409 pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Mountford, Mrs. Lydia Mary Olive (Mamreoff Von Finkelstein) 1855 The King of the shepherds and His psalm, lecture by Lydia M. Von Finkelstein Mountford, stenographically reported. Cincinnati, O., Printed for the author by the Abingdon press [1914] 195 p. incl. front. (port.) plates. pl. 19. $1.25 Sept. 16, 1914; 2c. and aff. Nov. 9, 1914; A 391486; L. M. V. Mountford, Washington. (15-2506) Münsterberg, Margarete Anna Adelheid, 1889 409 ... Red poppies; a novel, by Margarete Münsterberg New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1915. 4 p. 1., 336, [1] p. 191. $1.25 Jan. 22, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 6, 1915; A 393539; D. Appleton & co. (15-2846) Murray, Charles Henry, 1863 410 A drugless treatment for partial deafness and deafness, osteopathic, somapathic, naturopathic, chiropractic, mechano-therapic, by Chas. H. Murray and M. S. Murray Elgin, Ill. [The Murray publishers, 1915] 40 p. illus. 20cm. $10.00 ... Jan. 12, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 25, 1915; A 391451; C. H. Murray, Elgin, Ill. (15-3246) Ostertag, Robert, 1864– 411 Guide for meat inspectors, by Dr. Robert Ostertag; with 159 illustrations; authorized translation, with numerous additions and alterations, by Earley Vernon WilCOX ... New York, William R. Jenkins company [1915] 4 p. 1., 258 p. illus. 24cm. $2.50 About eighty pages relating to German laws, regulations and diseases which do not occur in the United States have been replaced with American laws, regulations, educational requirements for inspectors, and matter relating to diseases not discussed by Ostertag. cf. Translator's pref. Jan. 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 18, 1915; A 391391; William R. Jenkins co. (15-2497) Porter, Eleanor Louise, comp. 412 Historical sketches of Bridgewater, Oneida County, New York; with papers and anecdotes relating to pioneers and events, comp. and pub. by Eleanor Louise Porter ... Oxford, N. Y., The Oxford times print, 1914. 115, 11 p. plates, groups of ports. 23cm $2.00 Jan. 28, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 2, 1915; A 393506; E. L. Porter, Oxford, N. Y. (15-3046) [Powell, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Greif), 1870– 413 Sweets for the sweet; home candy making. [Cleveland, Printed by the Publishing house of the Evangelical association, 1914] 2 p. 1., 3-64 p., 1 1. 161cm. $0.25 Oct. 30, 1914; 2c. and aff. Jan. 16, 1915; A 393306; F. G. Powell, Lakewood, O. (15–3004) 414 no. 8, February, 1915 Rørdam, Valdemar, 1872 ... 419 Kampen mod bàl; et bibelsk drama. Kjøbenhavn og Kristiania, Gyldendal, Nordisk forlag, 1914. 175 p. 21cm. Dec. 2, 1914; 1c. Dec. 28, 1914; D 39212; V. Rördam, % Gyldendalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag. (15-2782) Rose, John Carter, 1861 414* An elementary treatise on the jurisdiction and procedure of the federal courts, by John C. Rose... Baltimore, King brothers, 1915. xxx, 406 p. 24cm. $3.50 Jan. 20, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 5, 1915; A 391592; J. C. Rose, Baltimore. (15-3433) Rowe, David MacClement. 415 Twentieth century Christianity; the wheat and tares, by David MacClement Rowe... Dayton, O., Press of United Brethren publishing company [1914] 150 p. 191cm. $1.00 "Appeared in the Dayton journal during the period from February seventeenth to July fourteenth, 1914." Dec. 30, 1914; 2c. and aff. Jan. 2, 1915; A 393060; D. M. Rowe, Dayton, O. (15-1653) Schön, Marie. 