no. 83, August, 1915 Friz, J. 3988 Zum sehen geboren; Hans Thoma der mensch und der künstler, von J. Friz. Mit zahlreichen, zum teil noch unveröffentlichten radierungen des meisters. Stuttgart, Ev. gesellschaft, 1915. Nov. 15, 1914; 1c. June 21, 1915; A-Foreign 12524; Verlag der Ev. gesellschaft. (15-15846) Geissler, Max, 1868 3984 Nach Russland wollen wir reiten! Roman, von Max Geissler. 1.-3. tausend. Leipzig, L. Staackmann, 1915. 299 p. 18cm. M. 3.50 Apr. 29, 1915; 1c. July 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12640; L. Staackmann. (15-15771) George, James Zachariah, 1826-1897. 3985 The political history of slavery in the United States... by James Z. George ... with a foreword and with a sketch of the author's life by William Hayne Leavell ... and with a preface, somewhat in the nature of a personal tribute, by John Bassett Moore... read carefully in proof by Dr. Austin Baxter Keep... New York, The Neale publishing company, 1915. xxiv, 342 p. front. (port.) plates. 221m. $3.00 CONTENTS. The political history of slavery in the United States. Legislative history of reconstruction. May 21, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 28, 1915; A 406877; Neale pub. co. (15-15717) Giraud, Victor i. e. Joseph Constant Victor, 1858– 3986 ... Le miracle français. Paris, Hachette et cle, 1915. xxx, 246 p., 1 1. 19cm. fr. 3.50 CONTENTS. Avant-propos.-Le miracle français.-Aux jeunes gens.Les barbares: réponse à M. Maximilien Harden.-La question d'AlsaceLorraine dans le roman français contemporain.-Un témoignage alsacien sur l'Alsace-Lorraine.-France et Angleterre: réponse à l'article France du Times. La littérature de demain et la guerre européenne.-Notes: A. L'armée allemande au début de la campagne. B. La vie des tranchées. June 9, 1915; 1c. July 20, 1915; A-Foreign 12598; Hachette & cie. (15-15780) Greinz, Rudolf, 1866 3987 Die eiserne faust; marterln auf unsere feinde, von Rudolf Greinz. 1. bis 10. tausend. Leipzig, L. Staackmann, 1915. 97 p. 15cm. Apr. 29, 1915; 1c. July 21, 1915; A-Foreign 12603; L. Staackmann. (15-15778) Hale, Philip Henry, ed. 3988 Hale's history of agriculture by dates. A simple record of historical events and victories of peaceful industries. Pub. in connection with the National farmer and 3989 Hale, Philip Henry-Continued pt. 1, n. 8., v. 12 stock grower... 5th ed. ... St. Louis, Mo., The Hale publishing co., 1915. cover-title, 95 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 231cm $0.50 © June 29, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 6, 1915; A 401645; Hale pub. co. (15-15737) Hartmann, Alfred Georg, 1874 3989 Die fahrt ins himmelreich; ein künstlerroman aus Holland, von Alfred Georg Hartmann. Stuttgart und Berlin, Cotta, 1915. 206, [2] p. 191cm. M. 2.50 Mar. 6, 1915; ic. July 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12631; J. G. Cotta’sche buchhandlung nachf. (15-15775) Helmick, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen (Clarke) 1866 3990 comp. The history of Pi beta phi fraternity, comp. by Elizabeth Allen Clarke-Helmick... Pub. by Pi beta phi fraternity. Boston, D. D. Nickerson & co., 1915. 4 p. 1., vii-ix, 11-272 p. front., plates, ports. 23cm. $1.00 July 22, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 23, 1915; A 406846; E. A. Helmick, Chicago. (15-15948) Hierl, Ernst. 3991 Die entstehung der neuen schule; geschichtliche grundlagen der pädagogik der gegenwart, von Ernst Hierl ... Leipzig u. Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1914. ix, 211, 1 p. 22cm. July 7, 1914; 1c. June 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12472; B. G. Teubner. (15-15699) Hunter, Robert i. c. Wiles Robert, 1874 Labor in politics, by Robert Hunter ... Socialist party [1915] 202 p. 171cm $0.25 3992 Chicago, The May 25, 1915; 2c. and aff. May 29, 1915; A 406427; R. Hunter, Noroton Heights, Conn. (15-15794) Jones, Richard Mott, 1843 3993 The making of a man; written under the direction of Richard Mott Jones. Philadelphia, The Dando company [1915] 3 p. 1., iv p., 1 l., 67 p. 194cm $1.00 July 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 20, 1915; A 401831; R. M. Jones, Philadelphia. (15-15808) 3994 bestehen vergehen einer firma; ein roman. Leipzig, W. Heims (1915) vi p., 11., 542 p. 20cm. M. 5 May 28, 1915; 1c. July 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12635; Wilhelm Heims. (15-15877) Kilian, Oskar. 3995 Im felde; heitere und ernste kriegserlebnisse. Von Oskar Kilian. Leipzig, P. Reclam jun. [1915] 102 p. 14cm. (On cover: Universal-bibliothek. 5742) M. 0.20 Mar. 23, 1915; 1c. May 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12193; Philipp Reclam jun. (15-15757) 3996 no. 83, August, 1915 4003 Laurent, Léa. ... La véridique histoire de Louise York. Londres, The Iris publishing company [1915] 4 p. 1., 223, [1] p. 19. fr. 3.50 June 9, 1915; 1c. July 20, 1915; A-Foreign 12597; Léa Laurent, Paris. (15-15770) 3997 Lewis, Joseph Volney, 1869 Determinative mineralogy, with tables for the determination of minerals by means of their chemical and physical characters, by J. Volney Lewis ... 2d ed., rev. 1st thousand. New York, J. Wiley & sons, inc.; [etc., etc.] 1915. vii, 155 p. illus. 21cm. $1.50 July 27, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 29, 1915; A 401919; J. V. Lewis, New Brunswick, N. J. (15-15720) McEvoy, Thomas Jefferson, 1869– 3998 Epitome of history and principles of education, by Thomas J. McEvoy [2d ed., rev. and enl.] Brooklyn, N. Y., T. J. McEvoy [1915] ... x, 348 p. 19cm. McEvoy pedagogical series. 11 $1.00 July 16, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 31, 1915; A 401951; T. J. McEvoy, Brooklyn. (15–15946) McMurrich, James Playfair, 1859– 3999 The development of the human body; a manual of human embryology, by J. Playfair McMurrich ... 5th ed., rev. and enl., with two hundred and eighty-seven illustrations, several of which are printed in colors. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's son & co. [1915] x, 493 p. illus. (part col.) 20cm. $2.50 "Literature" at end of each chapter. July 28, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 29, 1915; A 401927; P. Blakiston's son & CO. (15-15723) Murrill, William Alphonso, 1869 4000 Tropical polypores, by William Alphonso Murrill... New York, The author, 1915. iv, 113 p. 24cm $1.50 June 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 19, 1915; A 406759; W. A. Murrill. (15-15722) 4001 Penck, Albrecht i. e. Friedrich Karl Albrecht, 1858- ... 220 p. 18m. M. 1.20 May 29, 1915; 1c. July 20, 1915; A—Foreign 12606; J. Engelhorns nachf. (15-15779) Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas, 1863 4002 Nicky-Nan, reservist, by "Q" (Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch) Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and sons, 1915. vi, 314 p. 191cm. lc. July 30, 1915; A ad int. 2424; pubd. June 30, 1915; William Blackwood & sons, ltd. (15-15752) 4003 4004 pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Reed, Charles K 1851 Animal guide, North American wild animals, by Chas. K. Reed; with sixty species of animals in natural colors, from original paintings, by Harry F. Harvey. Worcester, Mass., C. K. Reed, 1915. 256 p. incl. col. front., col. illus. 8 x 141cm. $1.25 © May 1, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 26, 1915; A 406859; C. K. Reed. (15-15987) Rinehart, Mrs. Mary (Roberts) 1876– 4004 K. By Mary Roberts Rinehart ... Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1915. 2 p. l., 409, [1] p. front., plates (1 double) 19cm. $1.35 Aug. 5, 1915; 2c. and aff. Aug. 9, 1915; A 401994; M. R. Rinehart, Glen Osborne, Pa. (15-16009) Robinson, Edward Van Dyke, 1867 ... 