no. 10, March, 1915 Liber, Benzion] 509 דער אמת וועגען געשלעכטס־לעבען. אַרויסגעגעבען פון דער צייטשריפט אונזער געזונד". וניו יארק: 1915. 182 p. illus. 20cm. Title transliterated: Der emeth wegen geshlechts-leben. Dec. 23, 1914; 2c. Dec. 24, 1914; aff. Jan. 5, 1915; A 391269; Unser gesund magazine, New York. (15-2786) Loban, Joy Maxwell, 1887 503 Technic and practice of chiropractic, by Joy M. Loban ... 2d ed., rev. and enl. Davenport, Ia., Universal chiropractic college, 1915. 2 p. 1., 7-352 p. plates. 20cm. $4.00 Feb. 5, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391608; J. M. Loban, Davenport, Ia. Copyright is claimed on added text matter, alterations and new illustrations) (15-3458) Massachusetts. Supreme judicial court. 504 Massachusetts reports, 218; cases argued and determined ... May, 1914-October, 1914. Henry Walton Swift, reporter. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1915. xxvi, 750 p. 241. $2.00 Feb. 18, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 23, 1915; A 391807; Little, Brown, and company. Meynell, Viola. 505 Columbine, by Viola Meynell. London, M. Secker [1915] 287 n. 191cm 6/ 1c. Feb. 12, 1915*; A ad int. 2246; pubd. Jan. 14, 1915; V. Meynell, London. (15-3646) Missouri. Supreme court. 506 Reports of cases determined ... between June 28, and December 6, 1913. Perry S. Rader, reporter. v. 252. Columbia, Mo., E. W. Stephens publishing co., 1914. xlviii, 833 p. 231cm $3.00 Apr. 6, 1914; 2c. Feb. 12, 1915; aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391710; E. W. Stephens pub. co. Moth, Axel Fredrik Carl Mathias, 1867 507 Glossary of library terms, English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, by Axel Moth Boston, The Boston book company, 1915. $0.75 58 p. 22cm. (Useful reference series no. 10) Feb. 1, 1915; 2c. Feb. 8, 1915; aff. Feb. 6, 1915; A 393571; Boston book CO. (15-3471) Noyes, Edmund, 1842 508 Ethics and jurisprudence for dentists, by Edmund Noyes ... Chicago, Printed by Tucker-Kenworthy co., 1915. 252 p. 24cm. $2.00 Jan. 22, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 29, 1915; A 391513; E. Noyes, Chicago. (15-3455) 509 510 pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Order of the amaranth. The authorized ritual of the Order of the amaranth, as written by William J. Duncan ... Rev. by Committee on ritual of the Supreme council, Order of the amaranth, 1915. New York, 1915. 199, 1 p. illus. 15cm. "Third edition." Jan. 26, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 28, 1915; A 393447; Supreme council, Örder of the amaranth, Brooklyn. (15-3465) Pardington, George Palmer, 1866 510 Twenty-five wonderful years, 1889-1914; a popular sketch of the Christian and missionary alliance, by Rev. G. P. Pardington, PH. D. New York city, Christian alliance publishing co. [1914] 238 p. front. (port.) plates, maps. 19cm. $1.00 Aug. 5, 1914; 2c. Nov. 30, 1914; aff. Jan. 29, 1915; A 393535; Christian alliance pub. co. (15-3653) Poor's analyses. 1st series 511 New York Press of Poor's railroad manual co., 1915. [174] p. 28 x 22 cm. $5.00 "First published weekly" under title: Poor's manual service, weekly analysis (except 1st no., Mar. 12, 1914, which has title: Poor's bureau of information) Jan. 19, 1915; 2c. Feb. 2, 1915; aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391632; Poor's railroad manual co. (15-3468) Powys, John Cowper. 512 Visions and revisions; a book of literary devotions, by John Cowper Powys ... New York, G. A. Shaw; [etc., etc., 1915. 298 p., 1 1. 22cm $2.00 CONTENTS. - Rabelais. Dante. Shakespeare. El Greco.-Milton.Charles Lamb.-Dickens.-Goethe.-Matthew Arnold.-Shelley.-Keats.Nietzsche. Thomas Hardy.-Walter Pater.