crees in equity. 3419. Hutchinson (E. M.) Liby. of Amer. Hutchinson (Lincoln) Panama canal San Francisco Bay. 1587. Submarine boat Hutten (Bettina v.) See Hutten zum Stolzenberg (B. R., freifrau v.) Hutton (P. W.) Mechanical drawing for industrial & continuation schls. Hutton (William) Country plumbing Huyette (M. C.) Md. campaign & the battle of Antietam. 5996. Hyan (Hans) Gepfändete bräutigam. Hyde (G. M.) Newspaper editing. 6862. element in the U. S. 1842. Flom (G. T.) Phonology of the Fracker (S. B.) Classification of Good (J. W.) Studies in the Mil- ton tradition. 6965. La Rue (G. R.) Revision of the Oldfather (W. A.) Defeat of Varus & the German frontier Thompson (C. M.) Ill. Whigs be- Illinois Workmen's compensation act Illustrated milliner Co. Bottomley Imle (Fanny) Heiliger lebenskünstler. Immanuel (Friedrich) Ein jahr krieg. Immig (Nellie) One hundred & Immigrants. (Drama) 7172. Imperialistic council of the magi. 2685. pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 In memoriam Arthur Cleveland Coxe. In memoriam Elbert & Alice Hubbard. Independent order of Odd fellows, Sovereign grand lodge. See Odd fel- Indian types of the Southwest. 4130. Appellate ct. Repts. 1252, 3315, Sup. ct. Repts. 2521, 5659. Indiana digest. 4360. Indiana tax conf. Proceedings of the Indiana univ. Ind. tax conf. Proceed- Indo-Amer. book co.: Life & action. 6005. Innis (S. V.) Inner secrets of crooked Instant answer sales co. Instant an- Instantaneous speller. 427. Institute of makers of explosives. Insull (Samuel): Central-station elec, service. 2426. Insurance & real estate. 106. over Affeld (F. O.) jr. Rights of ad- Brown (D. C.) Adjustment of Cabell (Hartwell) Increase of Ellison (W. B.) matter. 4850. Non-liability Inter-collegiate prohibition assn. of Intermediate hist. of the U. S. 4632. Internatl. educa. pub. co. : Internatl. corres. schools. Method Irish (Marie) District-schl. dialogues. Irish world. Ford (Patrick) Crim. Irons (Thomas) Blue Hen's chickens, Irvine (L. H.) By right of sword: Irving (Washington): Alhambra. 6973. Letters of Washington Irving to Irwin (Beatrice) New science of Irwin (F. C.) Elem. & applied chem. Irwin (S. P.) III. Sup. ct. Repts. Isemann (Bernd) : Maria im tempel. 2841. Isenring (J. J.) François de Sales Bello (Franco) Vita ed avven- J. M. J. See Mary Joseph (Sister) Jack & John. (Drama) 5285. Jackman (W. J.) Transportation: Jackson (C. B.) Roger Bean, R. G. Jackson (C. T.) John the fool. 1198. Jackson (L. E.) Vocabulary of crim. Jackson (S. T.) Evening of song & Elliott (N. M.) Helen Blair. Great Bible renowns. 962. Views of the two great Panama Jackson, Miss. Young men's bus. Jacobi (M. P.) Common sense applied Allen (E. S. G.) House of glad- Caley (L. N.) Church handbk. Cullum (Ridgwell) Son of his Dixon (Royal) Signs is signs. Edmonds (F. S.) Grant. 2363. Forrester (I. L.) Ulysses S. Greenacre Germantown. Guide bk. to historie 6522. Old Quaker Village. Jenkins (Frances) Reading in the pri- Jenkins (H. D.) Five playlets. 4958*. Jenkins (W. C.) Road to recognition. Jenkins (W. R.) co. : Bercy (Paul) Livre des enfants Nagelschmidt (C. F.) Loss of Ostertag (Robert) Guide for Jenks (J. W.) Testing of a nation's Jennings (O. W.) Arkansas souve- Jennings (W. B.) Social teachings of Christ Jesus. 5509. Jensen (E. Berggrav-) See Berggrav- 1294. Jepson (W. L.) Gyldne straa. 2740. Happy Pollyooly. Flora of Cal. 1008. do yesterday & today. 7454. Jesse (F. T.) Man who stayed at Jesus. (Drama). 88. Jetton (R. H.) Sue Ella. 5828. marks of the jewelry & kindred Jewett (F. G.) Jewett's manual for |