Lapas attēli

no. 8, February, 1915

Archer, Gleason Leonard, 1880

The law of agency, by Gleason L. Archer ... T. H. Flood and company, 1915. ́.

3 p. 1. v-xv, 237. p. 231cm. $2.50



Jan. 18, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 1, 1915; A 391532; G. L. Archer, Boston. (15-3435)

Björlin, Gustaf.


Sveriges krigshistoria i bilder, ined text av generallöjtnant Gustaf Björlin, utgiven av John M. Pahlman. [hft. -12; Stockholm, Bröderna Pahlmans förlag (1914]

4 pt. illus. (incl. ports.) plates (part col.) map, plans. 30cm.

kr. 2.50 cach Häft 9 Sept. 16, 1914; häft 10 Nov. 9, 1914; häft 11, 12 Dec. 1, 1914; 1c. each Jan. 30, 1915; A--Foreign 11614; Bröderna Påhlmans förlag.

Brown, Henry Collins.


The city of New York, by Henry Collins Brown. New York, Old colony press [1915]

287. 1 p. illus. 9cm

"This is number one of a series of tarry-at-home travels, in which an intimate glimpse is given of the chief cities in our country, including the wonders of the West."

Jan. 18, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 25, 1915; A 391476; H. C. Brown, New York. (15-3048)

Burchard, Henry H.



A text-book of dental pathology and therapeutics for students and practitioners, based upon the original of Henry H. Burchard ... rewritten by Otto E. Inglis 5th ed., thoroughly rev., illustrated with 708 engravings and a colored plate. Philadelphia and New York, Lea & Febiger, 1915.

ix, 17-807 p. illus., col. pl. 24cm. $5.00

Jan. 12, 1915; 2c. Jan. 13, 1915; aff. Jan. 14, 1915; A 393255; Lea & Febiger. (15-2280)

Calandra, Edoardo, 1852-1911.


La straniera; novelle e teatro. Torino, Società tipografico-editrice nazionale, 1914.

264 p., 1 1. incl. front. (port.) 19cm. (On.cover: Biblioteca romantică popolare)

CONTENTS -Edoardo Calandra di D. Mantovani.-Novelle: La straniera. L'orso. Due spaventi. Il fucilato. Un vaccaro.-Teatro: brreparabile. Leonessa. La primavera del '99. Madonna Oretta. La parola. Nov. 30, 1914: 1c. Jan. 2. 1915; A-Foreign 11542; Società tipograficoeditrice nazionale. (15-2783)

Chapman, Mrs. Rose Woodallen, 1875



In her teens; a book for girls, by Mrs. Woodallen Chapman; with a foreword by Edward Bok York, Chicago (etc.) Fleming H. Revell company [1914] 62 p. 17m. (The Edward Bok books of self-knowledge for young recale and parents

no. 6) $0.25

Dec. 12, 1914; 2c. and aff. Jan 30, 1915; A 391516; Fleming H. Revell co.-(15-2859)


1915, no. 8



pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Chicago. Ordinances, etc.

Summary of penal ordinances of Chicago; also police department organization ordinances and duties of police. Chicago, T. H. Flood & co., 1914.

3 p. l., 205 p. 161m $1.75

Oct. 10, 1914; 2c. and aff. Feb. 1, 1915; A 391527; T. H. Flood & co. (15-3257)

Coleman, Roy Edwin, 1888


The principles of paint; a treatise on the principles of paint; their construction, application and uses, by R. E. Coleman. Cleveland, O., The Arco company, 1915. cover-title, 63 p. 18cm. and atlas of 18 charts. 26 x 35cm.

Jan. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 16, 1915; atlas 2c. Jan. 18, 1915; aff. Jan. 16, 1915; A 391494, 391495; Arco co. (15-2755)

385, 386

Collier's photographic history of the European war, including sketches and drawings made on the battle fields; drawings by R. Caton Woodville, Felix Schwormstaedt, Henry Reuterdahl [etc.] ... photographs by the official photographers accompanying each army, collected and arranged by Francis J. Reynolds and C. W. Taylor. New York, P. F. Collier & son [1915]

1 p. l., 144 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 30 x 42cm $5.00

Feb. 1, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 2, 1915; A 393503; P. F. Collier & son, inc. (15-2883)

[blocks in formation]


How to write stories for boys, by David C. Cook, jr. ... Elgin, New York [etc.] David C. Cook publishing company [1914]

57 p. 17cm.


Jan. 5, 1915; 2c. Jan. 11, 1915; aff. Jan. 9, 1915; A 393230; David C. Cook pub. co. (15-3056)

Curtin, Roland Irvin, 1874


Naval ordnance; a text-book prepared for the use of the midshipmen of the United States Naval academy, by officers of the United States navy; rev. by Lieutenant Commander Roland I. Curtin and Lieutenant Commander Thomas L. Johnson. Annapolis, Md., The United States Naval institute [1915]

x, 383 p. illus., fold. plates, diagrs. (part fold.) 24cm. $6.00 Jan. 13, 1915; 2c. Jan. 19, 1915; aff. Jan. 20, 1915; A 391400; B. C. Alien, sec. and treas., U. S. Naval institute, Annapolis. (15-2652)

Depanis, Giuseppe.


