Lapas attēli

Rickert (Horace) Pa. negligence,
1891-1915. 4726.

Ricketts (A. H.) Manual of Amer.
mining law. 2912.

Ricklin (Franz) Wishfulfillment &
symbolism in fairy tales. 5167.
Riddell (N. Ν.) :

Child culture. 6697.

Heredity & prenatal culture con-
sidered in the light of the new
psychol. 6835.

Ridder (B. Н.) Ridder (Herman)
Hyphenations. 6747.

Riddle (H. L.) King (W. C.) Po-
litical hist. of America. 7072.
Rideout (H. M.) White tiger. 5255.
Ridgley (D. C.) Home geog. 4968.
Ridgway (Robert) :

Hist. of North Amer. birds. Ap-
pendix 282.

Manual of N. Amer. birds. Ap-
pendix 210.

Riedell (J. H.) New Hampshire.
Sup. et. N. H. repts. 5680.
Ries (Heinrich) Eng. geol. 5256.
Rietz (H. L.) School algebra. 4285,

Riggs (K. D. W. S.) See Wiggin
(K. D. S.)

Riley (I. W.) Amer. thought. 2674.
Riley (J. W.):

James Whitcomb Riley reader.

Old soldier's story. 5783.
Old times. 1702.


Riley songs of friendship.
Riley (W. A.) Handbk. of med. en-
tomol. 268.

Riley (W. H.) Forty years in the
lap of Methodism. 1599.

Riley-Francis co. Francis (Anna)
New Maltese crochet designs com-
plete with the instructions. 7730.
Rindge (F. H.) jr. Educational class-
es & other service with workingmen.

Rindsfoos (C. S.) Purchasing. 3383.
Rinehart (M. R.) K. 4005.
Ring (Barbra):

Før kulden kommer. 7822.
Jomfruen. 5536.

Ring (Welding) Export opportuni-
ties in the Far East & Australia.

Rip, pseud. See Thenon (Georges).
Ripley (W. Z.) Railroads; finance &
organization. 791.

Ristine (H. H.) Young (C. A.) In
the Red man's land, & other poems.

Ritchie (Arthur) Spiritual studies
in St. John's Gospel. 5537.
Ritchie (F. H. T.) Community work
of the Y. M. C. A. 4572.

Ritchie (J. W.) :

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Human physiol. 7102.
Primer of hygiene. 7281.
Primer of sanitation. 7103.
Ritchie (R. W.) Inside the lines.

Rittelmeyer (G. M.) Sayings of
Johnny Wise, master salesman.


Rittenhouse (C. F.) Elements of ac
counts. 5598.

Rittenhouse (J. B.) Little bk. of
American poets, 1787-1900.6386.
Ritter (W. E.) War, science & civili-
zation. 6228.

Riverdale press. Hall (E. S.) Wild
roses of Me., & other Camden verses.

Rives (Amélie) See Troubetzkoy (Α.
R. C.)

Rivett (B. J.) Elem. & applied chem.

Rivoire (André)

Little shepherdess.

Roach (A. L.) Graphic hist. 7376.
Road construction & maintenance.

Robb (W.O.) Appraisal of fire losses.

Robbery under law. (Drama) 3781
Robbins (А. Н.)
Conflict of laws.

Robbins (C. A.) Scales of justice. &
other poems. 2254.

Robbins (E. R.) Robbins's new Plane
geometry. 1462.

Robbins (Hayes) Lucius Tuttle; an

appreciation. 6485.

Robbins (Tod) See Robbins (C. A.)
Robert (H. M.) Robert's rules of
order revised for deliberative assem-

Roberts (A. E.) Handbook for cad-
dies. 3384.
Roberts (C. R.)

Hist. of Lehigh Co.

Roberts (E. E. M.) In the great
steep's garden. 7697.

Roberts (Е. Н.) New York. The
planting & the growth of the empire
state. Appendix 94, 95.
Roberts (G. F.) Nurses manual of
bacteriol. & aseptic technique. 833
(K. L.)
Club woman's
handybk. of programs & club man-
agement. 7104.


Roberts (M. G.) Injuries to interstate
employees on railroads. 3238.

Roberts (P. L.)

Three R's of rescue

mission work.
Roberts (Percy)
Vial of Vishnu.
Robertshaw mfg.

[blocks in formation]

Jan.-Dec., 1915

Robertson (A. M.):

Sterling (George)

Ode on the
opening of the Panama-Pacific
internatl. exposition. 6389.

Yosemite. 6390.

Robertson (A. T.):

Grammar of the Greek N. T. in the
light of hist. research. 6282.
Pract. & social aspects of Christi-
anity. 2492.

Syllabus for New Testament study.

Robertson (D. T.) Winning of the
valley. 4631.

Robertson (Donald) Dramatic poems,
songs, & sonnets. 2386.

Robertson (Georgia) Efficiency in
home-making & first-aid to cooking.

Robertson (J. R.) Petitions of the
early inhabitants of Ky. 652.

Robey (W. H.) jr. Harvard univ.
Course in physical diagnosis. 350.
Robins (M. E.) Moon-stories. 2675.
Robinson (A. G.) Cuba, old & new.

Robinson (C. M.) First church chron-
icles, 1815-1915. 2028.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Roman (F. W.) Industrial & com-
mer. schls. of the U. S. & Germany.

Roman du lis. Romans dou lis. 6533.
Romancers. (Drama) 3519*.
Rombro (Jacob) All America. 2710.
Ronald press co.:

Bentley (H. C.) Acetg. problems.

Blanton (B. H.) Credit, its prin.
& pract. 2221.

C. P. A. problems & solutions.
1325, 7516.

Cooper (Francis) pseud. Financ-
ing an enterprise. 3183.