4005 Early economic conditions and the development of agriculture in Minnesota, by Edward Van Dyke Robinson... Minneapolis, Bulletin of the University of Minne sota, 1915. v, 306 p. illus. (incl. maps, charts) diagrs. 34cm. (The University of Minnesota. Studies in the social sciences. no. 3) $1.50 "Bibliographical note": p. 240-242. July 14, 1915; 2c. July 29, 1915; aff. July 26, 1915; A 406938; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. (15-15736) Rosenthal, Benjamin J. 4006 The need of the hour, an American merchant marine, by Benjamin J. Rosenthal. Chicago, Priv. print., 1915. viii, 117 p. 20cm. July 3, 1915; 2c. July 19, 1915; aff. July 17, 1915; A 401816; B. J. Rosenthal, Chicago. (15-15729) Schaefer, Heinrich. 4007 Unsere zimmerpflanzen und ihre kultur. Praktische anleitung zur zucht, pflege und verwendung der beliebtesten ziergewächse in unseren wohnräumen. Von Heinrich Schaefer... Mit 48 originalabbildungen. Regensburg, J. Habbel, 1914. vi p., 11., 101 p. illus. 231cm July 25, 1914; 1c. June 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12509; Josef Habbel. (15-15918) Schaub, G. 4008 ... Durch welche reformen kann die heutige lernschule zu einer arbeitsschule umgestaltet werden? Schaub... Prag [etc.] A. Haase [1914] Von G. 33, 1 p. 25cm. (Schriften zur lehrerfortbildung. Hrsg. von Anton Herget... nr. 3) M. 0.85 "Preisgekrönt vom Kuratorium der Wiener Pestalozzi-stiftung." 4009 no. 83, August, 1915 Schopen, Edmund. 4014 Die familie im verfassungsleben der indogermanischen centum-völker, von Edmund Schopen. Bonn, F. Cohen, 1914. 4 p. l., 3-63, [1] p. 221cm. July 18, 1914; 1c. June 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12477; Friedrich Cohen. (15-15724) Schreiner, Wilhelm. 4010 Hohe fahrt! Bilder und skizzen aus dem seekrieg. Von Wilhelm Schreiner. Mit buchschmuck vom verfasser. Leipzig, P. Reclam jun. [1915] 104 p., Î l. illus. 141. (On cover: Universal-bibliothek. 5757) M. 0.20 CONTENTS.-Vorwort.-Wetterwolken.-"Alle mann an deck!"-Ran an den feind!-S 90.-Hütet euch!-Bei Santa Maria.-S. M. S. "Ayesha."Nibelungen!-Wir kommen! May 6, 1915; 1c. June 23, 1915; A-Foreign 12563; Philipp Reclam jun. (15-15776) Semper, Max, 1870– 4011 Die geologischen studien Goethes; beiträge zur biographie Goethes und zur geschichte und methodenlehre der geologie, von Max Semper. Bearb. im auftrag des Goethe-national-museum in Weimar, hrsg. mit unterstützung der Goethe-gesellschaft und der Rheinischen gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche forschung. Mit einem titelbild und 9 abbildungen im text. Leipzig, Veit & comp., 1914. xii, 389 p. front. (double) illus. 241cm. July 1, 1914; 1c. June 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12465; Veit & comp. (15-15878) Singleton, Esther, ed. ... 4012 The world's great events; an indexed history of the world from earliest times to the present day, by great historians, ed. by Esther Singleton... [New standard ed.] New York, P. F. Collier & son [1915] 10 v. fronts. (v. 4-7) plates. 21cm. Paged continuously. CONTENTS.- -v. 1. From the world's beginning to B. C. 208. v. 2. From B. C. 207 to A. D. 1193.-v. 3. From A. D. 1194 to A. D. 1492.-v. 4. From A. D. 1493 to A. D. 1648.-v. 5. From A. D. 1648 to a. n. 1776.-v. 6. From A. D. 1776 to A. D. 1848.-v. 7. From A. D. 1848 to A. p. 1899.-v. 8. From A. D. 1899 to A. D. 1906.--v. 9. From A. D. 1906 to A. D. 1911.-v. 10. From A. D. 1911 to present day. May 16, 1915; 2c. each July 29, 1915; aff. July 15, 1915; A 406939; P. F. Collier & son, inc. (15-15705) Stoffel, Fritz. 4013 Stiefkinder; roman von Fritz Stoffel. Leipzig, F. Moeser nachf. [1915] 3 p. l., 9-327 p. 21cm. M. 3 May 27, 1915; 1c. July 20, 1915; A-Foreign 12605; Franz Moeser nachf. (15-15773) 4014 |