416 Vergleichs-arbeit über die gesamt-ausgaben (18751912) von "Wissenschaft und gesundheit mit schlüssel zur Heiligen Schrift" von Mary Baker G. Eddy. (Textunterlage: original-ausg. 1891.) Bearb. und hrsg. von Marie Schön. Berlin, Deutscher verlag der christlichen wissenschaft, 1914. xi, 122 p. 211cm. M. 2 Cover-title: Aufschlüsse über das lehrbuch der christlichen wissenschaft 1. bis 5. tausend. Nov. 5, 1914; 1c. Jan. 2, 1915; A-Foreign 11540; M. Schön, Berlin. (15-3408) Simons, Sarah Emma, 1867- comp. 417 American literature through illustrative readings, by Sarah E. Simons ... New York, Chicago [etc.] C. Scribner's sons [1915] xvi p., 1 1, 463 p. 20cm. $1.12 Contains bibliographies. Jan. 30, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 6, 1915; A 391634; Charles Scribner's sons. (15-2913) Smith, Albion Eli. 418 Self-mastery of men and nations, by Albion Eli Smith Cincinnati, O., Printed for the author by the Metho dist book concern [1914] 250 p. diagr. 191 cm $1.00 Jan. 29, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391657; A. E. Smith, Washington. (15-3407) 419 420 Sophomore, A., pseud. pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Bridging the great divide between the physical and the spiritual worlds, by A. Sophomore M. A. Donohue and co., 1914. 1st ed. Chicago, $1.00 4 p. 1, 11-262 p. 18. (Great divide series, vol 1) Dec. 10, 1914; 2c Jan 8, 1915; aff Jan 7, 1915; A 393196; Charles Crane, Chicago. (15-2776) Stephens, Walter. 420 The pilgrim's progress; a sacred drama in four acts, adapted from John Bunyan's immortal allegory, by Walter Stephens. London, F. Griffiths (1914) 78 p. 19. Jan. 8, 1914; lc. Apr. 10, 1914; D) 36098; Francis Grafths, (15-3057) Taylor, Henry Osborn, 1856 420* Deliverance, the freeing of the spirit in the ancient world, by Henry Osborn Taylor ... New York, The Mac-. millan company, 1915. vii, 294 p. 19. $1.25 CONTENTS -Chaldæa and Egypt -China: duty and detachment -The Indian annihilation of individual athushta. The prophets of Israel. The heroic adjustment in Greek poetry-Greek philosophers→ Intermediaries.-Jesus.-Parl.-Augustine-The arrows are beyond thee Feb. 3, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb 4, 1915; A 303515; Maem llan co. (15-3039) Téramond, Edmond Gautier, called Guy de, 1869 421 The mystery of Lucien Delorme, by Guy de Téramond; tr. by Mary J. Safford, llustrated by J. Henry. New York and London, D. Appi, ton and company, 1915. v, 11: p.. 2 1., 3-313, 1; p. front., plates, 191m $1.25 Thoburn, Helen, 1885 422 Christian citizenship for gels, by Helen Thoburn New York, National board of the Young womens Christian associations of the United States of America (1914. 130 p.. 1 1. 191m $0.25 Dec. 7, 1914; 2c. Dec. 26. 1914: aff Jan 19, 1915; A 391464; Na'l board of the Y. W. C. A. of the U. S. A. (15-2773) Thoroman, Albert Morton, 1873- ed. 423 Topeka, The Classics for the Kansas schools, eighth grade, ed. by A, M. Thoroman ... and H. W. Davis ... State of Kansas state printing plant, 1915. iv, 380 p. 19cm. $0.20 Jan. 18, 1915; 2c. Jan. 22, 1915; aff. Jan 21, 1915; A 39144); State of Kansas. (15-3055) 424 no. 9, March, 1915 Alabama. Supreme court. 431 Report of cases argued and determined... during the November term, 1912-13. By Lawrence H. Lee, Supreme cou reporter. v. 182, 185. Montgomery, Ala., Brown printing company, 1914, 1915. 2 y. 23cm. $2.00 v. 182 Dec. 18, 1914; v. 183 Feb. 9; 1915; 2c. each and aff. Feb. 19, 1915; A 391787, 391788; Charles Henderson, 'gov. of Alabama, Montgomery, Ala. Antelotti, Frank Jay, 1859 425, 426 The instantaneous speller; the spelling-words in common use so arranged that the word desired can be found at a glance... containing also the useful synonyms, words of similar pronunciation, and foreign words and phrases Norfolk, Va., Instantaneous speller co., inc., 1915. 