-Dostoievsky.-Edgar Allen 1!1 Poe.-Walt Whitman. Feb. 9, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 10, 1915; A 391664; G. Arnold Shaw. (15-3666) Reisner, Christian Fichthorne, 1872 513 The church as a social center, by Rev. Christian F. Reisner, D. D. Philadelphia, Boston [etc.] American Baptist publication society [1915] 26 p. 20cm. (On cover: Social service series) $0.10 Jan. 30, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391615; A. J. Rowland, scc., Philadelphia. (15-3469) Reque, Dikka, 1885 514 Notes and vocabulary for Boken om Norge. v. 1, by Dikka Reque and J. H. Hjelmstad Minneapolis, Minn., The Free church book concern, 1914. 67 p. 19cm. $0.25 Nov. 15, 1914; 2c. Jan. 9, 1915; aff. Jan. 8, 1915; A 391289; Free church book concern. (15-3441) 515 no. 10, March, 1915 521 Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869 Captain Craig; a book of poems, by Edwin Arlington Robinson. Rev. ed. with additional poems. New York, The Macmillan company, 1915. 4 p. 1, 182 p. 191cm. $1.25 Feb. 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 11, 1915; A 393602; F. A. Robinson, New York. Copyright is claimed on rev. and additional material, (15-3667) Rohrbach, Paul, 1869 516 German world policies (Der deutsche gedanke in der welt) by Paul Rohrbach; tr. by Dr. Edmund von Mach ... New York, The Macmillan company, 1915. xi, 243 p. 19m $1.25 CONTENTS.-Historical liens.-Obstructions from within.-External foundations of the national idea.-Strength and weakness.-Germany across the ocean. Our foreign policy.-Moral conquests. Feb. 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 11, 1915; A 393603; Macmillan co. (15-3460) Sheppard, Morris, 1875 517 Fraternal and other addresses, by Morris Sheppard... (2d ed.) Omaha, Neb., The Beacon press, 1914. 318 p. 221m $1.50 Dec. 31, 1914; 2c. and aff. Feb. 6, 1915; A 391676; M. Sheppard, Washington. Copyright is claimed on additional addresses] (15-3658) Soutar, Andrew. 518 Charity corner, by Andrew Soutar... with a frontispiece by A. C. Michael. London, New York [etc.] Cassell and company, ltd. [1915, vi p., 1 1, 325, 11 p. col. front. 19cm. 6/ lc. Feb. 11, 1915; A ad int. 2247; pubd. Jan. 14, 1915; G. W. Dillingham co., New York. (15-3644) Stevens, Edwin Augustus, 1858 519 On the necessity of the study of the problem of federal aid in highway work, by Edwin Augustus Stevens ... [Boston, The Everett press company, ©1914] 7, 11 p. illus., fold. map. 251cm At head of title: National highways association. Feb. 1, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 3, 1915; A 391578; National highways assn., Washington. (15-3661) Taggart, Marion Ames, 1866 520 The elder Miss Ainsborough, by Marion Ames Taggart. New York, Cincinnati [etc.] Benziger brothers, 1915. 237 p. incl. front. 19cm. $1.25 Feb. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 11, 1915; A 393598; Benziger bros. (15-3645) 521 522 pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Tarkington, Booth i. e. Newton Booth, 1869 ... illus The turmoil; a novel, by Booth Tarkington trated by C. E. Chambers. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1915. 4.p. 1., 348, 111 p. col. front.. plates. 19cm. $1.35 Feb. 11, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 15, 1915; A 391735; Harper & bros. (15-3643) Teresi, Matteo. 522 Love and health; the problem of better breeding for the human family, by Matteo Teresi. New York, The Shakespeare press, 1914. 104 p. 19cm $1.00 Oct. 6, 1914; 2c. and aff. Feb. 9, 1915; A 393577; M. Teresi, Rochester, N. Y. (15-3467) Utah. Supreme court. 