no. 90, September, 1915 Prosser, Charles Allen, 1871 4339 A study of the Boston mechanic arts high school; being a report to the Boston school committee, by C. A. Prosser New York city, Teachers college, Columbia university, 1915. 134 p. 23cm. (Teachers college, Columbia university. Contributions to education, no. 74) $1.25 Published also as thesis (PH.D.) Columbia university, 1915. June 3, 1915; 2c. and. aff. Aug. 19, 1915; A 410129; C. A. Prosser, Minneapolis. (15-17051) Putnam, George Ellsworth, 1887 ... 4334 Practice problems in economics for the use of elementary students, by George E. Putnam [Lawrence Press of the Department of journalism, University of Kansas [1915] 6 p., 7-81 numb. 1. 25cm. $0.50 Aug. 3, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 9, 1915; A 411011; G. E. Putnam, Lawrence, Kan. (15-16885) Rodman, Walter Clarke. 4335 Twilight, and other verse, by Walter Clarke Rodman. Philadelphia, Printed for private circulation by J. B. Lippincott company, 1915. 59 p. 181cm July 3, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 20, 1915; A 411151; W. C. Rodman, Philadelphia. (15-17066) Rosenfeld, Isidor, 1881 4336 The practical sketcher; a complete and practical method of sketching, for women's, misses', junior's, children's and infant's garments. Specially designed for self-instruction, by Prof. I. Rosenfeld. New York, The Leading pattern co., 1915. 100 p. incl. illus., port., diagrs. 23cm. $3.00 Aug. 9, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 11, 1915; A 411032; I. Rosenfeld, New York. (15-17055) Seeliger, Ewald Gerhard Hartmann, 1877 4337 Das deutsche Dekameron; die hundert novellen des Ewald Gerhard Seeliger mann, 1915. 267 р. 20cm. ... bd. 1. Leipzig, L. Staack May 13, 1915; 1c. July 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12636; L. Staackmann. (15-17071) Sharp, Benjamin, 1858 4338 A captain of the vanished fleet, by Benjamin Sharp. Boston, New York [etc.] The Pilgrim press [1915] 40 р. 19cm. $0.50 "Published first in the 'Atlantic monthly' of August, 1907." July 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 9, 1915; A 406634; Virginia Sharp, Brook line, Mass. (15-16898) 4339 4340 Skinner, Eleanor L. Merry tales, by Eleanor L. Skinner Skinner New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book ... company [1915] 232 p. incl. col. front., illus., col. plates. 20cm. "Intended as a supplementary reader for children in the third or fourth year of school."-Pref. Reprinted in part from various sources. Aug. 16, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 24, 1915; A 410204; E. L. Skinner, Columbus, O., and Ada M. Skinner, New York. (15-16897) Smith, Elva Sophronia, 1871 comp. 4340 Christmas in legend and story; a book for boys and girls, comp. by Elva S. Smith ... and Alice I. Hazeltine illustrated from famous paintings. Boston, Lothrop, ... Lee & Shepard co. [1915] xv, 283 p. front., plates. 20cm. $1.50 July 30, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 5, 1915; A 401973; Lothrop, Lee & Shepard co. (15-16883) Tait, Asa Oscar. 4341 Heralds of the morning; the meaning of the social and political problems of to-day and the significance of the great phenomena in nature by Asa Oscar Tait. Mountain View, Cal., Kansas City, Mo. [etc.] Pacific press publishing association, 1915. ... viii, 9-398 p. incl. front, illus. 22cm. $2.00 Aug. 11, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 21, 1915; A 410199; Pacific press pub. assn. (15-17046) Theilkuhl, Gustav] 4342 Gelograph; true to scale printing process reproduces mechanically tracings from tracings, and black line prints on any paper, linen, or cardboard, and especially adaptable for architects, civil engineers, draftsmen, and builders [Washington, D. C., F. E. Sheiry, printer] 1915. ... 