1 p. l., 31 p. 27cm $1.00 Jan. 27, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 30, 1915; A 393462; F. J. Antelotti, Norfolk, Va. (15-3265) Architectural league of New York. Year book 427 and catalogue of the 30th annual exhibition, Galleries of the icon fine arts society ... from February 7 to February 27, inclusive, 1915. [New York, Printed by the Kalkhoff company, 1915] [138], 213-280 p. front., illus., plates, diagrs. 33cm. $1.00 Feb. 5, 1915; 2c. Feb. 10, 1915afi b. 9, 1915; A 393591; Architectural league of New York. 428 The Atlantic reporter, with key-number annotations. v. 91. Permanent ed. ... August 6-November 12, 1914. St. Paul, West publishing Co., 1915. xiv, 1177 p. 261cm. (National reporter system-State series) $4.00 Jan. 13, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, .1915; A 391639; West pub. co. 429 Popular sermons on the catechism, from the German of Rev. A. Hubert Bamberg, ed. by Rev. Herbert Thurston, . S. J. v. 2. The commandments. New York, Cincinnati etc. Benziger brothers, 1915. 470 p. 20cm $1.50. -Jan. 27, 1915; 2c. Jan. 30, 1915; aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391633; Benziger bros. . Benedict, A L 1865 430 Common forms of indigestion; how to diagnose and treat them successfully, by A. L. Benedict ... Chicago, The American journal of clinical medicine [1915] 2 p. 1-7-32 p. 23cm. $0.25 Jan. 23, 1915; 2c. Feb. 1, 1915; aff. Jan. 30, 1915; A 393481; Amer. journal of clinical medicine. (15-3247) 1431 1915, no. 9 73 432 pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 [Booth, Charles Edwin, 1849 Starting and lighting of automobiles; a practical treatise on self starters, wiring and lighting and the storage battery. Including matter relating to electricity, dynamos and motors, electric vehicles, mercury arc rectifiers, electric vaporizers, Vulcan electric gear shift, etc. By Gideon Harris (pseud.] and associates. New York] T. Audel & co. [1915] 3 p. 1., 86 p. front., illus., diagrs. 171cm. $0.50 Jan. 7. 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 4, 1915; A 393509; Theo. Audel & co. (15-3240) Calumet baking powder company, Chicago. 432 Modern mixes for bakers ... Chicago, Calumet baking powder company [1914] 59, 151 p. 23 x 13cm. $2.00 Dec. 28, 1914; 2c. Jan. 4, 1915; aff. Jan. 13, 1915; A 393243; Calumet baking powder co. (15-2756) Collins, Dennis. 433 The Indians' last fight; or, The Dull Knife raid, by Dennis Collins. [Girard, Kan., Press of the Appeal to reason, 1915] 1 p. 1., 151-326 p. front., plates, ports. 231cm. $1.50 Jan. 8, 1915; 2c. Jan. 18, 1915; aff. Feb. 1, 1915; A 393494; D. Collins, (15-3426) [Cutter, John Milton, ed. 434 Cutter's official guide to Hot Springs, Arkansas. Hot Springs? C. Cutter & son, 1915. cover-title, 64 p. illus. 14 x 22cm. $0.25 59th ed., 936,000. Ed. and comp. by J. M. Cutter. Jan. 30, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 5, 1915; A 391602; J. M. Cutter, Hot Daniel, James Walter, 1856 435 The bottom rail, by James Walter Daniel. Boston, The Roxburgh publishing company incorporated [1915] x, 239 p. front., plates. 20cm. $1.50 Jan. 30, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 9, 1915; A 393588; J. W. Daniel, Charleston, S. C. (15-3419) Davis, Edward Douglas. 436 Coal value tables no. 2, by E. D. Davis ... Minneapolis, Minn., E. D. Davis [1915] vi, 156, p. 191cm $1.00 Jan. 21, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 29, 1915; A 391510; E. D. Davis, Minneapolis. [Drigalski, Frau Liesbet (Dill) von 1877 437 Der tag in Nancy; erzählungen von Liesbet Dill. Stuttgart und Berlin, Deutsche verlags-anstalt, 1915. 395 p. 191m M. 4 Dec. 9, 1914; 1c. Jan. 9, 1915; A-Foreign 11568; Deutsche verlagsanstalt. (15-2296) 438 |