523 Reports of cases decided... Harmel L. Pratt, reporter. v. 43. May, 1913, to January, 1914. Chicago, Callaghan and company, 1915. xx, 668 p. 231 cm. $6.00 Feb. 24, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 27, 1915; A 391913; Callaghan & co. Van Loan, Anna Fitz Gerald. 524 The power to right our wrongs; evidence from events that Christian principles are best aiding humanity, by Anna Fitz Gerald Van Loan. New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell company [1915] 231 p. 191cm. $1.00 Jan. 23, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 9, 1915; A 393576; Fleming H. Revell co. (15-3778) Williams, Edwin Ruthven, 1896– 525 A dramatic manual, by Edwin Williams ... Columbus, Q., Correspondence committee, 1915. Jan. 5, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 1, 1915; A 391541; E. R. Williams, jr., Columbus, O. (15-3440) Winchester repeating arms co. 526 Classification, with index, interdepartmental file of Winchester repeating arms co., New Haven, Conn.; an adaptation of the decimal system to the particular needs of this company. New Haven, The Ganser co., 1914] 243 p. pl. 25cm. Jan. 29, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 3, 1915; A 391575; Winchester repeating arms co., New Haven. (15-3651) Zehnder, Ludwig Albert, 1854 527 Der ewige kreislauf des weltalls, nach vorlesungen über physikalische weltanschauungen an der K. Technischen hochschule, Berlin, von prof. dr. Ludwig Zehnder. Mit 214 abbildungen und einer tafel. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg & sohn, 1914. .viii p., 1 1., 408 p. illus., fold. pl., diagrs: 24cm. Dec. 4, 1914; 1c. Feb. 9, 1915; A-Foreign 11633; Friedr. Vieweg & sohn. » (15-3764) 528 Anderson, Hans Steele, 1877 Food and cookery; hand book for teachers and pupils for use in cooking classes and demonstrations. 3d rev. ed. By H. S. Anderson ... Loma Linda, Cal., The College press, 1915. 3 p. 1. 17-127 p. charts. 171m. $0.35 Jan. 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391622; College press. (15-4110) Atherton, Mrs. Gertrude Franklin (Horn) 1857 520 Before the gringo came ("Rezánov" and "The doomswoman") by Gertrude Atherton. New York, Frederick A. Stokes company [1915] 5 p. 1.. 369 p. 194cm. $1.35 Jan. 29, 1915; 2c. Feb. 1, 1915; aff. Feb. 18, 1915; A 393670; G. Ather- Bailey, Liberty Hyde, 1858 530 Plant-breeding, by L. H. Bailey. New ed., rev. by Ar thur W. Gilbert... New York, The Macmillan company, 1915. xviii p., 1 1, 474 p. illus., diagrs. 191m. (Half-title: The. rural science series, ed. by L. H. Bailey) $2.00 "Plant-breeding books": p. 328-331. "List of periodicals containing breeding literature": p. 332-334. Bibliography: p. 335-393. Feb. 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 11, 1915; A 393605; Macmillan co. [Copyright is claimed on new and revised material, (15–3972) Bauer, Ludwig. 531 Von den schlachtfeldern in Galizien; kleine bilder aus dem grossen kriege, von Ludwig Bauer. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1914. 110. (2) p. 18m. "Ein teil dieser skizzen wurde zuerst in der Frankfurter zeitung, der 'Zeit und anderen zeitungen veröffentlicht." Dec. 31, 1914; 1c. Jan. 9, 1915; A-Foreign 11574; S. Hirzel. (15-3999) Beale, Joseph Henry, 1861 532 Cases on legal liability, by Joseph Henry Beale ... Cambridge, Harvard university press, 1915. xiii, 820 p. 25m $4.00 Jan. 18, 1915; 2c. Jan. 20, 1915; aff. Feb. 10, 1915; A 393596; J. H. Beale, Bible. N. T. English. 533 The greatest book ever written; the New Testament in its inspired literary form, authorized version, by the Rev. S. Townsend Weaver ... Washington, D. C., The University literature extension [1915] xxxiii, 692 p. 241cm $2.50 Feb. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 9, 1915; A 393589; S. Townsend Weaver, 534 1915, no. 11 89 |