Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

crees in equity. 3419.

Hutchinson (E. M.) Liby. of Amer.
lit. Appendix 361-365.

Hutchinson (Lincoln) Panama canal
& internatl. trade competition. 258.
Hutchinson (W. E.) Byways around

San Francisco Bay. 1587.
Hutchison (M. R.)

Submarine boat
type of Edison storage battery. 6681.
Hutson (T. S.) Poetic considerations.

Hutten (Bettina v.) See Hutten zum

Stolzenberg (B. R., freifrau v.)
Hutten (M. v.) Rufende weite. 7242.
Hutten zum Stolzenberg (B. R., frei-
frau v.) Bird's fountain. 6573,

Hutton (P. W.) Mechanical drawing

for industrial & continuation schls.

Hutton (William) Country plumbing
pract. 213.

Huyette (M. C.) Md. campaign & the

battle of Antietam. 5996.
Hvarför gråter du? 6206.

Hyan (Hans) Gepfändete bräutigam.

Hyde (G. M.) Newspaper editing.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

element in the U. S. 1842.
Cort (W. W.) Some North Amer.
larval trematodes. 3541.
Douthitt (Herman) Studies on
the cestode family, Anoploce-
phalide. 1289.

Flom (G. T.) Phonology of the
dialect of Aurland, Norway.

Fracker (S. B.) Classification of
lepidopterous larvae. 5727.

Good (J. W.) Studies in the Mil-

ton tradition. 6965.

La Rue (G. R.) Revision of the
cestode family, Protcocephalidæ.

Oldfather (W. A.) Defeat of

Varus & the German frontier
policy of Augustus. 3560.
Reed (S. M.) Church & state in
Mass. 1303.

Thompson (C. M.) Ill. Whigs be-
fore 1846. 3066.

Illinois Workmen's compensation act
& decis. of the Industrial board.
499, 2137, 7330, 7657.

Illustrated milliner Co. Bottomley
(Julia) Pract. millinery lessons.

Imle (Fanny) Heiliger lebenskünstler.

Immanuel (Friedrich) Ein jahr krieg.

Immig (Nellie) One hundred &
twenty-five recipes: bread, cakes &
pies. 4169.

Immigrants. (Drama) 7172.
Imperial pub. co. Gottheil (W. S.)
Stereoscopic studies of diseases of
the skin. 7450.

Imperialistic council of the magi. 2685.
In Abe Lincoln's town. 4560.
In hell-shut in-at the outbreak of
the great war, 1914. 2718.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

In memoriam Arthur Cleveland Coxe.

In memoriam Elbert & Alice Hubbard.

Independent order of Odd fellows,

Sovereign grand lodge. See Odd fel-
lows (Independent order of), Sover-
eign grand lodge.

Indian types of the Southwest. 4130.

Appellate ct. Repts. 1252, 3315,
5657, 5658.

Sup. ct. Repts. 2521, 5659.

Indiana digest. 4360.

Indiana tax conf. Proceedings of the
second annual conf. on taxation.

Indiana univ. Ind. tax conf. Proceed-
ings of the second annual conf. on
taxation. 1145.

Indo-Amer. book co.:

Life & action. 6005.

[blocks in formation]

Innis (S. V.) Inner secrets of crooked
card players. 2839.

Instant answer sales co. Instant an-
swer. 2690.

Instantaneous speller. 427.

Institute of makers of explosives.
Amer. table of distances. 1197.
Insúa (Alberto) Amor tardío.

Insull (Samuel):

Central-station elec, service. 2426.
Some advantages of monopoly in
connection with the manufac-
ture & distribution of electric
energy. 642.

Insurance & real estate. 106.
Insurance soc. of N. Y.:


Affeld (F. O.) jr. Rights of ad-
ministrators & executors
real property in connection with
the standard policy. 4248.
Bament (W. N.) What is a fire
loss? 621.

Brown (D. C.) Adjustment of
stock losses. 4793.

Cabell (Hartwell) Increase of
hazard. 5091.

Ellison (W. B.)

matter. 4850.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Inter-collegiate prohibition assn. of
the U. S. Winning orations in the
natl. contests of the Intercollegiate
prohibition assn. 821.

Intermediate hist. of the U. S. 4632.
Intermezzo. (Drama) 3054.
Internatl. Amer. conf. (4th), copyright
convention. Appendix, p. 5.
Internatl. claim agency. Index to ad-
vertisements for next of kin, heirs
at law, legatees, etc., etc. 1108.
Internatl. clinics. 1542, 4322, 5744.
Internatl. com. of Y. M. C. A. See Y.
M. C. A. (Internatl. com. of).
Internatl. corres. schls. Method for
the study of modern languages.
Spanish. 683.

