Lapas attēli


pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Twilight sleep and how to induce it, as practised by Gauss and Kroenig, at Freiburg, Germany; including a series of master articles on painless labor, and how to prepare for it, explaining expert methods of preparing women during pregnancy for painless childbirth. Chicago, The American journal of clinical medicine [1915] 2 p. 1., 7-48 p. 23eni. $0.25

Bibliography: p. 22.

Jan. 23, 1915; 2c. Feb. 1, 1915; aff. Jan. 30, 1915; A 393480; Amer. journal of clinical medicine. (15-3248)

U. S. Circuit courts of appeals.


United States circuit courts of appeals reports, with annotations. v. 128. St. Paul, West publishing co., 1915.

xxiii, 710 p. 24cm. $2.85

Jan. 11, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391641; West pub. co. 473 Vandercook, Mrs. Margaret O'Bannon (Womack) 1876The camp fire girls in the outside world, by Margaret Vandercook ... Philadelphia, The John C. Winston co. [1914

262 p. incl. front., plates. 19cm $0.35

May 29, 1914; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391627; John C. Winston co. (15-3416)



The ranch girls in Europe, by Margaret Vandercook; illustrated by Mary Pemberton Ginther. Philadelphia, The John C. Winston company [1914]

248 p. front., plates. 19cm (Her The ranch girls series)


May 7, 1914; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391628; John C. Winston co. (15-3417)

Wah-Jung Moy.


The newest methods of solving equations of the nth degree. Canton, China, Bon-Ting Goch, 1909]

4 p. 1., 218, 3 p., 1 1. 27cm. $1.00

In Chinese.

Sept. 1, 1909; 1c. Jan. 20, 1915; A-Foreign 11597; Wah-Jung Moy, Washington.

Wisconsin. Supreme court.


Wisconsin reports, 158; cases determined... June 17November 17, 1914. Frederic K. Conover, official reporter. Chicago, Callaghan and company, 1915.

xxxii, 737 p. 231cm. $2.25

Feb. 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 18, 1915; A 393660; State of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.

Zimmerman, Williai Albert, 1863


Winter reveries, and other bits of verse, by W. A. Zimmerman Santa Ana, Cal., Worden printing company



2 p. 1., 7-67 p. 18cm. $0.75

Dec. 23, 1914; 2c. Jan. 25, 1915; aff. Jan. 23, 1915; A 393406; W. A. Zimmerman, Santa Ana, Cal. (15-3264)


no. 10, March, 1915

Baldwin, James Mark, 1861


Genetic theory of reality, being the outcome of genetic logic as issuing in the æsthetic theory of reality called pancalism, with an extended glossary of terms, by James Mark Baldwin ... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1915.

xvii, 335 p. 211cm


Jan. 15, 1915; 2c. Feb. 4, 1915; aff. Feb. 3, 1915; A 391580; J. M. Baldwin, % G. P. Putnam's sons. (15-3655)

Butler, George Frank, 1857


The travail of a soul, by George F. Butler. Chicago, Ralph Fletcher Seymour co. [1914]

4 p. 1, 171-79 p. incl. pl. 27cm


Dec. 24, 1914; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391658; G. F. Butler, Attica, Ind. (15-3668)

Carpenter, Rolla CHnton, 1852



Heating and ventilating buildings; a manual for heating engineers and architects, by Rolla C. Carpenter 6th ed., rev. and rewritten. Total issue, twelve thousand. New York, J. Wiley & sons, inc.; [etc., etc.] 1915.

xiv, 598 p. illus., tables, diagrs. 23cm $3.50

"Literature and references": p. 533-535.

Feb. 9, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 12, 1915; A 391705; R. C. Carpenter, Ithaca, N. Y. (15-3452)

Cheesman, Frank Page, 1864–


... The review of technical paints, by Frank P. Cheesman ... 9th ed. New York, Cheesman & Elliot [1915]

52 p. illus. 23cm.

