Lapas attēli

Frucht des welt- Saliers (E. A.) Prin. of depreciation.

Jan.-Dec., 1915

Saager (Adolf)

krieges. 318.


Saalfield pub. co.:

Salis (Arnold v.)

Brown (R. A.) Heart of gold.


[blocks in formation]

St. Augustine inst. of science & hist.
soc. Fort Marion & city gates, St.
Augustine. Fla. 1706.

Saint Clara college. Mazzuchelli
(S. C.) Memoirs. 4176.

St. Mary's college. Good form. 5345.
St. Paul foundry co. Hand-book con-
taining useful information & tables
appertaining to the use of structu-
ral steel & cast iron. 1823.

St. Paul the Apostle (Missionary soc.)
in the state of N. Y. See Mission-
ary soc. of St. Paul the Apostle in
the state of N. Y.

St. Rose convent. Franciscan sisters
of perpetual adoration, Sixty les-
sons in Engl. for the grades. 5983.
Saint-Saëns (Camille) On the exe-
cution of music, & principally an-
cient music. 5787.

St. Vincent archabbey. Catholic
church. Manual of episcopal cere-
monies. 905.

Saintyves (P.) pseud. See Nourry

Sajous (C. E. de M.) Sajous's ana-
lytic eyel. of pract. med. 3520.
Salcedo y Ruiz (Angel) Literatura
española. 7282.
Salesmanship, 1002.

Schweiz. 4823.

Neutralität der

[blocks in formation]

Is this Vassar college? 6230.
Main street. 6030.

Salten (Felix):

Abschied im sturm. 6284.
Prinz Eugen. 2966.

Salvat y C. Pijoan y Soteras (José)
Historia del arte. 3464.

Salzer (Marcell) Beim deutschen
Kronprinzen. 5258.

Sammons (Wheeler) Keeping up with
rising costs. 133.

Sampson (C. H.) Mechanical draw-
ing & pract. drafting. 6785.
Sampson (C. L.) Solution of the schl.

room seating problem. 6346.
Sampson (H. E.) Scala. 4191.
Sampson (L. E. B.) Sampson family.

Sanborn (B. H.) & co. :


Asplund (R. F.) Suppl.
Reinsch's Civil govt. for the
state of N. M. 4398.

Edson (A. W.) Concise & sug-
gestive manual for teachers.

Lipscomb (Dabney) Suppl. to
Reinsch's Civil govt. for the
state of Miss. 3456.

McMahon (Edward) Suppl. to
Reinsch's Civil govt., for the
state of Wash. 1505.

Talbot (L. R.) French composi-
tion. 5801.

Sanborn (J. W.) Indian stories.

Sanborn (Κ.Α.) Memories & anec-
dotes. 6100.

[blocks in formation]

Sanderson (W. C.) Sanderson's com-
plete course in Bible study. 7109.
San Diego & vicinity, Cal. 4969.
Sandwick (R. L.) How to study &

what to study.
Sanford (A. H.)
Sanford (C. M.)
geog. 3252.


Amer. hist. 3794.

Pract, exercises in

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

[blocks in formation]

standard Amer. bus. guide. 232.
Sarah (Sister) See Kirke (S. M.)
Sarasin (G. K.) :

Strube (Hermann) Katte. 3523*.
Wachler (Ernst) Osning. 3530.
Sardou (André) Indépendance euro-
péenne. 7829.

Sardou (Victorien):

Black pearl. 4147*.
Patrie! 2071*.

Sargent (Daniel) Our gleaming days.

Sargent (E. W.) Picture theatre ad-
vertising. 4483.

Sargent (P. E.) Vedder (Elihu)
Miscellaneous moods in verse. 1127.

Sarolea (Charles):

Anglo-German problem. 2029.
How Belgium saved Europe. 700,

Sarrubbi (D.) Méthode Toussaint-
Langenscheidt en abrégé. 3619.

Satterlee (A. E.) Wonder girl. 7110.
Fables & poems.

Sauber (Charles)

[blocks in formation]

Saunders (W. B.) co. Continued.