Internatl. educa. pub. co. :

Internatl. corres. schools. Method
for the study of modern lan-
guages. Spanish. 683.

[blocks in formation]

Irish (Marie) District-schl. dialogues.

Irish world. Ford (Patrick) Crim.
hist. of the British empire. 3935.
Iron trade review. Complete record of
Lake Superior iron ore shipments.

Irons (Thomas) Blue Hen's chickens,
& other poems. 5560.

Irvine (L. H.) By right of sword:
a defense of capital-punishment.

Irving (Washington):

Alhambra. 6973.

Letters of Washington Irving to
Henry Brevoort. 5929.

Irwin (Beatrice) New science of
color. 6912.

Irwin (F. C.) Elem. & applied chem.

Irwin (S. P.) III. Sup. ct. Repts.
25, 1107, 2329, 3507.

Isemann (Bernd) :

Maria im tempel. 2841.
Musikantenstrauch. 2951.

Isenring (J. J.) François de Sales
(Saint) Hermeneutics. 3783.
Isham (Ira) Isham's method of
computing logarithms. 684.
Italian book co.:

Bello (Franco) Vita ed avven-
ture amorose del cavalier Ma-
rino. 949.

[blocks in formation]

J. M. J. See Mary Joseph (Sister)
J. T. See Recreations.

Jack & John. (Drama) 5285.
Jack o' diamonds, pseud. See Shook

Jackman (W. J.) Transportation:
interstate commerce: foreign trade.

Jackson (C. B.) Roger Bean, R. G.
6470, 6471.

Jackson (C. T.) John the fool. 1198.
Jackson (Chevalier) Peroral endo-
scopy & laryngeal surgery. 7243.
Jackson (Edward) Ophthalmic year
bk. 4722.

Jackson (L. E.) Vocabulary of crim.
slang. 643.
Jackson (P. C.) Tex. governors'
wives. 6913.

Jackson (S. T.) Evening of song &
story with Fanny J. Crosby. 2522.
Jackson (T. W.) pub. co. :

Elliott (N. M.) Helen Blair.

Great Bible renowns. 962.

Views of the two great Panama
expositions, San Francisco, San
Diego. 1923.

Jackson, Miss. Young men's bus.
club. Our town. 4131.

Jacobi (M. P.) Common sense applied
to woman suffrage. 3793.
Jacobs (G. W.) & co. :

Allen (E. S. G.) House of glad-
ness. 4067.

Caley (L. N.) Church handbk.

Cullum (Ridgwell) Son of his
father. 5970, 7059.

Dixon (Royal) Signs is signs.

Edmonds (F. S.)

Grant. 2363.

Forrester (I. L.)
girls. 5982.

Ulysses S.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Jenkins (E. L.)

Guide bk. to historie


Old Quaker Village.

Jenkins (Frances) Reading in the pri-
mary grades. 2523.

Jenkins (H. D.) Five playlets. 4958*.
Jenkins (Marshall) Jackal patrol of
Troop five. 1588.

Jenkins (W. C.) Road to recognition.

Jenkins (W. R.) co. :

Bercy (Paul) Livre des enfants
pour l'étude française. 6408.
Godbille (P.) Lymphatic glands
in meat producing animals.

Nagelschmidt (C. F.) Loss of
hair. 2533.

Ostertag (Robert) Guide for
meat inspectors. 412.

Jenks (J. W.) Testing of a nation's
ideals. 3455.

Jennings (O. W.) Arkansas souve-
nirs. 6431.

Jennings (W. B.) Social teachings of

Christ Jesus. 5509.

Jensen (E. Berggrav-) See Berggrav-
Jensen (Eivind)
Jeppesen (Niels)
Jepson (Edgar)


Jepson (W. L.)
Jerrett (H. D.)

Gyldne straa. 2740.

Happy Pollyooly.

Flora of Cal. 1008.
California's El Dora-

do yesterday & today. 7454.
Jerusalem (Wilhelm) Krieg im lichte
der gesellschaftslehre. 5930.

[blocks in formation]

Jesse (F. T.) Man who stayed at
home. 4272.

Jesus. (Drama). 88.

Jetton (R. H.) Sue Ella. 5828.
Jewelers' circular pub. co. Trade-

marks of the jewelry & kindred
trades. 1009.

Jewett (F. G.) Jewett's manual for
election officers & vcters in the state
of N. Y. 3133.

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