Lapas attēli


The Storytellers' magazine.

pt. 1, n. 8., v. 12

The storytellers; six months with the Storytellers' magazine; with numerous illustrations. New York, The Storytellers company, 1915.

xi, 11, 370 p. incl. front., illus. 23cm. $1.60

June 24, 1915; 2c. July 6, 1915; aff. July 2, 1915; A 401674; Henry D. Newson, New York. (15-15700)

Theilkuhl, Gustav]


Blue printing; blue print, blue line printing, and the latest reproducing processes of plans and drawings ... [Washington, D. C., F. E. Sheiry, printer, 1915.

7 p. 231cm.

July 12, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 13, 1915;.A 401757; G. Theilkuhl, Washington. (15-15812)

Voss, Richard, 1851


Der heilige hass; exotischer roman, von Richard Voss. Berlin [etc.] Ullstein &

Co., 1915.

2 p. 1., 7-421, [1] p. 19cm. M. 3

June 9, 1915; 1c. July 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12642; Ullstein & co. (15-15772)

Wertheimer, Paul, 1874–


Der brand der leidenschaften; novellen, von Paul Wertheimer. Wien und Leipzig, Deutsch-österreichischer

verlag, 1914.

4 p. 1., 3-242 p., 1 l. 17.

CONTENTS.-Der brand der leidenschaften.-Nach_dem ball.--Vergewaltigt. Der abschiedsbrief.-Die keusche Susanne.-Der tausender.-Der geschworne.

July 7, 1914; 1c. June 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12501; Deutsch-oesterreichischer verlag, g. m. b. h. (15-15769)

Wiggers, Carl John, 1883


Modern aspects of the circulation in health and disease, by Carl J. Wiggers ... illustrated with 104 engravings. Philadelphia and New York, Lea & Febiger, 1915.

x, [17-376 p. illus., diagrs. 241cm. $3.75

Bibliography at end of each chapter.

July 8, 1915; 2c. July 9, 1915; aff. July 15, 1915; A 401796; Lea & Febi-t ger. (15-15447)


Wiggin, Kate Douglas (Smith) "Mrs. G. C. Riggs," 1857

Penelope's postscripts; Switzerland: Venice: Wales: Devon: home, by Kate Douglas Wiggin. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1915.

3 p. 1., 3–216, [2] p. front. 191 cm. $1.00

Aug. 7, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 9, 1915; A 401995; Kate Douglas Riggs, New York. (15-16008)


no. 84, September, 1915

Abelson, Paul, 1878?



English-Yiddish encyclopedic dictionary; a complete. lexicon and work of reference in all departments of knowledge. Prepared under the editorship of Paul Abelson... New York, Jewish press publishing co., 1915. xviii p., 1 l., 1749, vi p. 11 pl. (7 double, 10 col.) 27 x 20cm. Added t.-p. in Yiddish:


ענגליש־אידישעס ענציקלאָפערישעס ווערטערבוך; אַ פאָלשטענדיגע און גענויע איבערזעצונג פון אַלע געברויכליכע ענגלישע ווערטער און פראָזען און אַן ענציקלאָפּעריע פון וויסענשאפטליכע און טעכנישע אויסדריקע. רעדאגירט פון דר.

פאול אייבעלסאָן. ניו יארק, דזשואיש פרעס פּאָבלישינג קאָ., 1915.

© Apr. 5, 1915; 2c. and aff. Apr. 9, 1915; A 397485; Jewish press pub. co. (15-16016)

Academy of political science, New York.


The government of the city of New York. New York, The Academy of political science, Columbia university, 1915.



vol. v, no. 3)

iv, 263 p. 241cm. (Its Proceedings CONTENTS. The office of mayor, by J. P. Mitchel.-Public health and sanitation, by SS. Goldwater.-Police administration, by A. Woods.Fire administration, by R. Adamson. Charities and correction, by Katharine B. Davis and J. A. Kingsbury.-Education, by T. W. Churchill.— Parks and recreation, by C. Ward and C. W. Crampton.-Financial administration, budget and tax rate, by W. A. Prendergast.-The register of New York County, by J. J. Hopper.-Highways, street cleaning and public works, by D. Mathewson.-The administrative organization of the courts, by W. McAdoo.-The city charter, by G. McAneny.-Transportation, port and terminal facilities, by J. P. Mitchel.-Proceedings of the conferences. May 14, 1915; 2c. July 21, 1915; B 337697; Academy of political science in the city of New York. (15-15673)

Arthur, William Reed, 1876


A manual of the law of roads and highways in the state of Kansas, with forms and record entries. 14th ed. By Wm. R. Arthur ... Topeka, Kan., Crane & company, 1915.