Esquerré (P. J.)

Problems in-
volving the application of the
theory of accts. 2133.

Farrington (Frank) Community
development. 6418.

French (George) Advertising.

[blocks in formation]

Rose (C. E.) Civil govt. of Idahe.

Rose (J. С.)
jurisdiction & procedure of the fed-
eral cts, 415.

Elem. treatise on the

Rose (Randolph) Letters that make
money. 3866.

Roseberry (V. M.) Roseberry (T. A.)
Illustrated hist. of Indian baskets
& plates made by Cal. Indians.

Rosenblum (Samuel) Fire prevention
exam. instruction, 6283.
Rosenfeld (Isidore) Pract. sketcher

[blocks in formation]

Ross (H. E.) Lab. guide in market
milk. 7106,

Ross (L. J.) Eight years of his life
a blank. 7107.

Ross (P. H. W.) More ships, the na-
tion's economic problem. 6930.
Ross (P. V.) Digest of the decis. of
the Sup. ct. of Ariz. 6152.
Ross (W. W.) Ideas for boys. 6229.
Rossi (Giuseppe) Poesie patriottiche

della guerra italo-austriaca. 5257.
Rossi (Joseph) Poesie patriottiche
della guerra italo-austriaca. 5257.
Rost (E. С.) Mount McKinley, its
bearing on the polar controversy.

[blocks in formation]

Rowe (D. M.) Twentieth century
Christianity. 416.

Rowe (H. B.) Key to civil service
examinations. 653.

Rowe (H. M.) co.:

Bush (C. H.) Uniform bus. law.

Parker (B. W.) Rowe shorthand.

Richardson (W. P.) Rowe's com-
mer. law. 4684.

Rowe (J. H.) Key to the New Tes-
tament. 5847.

Rowfant club. Cyrano de Bergerac
(Savinien) Satyrical characters &
handsome descriptions in letters.

Rowland (A. J.) sec.:

Bible. Bk. of Deuteronomy. 3636.
Brockway (A. T. P.) Trip to the

[blocks in formation]

Rothert (O. A.) Local hist. in Ky. lit.

Rothes (Walter) Schönheit des men-
schlichen antlitzes in der christlichen

Rowland (Courtney) Spirit of the
West. 269.

kunst. 4240.

Rowland (J. M.) Pilgrimage to Pales-

Rotis (Lix) See Lix Rotis.

tine. 7377.

Rouge (John) Love or marriage? Roy (B. K.) Rabindranath Tagore.



[blocks in formation]

Roulet (M. F. N.) Mirror. 886.
Rouma (Georges) Notre bébé. 745.
Row, Peterson & co.:

Hulbert (W. D.) Forest neigh-
bors. 6730.

Irwin (F. C.) Elem. & applied
chem. 3420.

Montgomery (W. A.) Year in
Latin. 5152.

Nearing (Scott) New educa. 1118.
Nibelungenlied. Siegfried. 6979.
Palgrave (F. T.) Palgrave's The
golden treasury. 4091.

Thorne-Thomsen (Gudrun) Birch
& the star, & other stories. 7188.

whist. 2048.


Hoyle (J. T.) In memoriam El-
bert & Alice Hubbard. 5743.
Hubbard (Elbert) Complete writ-
ings. 4708.

Liberators. 5656.

Royer (R. de Vaux-) See Vaux-
Royer (Rose de)

Royse (Daniel) Amer, auction. 1705.
Rubes (Ernest) Fundamental prin.

of wireless telegraphy. 2256.
Rubinow (I. M.) Standard accident
table as a basis for compensation
rates. 3813.

Rubinstein (Abraham) Review in
algebra. 3568.

Ruck (Berta) See Onions (B. R.)

[blocks in formation]

saving wage table. 1224.
Rural land credits. 5616.

Rural settlements assn. Maxwell

(G. H.) Our natl. defense. 1404.
Rushville chapter of the D. A. R.
See D. A. R. (Rushville chap.)
Russell (A. A.) :

Adams (W. T.) Cruise of the
Dandy. Appendix 323.

Money-maker. Appendix 37.
Ready about. Appendix 38.
Yacht club. Appendix 39.
Young hermit of Lake Minne-

tonka. Appendix 324.

Young hermit of Lake Mon-

toban. Appendix 325.

Russell (A. L.) Freighter. 5600.
Russell (C. E.) Why I am a socialist.

Russell (Е. В.) Review of Amer.
colonial legislation by the King in
council. 3618.

Russell (H. L.)

teriology. 5601.

Russell (I. Ε.)

Russell (L. C.)
primer. 6931.

Russell (Lev)


Agricultural bac-




Notes on Ia. repts.

[blocks in formation]

Russell (T. Н.):

Transportation: interstate com-
merce: foreign trade. 3453.
World's greatest war. 3051

Russell Sage foundation:

Ayres (L. P.) Measuring scale
for ability in spelling. 2978.
Barnes (C. B.) Longshoremen.

Potter (Z. L.) Correctional sys-
tem of Springfield, Ill. 3952.
Ralph (G. G.) Elements of record
keeping for child-helping organi-
zations. 6224.

Schneider (Franz) jr. Publie
health in Springfield, Ill. 3241
Slingerland (W. H.) Child wel-
fare work in Pa. 5540.
Warfield (G. A.) Outdoor relief
in Mo. 803.

Rust (C. H.) Personal religion. 6029.
Rust (L.) Manual of the lettering
scale. 5784.

Rust (O. G.) Mad River country &
The old skating pond, with other
verse. 7698.

Rutenberg (Pinehas) Nazionale wie
derbelebung fun dem idischen folk.

[blocks in formation]
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