Feb. 3, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 6, 1915; A 394693; F. P. Cheesman, New York. (15-3451)

Cobern, Camden McCormick, 1855


Recent explorations in the Holy Land and KadeshBarnea, the "lost oasis" of the Sinaitic Peninsula, by Camden M. Cobern ... Meadville, Pa., Pub. for the World's Bible conference by the Tribune publishing co. $1914

126 p.

front. (port.) plates. 191cm $1.00

Dec. 20, 1914: 2c. and aff. Feb. 10, 1915; À 391662; C. M. Cobern, Meadville, Pa. (15-3634)



The comprehensive standard dictionary of the English language; designed to give the orthography, pronunciation, meaning, and etymology of about 48,000 words and phrases in the speech and literature of the English-speaking peoples. 1,000 pictorial illustrations. Abridged from the Funk & Wagnails New standard dic tionary of the English language, by James C. Fernald ... New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls company, 1915.

viii. 712 p. illus. 191 cm.


Feb. 8. 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 10, 1915; A 391671; Funk & Wagnalls co. (15-3442)


1915, no. 10



pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

The Confessions of Frederick the Great, and the Life of Frederick the Great, by Heinrich von Treitschke, now for the first time tr. into English; ed., with a topical and historical introduction by Douglas Sladen, with a foreword by Geo. Haven Putnam. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1915.

xxv, 208 p. 191m $1.50

The Confessions are translated from Les matinées royales (Les matinées du roi de Prusse), a work of uncertain authorship which has been attributed to Voltaire and to others. cf. Barbier, Dict. des ouvrages anon., and Quérard. Superch. litt.

Feb. 1, 1915; 2c. Feb. 2, 1915; aff. Feb. 9, 1915; A 393585; G. P. Putnam's sons. (15-3635)

Corporation trust company.


The corporation trust company's 1913-1915 income tax service... [New York city, The Corporation trust company 1915.

393 p. incl. forms (part fold.) 251cm. $20.00

CONTENTS.-pt. I. The original law and all regulations, etc., up to and including December 31, 1914.-pt. II. Amendments to the law and all regulations, etc., passed and issued during the year 1915.

Feb. 2, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 5, 1915; A 391606; Corporation trust co. (15-3070)

Cranfill, James Britton, 1858


R. C. Buckner's life of faith and works, comprising the story of the career of the preacher, editor, presiding officer, philanthropist, and founder of Buckner orphans home, by J. B. Cranfill and J. L. Walker. Dallas, Tex., Buckner orphans home, 1915.

xxi, 359 p. incl. illus., plates, facsims. front., ports. 221cm. $1.50 Jan. 8, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 22, 1915; A 391447; Buckner orphans home. (15-3771)

Deitch, Guilford A.


Digest of insurance cases... v. 27, for the year ending October 31, 1914, by Guilford A. Deitch ... assisted by Frank G. West... Indianapolis, The Rough notes company, 1914.

xliii, 560 p. 234cm. $3.50

Feb. 16, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 23, 1915; A 391800; Rough notes co.

Fessenden, Charles Horace.


Valve gears, by Charles H. Fessenden ... 1st ed. New York etc. McGraw-Hill book company, inc., 1915. viii. 170 p. illus., diagrs. 23cm. $2.00

Feb. 5, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391610; McGraw-Hill book co., inc. (15-3453)

Forbush, William Byron, 1868


The boy problem in the home, by William Byron Forbush ... Boston, New York [etc.] The Pilgrim press [1915

xi, 287 p. 201cm. $1.00

"References" at end of each book.

Feb. 9, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb, 10, 1915; A 391663; W. B. Forbush, Philadelphia. (15-3660)


no. 10, March, 1915


Gibson, Axel Emil,

Destructive and constructive food mixtures by the author of "Prolonging life through diet" [etc.] [Los Angeles, Phillips printing company, 1914]

4 p. 1., 7-142 p. 23cm. $1.00

On cover: Dr. Axel Emil Gibson.


Jan. 1, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 2, 1915; A 393501; A. E. Gibson, Los Angeles. (15–3652)

Gordon, Joseph Gerald, 1888


Notes on water inspection, by Joseph G. Gordon ... New York, 1915.

cover-title, 34, 20 numb. 1. 27cm. $2.00

Jan. 18, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 20, 1915; A 391409; J. G. Gordon, New York. (15-3648)

Hall, Josiah Newhall, 1859


Borderline diseases; a study of medical diagnosis with especial reference to its surgical bearings, by J. N. Hall with one hundred and fifty illustrations in text and one plate... New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1915.