140 p. 221cm $0.50

July 13. 1915; 2c. July 16, 1915; aff. July 15, 1915; A 401798; Crane & co. (15-15983)


... The Atlantic reporter, with key-number annotations. v. 93. Permanent ed. ... March 18-June 3, 1915. St. Paul, West publishing co., 1915.

xvii, 1180 p. 264cm. (National reporter system--State series) $4.00 July 26, 1915; 2c. Aug. 12, 1915; aff. Aug. 11, 1915; A 410062; West pub.


Bartsch, Rudolf Hans, 1873–


Der flieger; ein roman aus dem Serbenkrieg, von Rudolf Hans Bartsch. Berlin und Wien, Ullstein & co. 1915

2 p. 1., 7-251, [1] p. 16cm. (Added t.-p.: Ullstein-bücher; eine sammlung zeitgenössischer romane) M. 1

May 26, 1915; 1c. July 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12633; Ullstein & co. (15-15958)


1915, no. 84



pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah, 1862

What is back of the war, by Albert J. Beveridge ... Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill company [1915]

5 p. 1., 430 p. front., plates. 21cm. $2.00

"The chapters of this book are chiefly made up of articles that in condensed form appeared in Collier's weekly, the American Review of reviews and the Saturday evening post."

Aug. 3. 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 6, 1915; A 410002; Bobbs-Merrill co. (15-15862)

Bible. N. T. John. English.


John's Gospel, the greatest book in the world; suggestions for the study of the Gospel by individuals and in groups, by Robert E. Speer. New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell company [1915]

208 p. 17cm


© May 15, 1915; 2c .and aff. July 3, 1915; A 406565; Fleming H. Revell co. (15-15931)

Bible. N. T. Pastoral epistles. German.


... Die pastoralbriefe. Verdeutscht und ausgelegt von Franz Koehler ... 1.-5. tausend ... Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck) 1914.

1 p. 1, 5-48 p. 20cm. (Religionsgeschichtliche volksbücher für die deutsche christliche gegenwart. VI. reihe... 3. hft.) M. 0.50

At head of title: Praktische Bibelerklärung, 3.

June 11, 1914; 1c. Mar. 2, 1915; A-Foreign 12069; J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) (15–15806)

Bleneau, Adele.


The nurse's story, in which reality meets romance, by Adele Bleneau; illustrated by M. Leone Bracker. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill company [1915]

5 p. I., 260 p. front., plates. 191m. $1.25

July 30, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 2, 1915; A 406950; Bobbs-Merrill co. (15-15950)

Bodman, Emanuel, freiherr von, 1874


Das hohe seil: novellen von Emanuel von Bodman. 1. bis 3. tausend. Leipzig, L. Staackmann, 1915.

284 p. 19cm M. 3.50

CONTENTS. Das hohe seil.-Der pfarrer von Bernrain.-Der berg.Jakob Schläpfle.-Die wachspuppe.-Der neue mensch.-Der riese Lukas.— Herr Naef und sein hund.-Das karussell.-Georg Candrian. Der beichtvater. Fasching.-Der metzger von Strassburg. Die sergeantin.

May 20, 1915; 1c. July 22, 1915; A--Foreign 12638; L. Staackmann. (15-15956)

Brewster, Alfred Irving.


The principles of mill and factory inspection for fire insurance purposes, with notes on the hydraulics of automatic sprinkler protection, by A. Irving Brewster ... Richmond Hill, N. Y., A. I. Brewster [1915]

92 p. illus. 151cm. (On cover: The Brewster handbooks) $1.00 July 16, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 17, 1915; A 401808; A. I. Brewster, Richmond Hill, N. Y. (15-15982) 4030

no. 84, September, 1915

Brown, Marian Katherine.


Power; a pageant of the inner life for children ... [by] Marian Katherine Brown... Boston, The Berkeley press [1915]

[11] p. 20cm.

June 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 6, 1915; A 406700; Berkeley press. (15-16003)

Carson, George Edward St. Lawrence.