Cabot (R. C.) Differential diag-
nosis. 10.
Coolidge (Algernon) Diseases of
the nose & throat. 4602.
Crile (G. W.) Origin & nature
of the emotions. 769.

Da Costa (J. C.) Prin. & pract.
of physical diagnosis. 6174.
De Lee (J. B. Prin. & pract. of
obstetrics. 4261.
Dorland (W. A. N.) Amer. illus.
med. dict. 4503.

Amer. pocket med. dict.


[blocks in formation]

of infection, immunity & specific
therapy. 400.

McConnell (Guthrie) Manual of
pathology. 5121.

Pathol. & bacteriol. for den-

tal students. 1058.

McFarland (Joseph)


upon the pathogenic Bacteria
& Protozoa. 6383.

McKenzie (R. T.) Exercise in
educa. & med. 3369.
Mallory (F. B.) Pathological
technique. 1905.

Med. clinics of Chicago. 49618.
Morrow (A. S.) Diagnostic &
therapeutic technic. 226.

Paul (G. P.) Nursing in the acute
infectious fevers, 5250.

Pilcher (P. M.) Pract. cystoscopy.

Prentiss (C. W.) Lab. manual &
text-bk. of embryol. 131.
Pyle (W. L.) Manual of personal
hygiene. 2437.

Rochester, Minn. St. Mary's hos
pital. Collected papers, 2354

Jan.-Dec., 1915

Saunders (W. B.) co. Continued.

Schamberg (J. F.) Diseases of
the skin & the eruptive fevers.

Scudder (C. L.) Treatment of
fractures. 3244.

Smith (G. C.) What to eat &
why. 5171.

Stengel (Alfred) Text-book of
pathology. 4537.

Stevens (A. A.) Manual of the
pract. of med. 3572.

Stiles (P. G.) Nutritional physiol.

Tousey (Sinclair) Med. elec.,
Röntgen rays & radium. 656.
Vecki (V. G.) Sexual impotence.

Wadsworth (W. S.) Post-mortem
examinations. 6798.

Whiting (A. D.) Bandaging.

Savidge (E. C.) :

Problem of cancer. 986.
Unclassified diseases. 1071.

Savoy (I. G.) ABC of socialism.

Sawyer (Ruth) Primrose ring. 2257.
Saxton (E. F.) Gene Stratton-Porter.

Sayings. Proverbs. Maxims. Mottoes.

Sayler (Milton) Sayler's Amer. form
book. 6031.

Sayres (W. S.) jr. Drake's Mich. di-
gest. Suppl. 3521.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Schenck (E. M.) French verb forms.

Schenck (F. S.) Oratory & poetry of
the Bible. 1779.

Scherl (August) g. m. b. h.:

Brennert (Hans) Landsturm.

Serman (E.) Mit den Türken
an der front. 6235.

Schermann (L.) pseud. See Tritsch

Schieck (Franz) Immunitätsfor-
schung im dienste der augenheil-
kunde. 2869.

Schiff (M. L.) Cogswell (J. G.)
Original drawings by the old
masters. 75.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

per. 609.
Schlesinger (A. M.) Syllabus of U. S.
hist. 5738.

Schlesische buchdruckerei, kunst- und
verlags-anstalt v. S. Schottlaender:
Hopfen (O. Н.) Verdorben zu
Berlin. 1626.

Kienzl (Hermann) Auf bebender
erde. 1630.
Neander (W. G.) Mensch. 2864.
Philippi (Felix) Carneval. 1263.
Schlicht, pseud. See Baudissin (W.
E. H. E., graf v.)
Schloemp (Felix):

Allotria-kientopp. 3386.

Im tingeltangel des humors. 3387.
Schloessmanns (Gustav) verlagsbuch-
handlung (Gustav Fick) Pauls (E.
E.) Hüter Israels. 7568.
Schluck & Jau. (Drama) 443.
Schlüter (Hermann) Chartisten-be-
wegung. 6347.

Schmahl (J. A.) Minn. Sup. ct.
Minn. repts. 264, 2341, 3709, 5756,

Schmeisser (H. C.) Leukæmia of the
fowl. 7480.