6 p. 23cm. July 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 13, 1915; A 401756; G. Theilkuhl, Washington. (15-17053) Troubetzkoy, Amélie (Rives) Chanler, 1863 4343 Shadows of flames; a novel, by Amélie Rives (Princess Troubetzkoy) with frontispiece in color by Alfred James Dewey. New York, Frederick A. Stokes company [1915] ... 4 р. 1., 590 р. col. front. 19cm. $1.35 Aug. 16, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 18, 1915; A 411119; A. Troubetzkoy, New York. (15-16588) Walker, Thomas Hamilton B 1873 4344 J. Johnson; or, "The unknown man"; an answer to Mr. Thos. Dixon's "Sins of the fathers." By Thos. H. B. Walker De Land, Fla., The E. O. Painter printing co. [1915] ... 3 р. 1., 192 p. front., plates. 19cm. $1.00 : July 19, 1915; 2c. Aug. 14, 1915; aff. Aug. 13, 1915; A 411057; Т. Н. В. Walker, Jacksonville, Fla. (15-16777) 4345 no. 91, September, 1915 Adams, Frank Ramsay, 1883 4351 Five Fridays, by Frank R. Adams; illustrated by Frank Godwin. Boston, Small, Maynard & company [1915] 7 р. 1., 3-339 р. front., plates (1 double) 19. $1.25 June 19, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 24, 1915; A 410209; Small, Maynard & co., inc. (15-17133) ... 4346 American bankruptcy reports annotated reporting the bankruptcy decisions and opinions in the United States of the federal courts, state courts and referees in bankruptcy, ed. by Austin B. Griffin v. 34. Albany, N. Y., M. Bender & company, inc., 1915. xxxii, 986 p. 24cm. $5.00 Sept. 7, 1915; 2c. and aff. Sept. 8, 1915; A 410353; Matthew Bender & co., inc. Bamberg, A. Hubert. 4347 Popular sermons on the catechism, from the German of Rev. A. Hubert Bamberg, ed. by Rev. Herbert Thurston, s. J. v. 3. The sacraments. New York, Cincinnati [etc.] Benziger brothers, 1915. 450 р. 21cm $1.50 Sept. 9, 1915; 2c. Sept. 10, 1915; aff. Sept. 11, 1915; A 411444; Benziger bros. Booth, Walter Sherman, 1827 4348 The village manual for the state of Minnesota; a complete guide for village officers in their various duties under the revised laws, 1905, and general laws, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1915 and general statutes, 1913. By Walter S. Booth ... W. S. Booth & son, 1915. 310 p. 191cm. $1.00 6th ed. Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 4, 1915; 2c. Aug. 7, 1915; aff. Aug. 16, 1915; A 411059; W. S. Booth, Minneapolis. (15-17124) 4349 Les auteurs latins du programme (classes de 2me ABC et de 1o А В С) ... 2 v. illus. (incl. maps, plans) 18cm. par H. Bornecque [e. a.] ... At head of title: Collection publiée sous la direction de H. Bornecque. CONTENTS.-I. Prose, par H. Bornecque, L. François, Wormser et Courgey.-II. Poésie, sauf l'Énéide, par H. Bornecque, Enoch, Troufleau et Barot. t.1 May 20, 1915; 1c. June 22, 1915; t. 2 June 23, 1915; 1c. July 20, 1915; A-Foreign 12543, 12596; Librairie Delagrave. (15-17137) Bruhn, Chr., ed. 4350, 4351 Die gegenwärtigen behandlungswege der kieferschussverletzungen; ergebnisse aus dem Düsseldorfer lazarett 4352 pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Bruhn, Chr.--Continued für kieferverletzte (Kgl. reservelazarett). Unter ständiger mitwirkung von Friedrich Hauptmeyer Max Kühl dr. med. August Lindemann ... hft. 1 ... ... hrsg. von prof. Chr. Bruhn iv p., 2 1., 62 p. illus. 26m. Μ. 4 May 15, 1915; 1c. July 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12685; J. F. Bergmann. (15-17128) Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1915. Burns, William John, 1861 4352 The crevice, by William J. Burns and Isabel Ostrander; illustrations by Will Grefé. New York, W. J. Watt & company [1915] 2 p. 1., 315 р. front., double plates. 