dia-
mond; Alraschid in petticoates.

Our Uncle William, also Nate
Sawyer. 1623.

[blocks in formation]

Debating for boys.

Bibliog. of medieval

French lit. for college libraries.

Fouse (J. G.) Geneal. of the descend-
ants of Theobald Fouse (Fauss). 71.
Fowle (F. E.) Chuzzlewits. 6903*.
Fowler (E. H.) Patricia. 1101.

Fowler (E. Τ.)

Ten degrees back-

ward. 4899, 5488.

Fowler (N. C.):

Art of speech making. 679.

Getting a start. 634.

How to sell. 552.

Witty stories & toasts. 4212.

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