Plane geometry, by G. St. L. Carson and David Eugene Smith... London, Boston [etc.] Ginn and company [1915]

482 p. diagrs. 194cm. $1.10

Apr. 7, 1915; 2c. and aff. May 6, 1915; A 397894; Ginn & co. 4031

Same. pt. 2. London, Boston, Ginn and company [1915]

vi, 259-482 p. diagrs. 191 cm. $0.80

May 20, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 21, 1915; A 397893; Ginn & co. 4032

Case, Carleton Britton, 1857- comp.

Children's select recitations and dialogues for scholars of all ages, some to recite, some to read, some to act, by Carleton B. Case. New York, Shrewesbury publishing co. [1915]

156 p. 181cm.

July 21, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 26, 1915; A 406855; Shrewesbury pub. co. (15-16004)

Crawley, John Thomas, 1887


Compiled rules of practice for the government of the Circuit and Supreme courts of Florida, annotated, by John T. Crawley... [Jacksonville, Fla., Kennedy-BrownHall co., 1915.

1 p. l., xv, 167 p. 231cm. $3.00

July 3, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 16, 1915; A 406745; J. T. Crawley, Jacksonville, Fla. (15-15763)

Cromwell, Gladys.


The gates of utterance, and other poems, by Gladys Cromwell. Boston, Sherman, French & company, 1915. 4 p. 1., 40 p. 191cm. $0.80

July 12, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 28, 1915; A 406901; Sherman, French & Co. (15-15961)

Davis, Owen, 1874


Lola, by Owen Davis ... illustrated with scenes from the photo-play produced and copyrighted by the World film corporation. New York, Grosset & Dunlap (1915) 4 p. 1., 304 p. front., plates, ports. 20cm. $0.75

Aug. 2, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 4, 1915; A 406990; Grosset & Dunlap. (15-15951)

Del Mar, Walter, 1862


Rules of Russian bank. New York, Printed by E. V. Brokaw & bro. [1915]

1 p. l., 20 p. illus. 17cm. $1.50

June 10, 1915; 2c. June 12, 1915; aff. June 11, 1915; A 406420; Progressive literature co., New York. (15-15843)



Dominik, Hans.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Klar zum gefecht! Kriegsmarineroman. Berlin, C. Duncker (1915)


[blocks in formation]

June 1, 1915; 1c. July 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12637; Carl Duncker. (15-15957)


The Federal reporter, with key-number annotations. v. 220. Permanent ed. ... April-May, 1915. St. Paul, West publishing co., 1915.

xiv, 1061 p. 23. (National reporter system-United States series) $3.50

July 6, 1915; 2c. Aug. 12, 1915; aff. Aug. 11, 1915; A 410064; West pub.


Flom, George Tobias, 1871–


The phonology of the dialect of Aurland, Norway, by George T. Flom, PH. D. [Urbana, The University of Illinois, 1915]

3 p. 1., 15-92 p. 27cm. (Added t-p.: University of Illinois studies in language and literature. vol. 1, no. 1-2) $1.25

On cover: University of Illinois bulletin. vol. xII, no. 16.

June 29, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 15, 1915; A 401764; Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (15-16058) 4040

Haas, Rudolf, 1877

Matthias Triebl; die geschichte eines verbummelten studenten, von Rudolf Haas. Leipzig, L. Staackmann, 1915.

[blocks in formation]

June 10, 1915; 1c. July 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12629; L. Staackmann. (15-15955)

Hansbrough, Henry Clay, 1848


War and woman; an exposition of man's failure as a harmonizer, by Henry Clay Hansbrough. New York, Duffield & co., 1915.

3 p. l., 121 p. 191cm. $1.00

July 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 23, 1915; A 406829; Duffield & co. (15-15977)

Hayashi, Tadasu, count, 1850-1913.


The secret memoirs of Count Tadasu Hayashi, G. c. V. O., ed. by A. M. Pooley ..


London, E. Nash, 1915.

4 p. l., 327 p. front., ports. 23cm.

1c. July 22, 1915; A ad int. 2416; pubd. June 22, 1915; G. P. Putnam's sons, New York. (15-15706)

Herrmann, Hugo, ed.


Chad gadja, das pessachbuch, hrsg. von Hugo Herrmann. Berlin, Jüdischer verlag, 1914.

223, 11 p. illus. 19m.

Mar. 10, 1914; 1c. June 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12502; Jüdischer verlag.



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