2 v. illus., col. pl. 24cm $12.00

Jan. 22, 1915; 2c. each and aff. Feb. 6, 1915; A 393534; D. Appleton & co. (15-3457)

Haworth, Paul Leland, 1876


America in ferment, by Paul Leland Haworth ... Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill company [1915]

5 p. l., 477 p. 19cm. (Lettered on cover: Problems of the nations) $1.50

Bibliography: p. 459-463.

Feb. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 10, 1915; A 391669; Bobbs-Merrill co. (15-3779)

Hayward, Frank Herbert.


The lesson in appreciation; an essay on the pedagogics of beauty, by Frank Herbert Hayward ... New York, The Macmillan company, 1915.

xv, 234 p. 19cm. (Half-title: The modern teacher's series, ed. by W. C. Bagley) $0.75

"Selected bibliography": p. 225-230.

Feb. 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 11, 1915; A 393601; Macmillan co. (15-3654)

Henrici, Lois Oldham.


Representative women; being a little gallery of pen portraits, by Lois Oldham Henrici; introduction by Ada M. Kassimer... Kansas City, Mo., The Crafters [1913] 7 p. 1., 119–150, 161 p. incl. mounted front., mounted ports. 20cm. $1.10

Nov. 17, 1913; 2c. Feb. 4, 1915; aff. Feb. 1, 1915; A 391603; L. O. Hen496 rici, Kansas City, Mo. (15-3633)


pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Hesse, Victor Nedelkovich.

Hoch Deutschland, Österreich-Ungarn, 1914; kurze schilderung der ursachen des krieges und der kriegsereignisse mit karten und abbildungen im texte, verfasst von Victor N. Hesse, zum wohl und besten der kriegsnotleidenden. 1. buch ... New York, The Immigrant dictionary publ'g co., 1915.

127 p. plates, ports., maps. 23. $0.50

Jan. 7, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 12, 1915; A 393229; V. N. Hesse, New York. (15-2490)

Hovestadt, Julius Frank.


Principles and technique of crowns and bridges, by J. F. Hovestadt... Boston, Mass., Ritter & Flebbe [1915] 231 p. illus. 23cm. $4.00

Feb. 3, 1915; 2c. Fcb. 3, 1915; aff. Feb. 10, 1915; A 391677; J. F. Hovestadt, Boston. (15-3456)


Illinois workmen's compensation act and decisions of the Industrial board, with references to Negligence and compensation cases annotated; J. B. Vaughan, chairman... Chicago, Callaghan and company, 1915. 1 p. 1, p. 1135-1192. 25cm

Running title: 6 Negligence and compensation cases annotated. Illinois appendix.

Jan. 30, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 4, 1915; A 393522; Callaghan & co. (15-3069)

Kaull, Lavinia Hendey.


Physical education complete for schools and playgrounds, by Lavinia Hendey Kaull ... [Sacramento, News publishing company, 1915]

272 p. incl. front., illus. 24cm. $2.00

Contains music.

Bibliography: p. 272.

Jan. 28, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 5, 1915; A 391595; L. H. Kaull, Sacramento, Cal. (15-3413)

Kentucky. Laws, statutes, etc.


Supplement to 1909 Kentucky statutes, being a compilation of all the acts of the General assembly of Kentucky of 1910, 1912, and 1914 ... comp. under the supervision of W. W. Thum ... Cincinnati, The W. H. Anderson company, 1915.

3 p. 1., 1336 p. 26cm. $5.00

Feb. 18, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 20, 1915; A 393711; W. H. Anderson co.


The lawyers reports annotated. 1915 A, being vol. 53 L. R. A. (N. S.) Burdett A. Rich, Henry P. Farnham, editors. To be cited L. R. A. 1915 A. Rochester, N. Y., The Lawyers co-operative publishing company, 1915. vii, 1287 p. 25cm. $4.00

Feb. 25, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 27, 1915; A 391920; Lawyers co-operative pub. co.


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