194cm. $1.35 Aug. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 9, 1915; A 411003; W. J. Watt & co. (15-17132) Chełchowski, Telesfor, 1883 ... 4353 Śpiewnik polsko-amerykański zawierający pieśni dla robotników osnute na tle stosunków tutejszych. Stevens Point, Wis., Drukiem Brachi Worzałłów, 1915. 58 p. 19cm. $0.25 Feb. 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 25, 1915; A 391891; J. Worzalla's sons, Stevens Point, Wis. (15-16405) Crockett, Daniel W. 4354 A digest of all the decisions of the Supreme court and the Criminal court of appeals reported in the Oklahoma reports ... being vol. 2 of the Oklahoma cumulative digest ... ... Prepared and ed. by Daniel W. Crockett apolis, Ind., The Bobbs-Merrill company [1915] viii p.. 1896 numb, cols. 26. $7.50 Indian Mar. 2, 1914; 2c. Sept. 10, 1915; aff. Sept. 9, 1915; A 410370; BobbsMerrill co. 4355 July 6, 1915; 2c. Sept. 10, 1915; aff. Sept. 9, 1915; A 410362; Bobbs Merrill co. 4356 Dodrill, William Christian, 1861 Moccasin tracks, and other imprints, by William Christian Dodrill ("Rattlesnake Bill") [Charleston, W. Va., Lovett printing co., 1915] 298 p. incl. port. 20cm. $2.00 A collection of miscellaneous sketches, many of them relating to the pioneer history of Webster County, West Virginia. Aug. 14, 1915; 2c. Aug. 16, 1915; aff. Aug. 23, 1915; A 411193; W. C. Dodrill, Webster Springs, W. Va. (15-17145) 4357 no. 91, September, 1915 Eberhart, Noble Murray, 1870 4363 A working manual of high frequency currents, by Noble 3d ed.; rev. and enl. Chicago, New medi M. Eberhart ... cine publishing co. [1915] 1 p. l., vii-xi, 12-324 p. incl. illus., plates. port. 20cm. $2.50 Aug. 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 12, 1915; A 410085; N. M. Eberhart, Chicago. (15-17129) Edwards, Richard Henry, 1877 ... ... ... 4358 ... A life at its best by Richard Henry Edwards and Ethel Cutler written under the direction of Subcommittee on college courses, Sunday school council of evangelical denominations and Committee on voluntary study, Council of North American student movements. New York [etc.] Association press, 1915. v, 145 p. 17cm. (College voluntary study courses, second year-pt. 1) $0.50 Bibliography: p. 145. Aug. 11, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 17, 1915; A 410123; International committee of V. M. C. A., New York. (15-17119) Ewbank, Louis B., ed. 4359 The Indiana digest, a digest of the decisions of the courts of Indiana ed. by Louis B. Ewbank. vols. 6-8 combined, 1911, 1912, 1913. Indianapolis, The BobbsMerrill company, 1914. [2] p., 1864 numb. cols. 261cm. $7.50 Mar. 10, 1914; 2c. Sept. 10, 1915; aff. Sept. 9, 1915; A 410363; Bobbs Merrill co. Flake, William H. 4360 From crime to Christ; the life story of W. H. Flake told by himself... Binghamton, Business-art-print, 1915. July 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 29, 1915; A 401910; W. H. Flake, Binghamton, N. Y. (15-16763) Gannett, William, ed. 4361 The little child at the breakfast table. At the breakfast table; Days and seasons; Little prayers for morning, bed-time, and household thanksgivings, arranged by William and Mary Gannett. Boston, The Beacon press [1915] vi, 81 p. 17cm. $0.50 July 2, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 7, 1915; A 410023; Beacon press, inc. (15-17121) Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. 4362 Goethe and Schiller's Xenions, selected and tr. by Paul Carus. 2d ed. Chicago [etc.] The Open court publishing co., 1915. 3 p. 1., v-ix, 179 p. front. (ports.) 16cm. $1.00 Aug. 4, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 12, 1915; A 410047; Open court pub. co. (15-16901) *4363 |