Schmerl (W. S.) Pfarrherr v. Goll-
hofen. 2969.

Schmid (Bastian) Lehrbuch der
mineralogie u. geologie für höhere
lehranstalten. 3292.

Schmidkunz (Walter) Bonsels
(Waldemar) Junge Deutschland u.
der grosse krieg. 535.

Schmidt (A. P.) Tapper (Thomas)
Key to First year harmony, with
additional exercises. 5879*.

Schmidt (Adolf) Klinische diagnos-
tik u. propädeutik innerer krank-
heiten. 5689.

Schmidt (H.) Prüfungsfragen aus
den naturwissenschaften u. der
mathematik. 3388.

Schmidt (Hugo):

Martin (Hans) Kriegsanekdoten.

Müller (Robert) Was erwartet
Österreich von seinem jungen
thronfolger? 2962.

Poehlmann (C. L.) Deutsche
frau nach 1914. 2754.

-Gute des weltkrieges. 3863.
Rutra (Arthur) Aus Österreich.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Schmidt (Hugo) - Continued.

Schremmer (A.) Taschenbuch
auf das kriegsjahr 1914-15.

Vogl (Adolf) Parsifal. 3334.
Schnack (F. J. H.) Aloha guide,

Schneider (Albert) Bacteriological
methods in food & drugs laborato-
ries. 6032.

Schneider (Alexander) Kriegerge-
stalten u. todesgewalten. 6285.
Schneider (Franz) jr. Public health
in Springfield, Ill. 3241.

Education for

Schneider (Herman)
industrial workers.
Schneider (J. A.) Catholic church.
Collectio rerum liturgicarum. 5862.
Schneidewind (Wilhelm) Ernährung
der landwirtschaftl. kulturpflanzen.

Schnell (Carl) Hengeler (Adolf)
Aus einem tagebuch 1914. 3132.
Schnittkind (H. T.) Alice & the
stork. 3390.
Schnitzler (Arthur) Lonely way; In-
termezzo; Countess. 3054.
Schoell (F. L.) French life. 3395.
Schön (Marie):

Eddy (M. M. B. G.) Hauptteil
der vergleichs-arbeit. 7321.

Vergleichs-arbeit. 417.

Schönhausen (J. v. P., fürstin v. Bis
marck) See Bismarck-Schönhausen
(J. v. P., fürstin v.)
Schönherr (Karl) Weibsteufel. 3521*.
Schöningh (Ferdinand):


Ackermann (Leopold)
nisvolle nacht. 1609.
Brettle (Sigismund) Kirche in
der modernen welt. 1616.
Imle (Fanny) Heiliger lebens-
künstler. 1628.

Jann (Adelhelm) Katholischen
missionen in Indien, China u
Japan. 4271.

Kellen (Tony) Energie u. erfolg.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Angelico da Fiesole. 1306.
Schouler (James):

Law of wills. 7481.

Law of wills, executors & adminis-
trators. 5168.

Schowalter (A.) Buren, Englånder u.
Deutsche. 4824,

Schraidt (F. F. H.) Geometrical
drawing. 4536.

Schrakamp (Josepha) Deutsche gram-
matik für Amerikaner nach einer
neuen praktischen methode. Appen-
dix 320.

Schreckenbach (Paul) Illustrierte
weltkriegschronik der Leipziger
Illustrirten zeitung. 6234.

Schreiber (Fritz) Aufbereitung, bri-
kettierung u. verkokung der stein-
kohle. 573.

Schreiber (J. F.) Schmid (Bastian)
Lehrbuch der mineral. u. geol. für
höhere lehranstalten. 3292.

[blocks in formation]

Schreiber (K. A.) Materialprüfungs-

methoden im elektromaschinen- u.

apparatebau. 2871.

Wolff (Ludwig) Sohn des Hanni-
bal. 2774.

Schreiner (Ernst) Felsen der wahr-Schutz (C. F.) Sayings. Proverbs.

heit. 2970.

Maxims. Mottoes. 5873.

Schreiner (Wilhelm) Hohe fahrt! Schuyler (Hamilton) Within the


cloister's shadow, & other poems.

[blocks in formation]
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