[V] 1.

... I concerti popolari ed il Teatro regio di Torino; quindici anni di vita musicale; appunti-ricordi ... 1872-1878. Torino, Società tipografico-editrice nazionale, 1914.

2 p. 1., 171-255 p. plates (part fold.) ports., fold. facsims. 19m Nov. 30, 1914; 1c. Jan. 2, 1915; A-Foreign 11543; Società tipograficoeditrice nazionale. (15-2855)


no. 8, February, 1915

Dietz, Arthur Arnold.


Mad rush for gold in frozen North, by Arthur Arnold Dietz; illustrations from photographs by W. A. Sharp. Los Ángeles, Times-Mirror printing and binding house,


281 p. incl. front. (group of ports.) plates, port. group. 203cm

Dec. 19, 1914; 2c. Feb. 1, 1915; aff. Jan. 30, 1915; A 393484; A. A. Dietz, Los Angeles. (15-3045)

Eldridge, Seba, 1885


Problems of community life; an outline of applied sociology, by Seba Eldridge. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell company [1915]

ix, 180 p. 19m $1.00

"The analysis has special reference to New York."-Pref.

Feb. 1, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 4, 1915; A 393517; Thomas Y. Crowell co. (15-3064)

Farquhar, John Nicol.


Modern religious movements in India, by J. N. Farquhar ... New York, The Macmillan company, 1915.

xv, 1, 471 p. front., illus. (plans) pl., ports. 22cm (Half-title: Hartford-Lamson lectures on the religion of the world) $2.50

Feb. 3, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 4, 1915; A 393511; Macmillan co.


Greer, Edith.



Food; what it is and does, by Edith Greer. Boston, New York etc.) Ginn and company [1915]

vii, 251 p. illus., plates, diagrs. 19cm. (School, home, community series) $1.00

Jan. 25, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 29, 1915; A 391509; E. Greer, New York. (15-3241)

Harbaugh, Charles Hamilton, 1870


The adjuster's manual for the settlement of accident and health claims, by C. H. Harbaugh ... 2d ed., enl., entirely rewritten and illustrated. New York, Chicago, The Spectator company, 1915.

vii, 407 p. illus. 17cm. $2.50

Jan. 23, 1915; 2c. Jan. 26, 1915; aff. Feb. 5, 1915; A 393410; Spectator co. (15-2519)

Hichborn, Franklin.


"The system," as uncovered by the San Francisco graft prosecution, by Franklin Hichborn ... San Francisco, Press of the James H. Barry company, 1915. 464, xl p. 20cm. $1.50

Jan. 25, 1915; 2c. Feb. 3, 1915; aff. Feb. 1, 1915; A 391564; F. Hichborn, Santa Clara, Cal. (15-3427)

Hinrichs, John, comp.


Hinrichs export calculation tables for wheat, corn, rye, oats, barley, peas and cake. 2d ed. Originally comp. by


Hinrichs, John-Continued

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

John Hinrichs; rev. by the John Hinrichs cable code co. Baltimore, Md. Press of the John Hinrichs cable code co., 1915]

129 p. 17cm

Feb. 2, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 5, 1915; A 391594; John Hinrichs cable code co. (15-3071)

The Horseman and spirit of the times.


Care and training of trotters and pacers ... 2d ed. Prepared by the editorial staff of "the Horseman and spirit of the times" from information furnished by the leading trainers and drivers of the day... Chicago, Ill., Chicago horseman newspaper co., 1915.

160 p. illus. 181 cm. (The horseman library. v. 1. 2d ed.) $1.00 Jan. 21, 1915; 2c. Feb. 3, 1915; afi. Feb. 1, 1915; A 391565; Chicago horseman newspaper co. (15-3237)

Howard, George Franklin, 1858


Outlines in civil government for North Dakota and the United States, by Geo. F. Howard... 1st ed. Rochester, Minn., Hack & Wegner co., 1914.

55 p. 221cm. $0.25

Jan. 9, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 30, 1915; A 393464; G. F. Howard, St. Paul. (15-3067)

Kolmer, John Albert, 1886


A practical text-book of infection, immunity and specific therapy, with special reference to immunologic technic, by John A. Kolmer ... with an introduction by Allen J. Smith... With 143 original illustrations, 43 in colors, by Erwin F. Faber... Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders company, 1915.

xi, 3-899 p. illus., col. plates. 25cm. $6.00

Jan. 11, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 13, 1915; A 391329; W. B. Saunders co. (15-1989)

Krause, Fedor, 1857


Text book of surgical operations, illustrated by clinical observations, for physicians and students, by Prof. Fedor Krause... in association with Emil Heymann ... Tr. into English and ed. for American readers by Albert Ehrenfried... v. 1... New York, Rebman company [1915] xviii, 267 p. illus. (part col.) col. plates. 28cm. $6.00

Jan. 7, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 15, 1915; A 391355; Rebman co. (15-2759)

Lagerlöf, Selma Ottiliana Lovisa, 1858


Kejsarn av Portugallien; en Värmlandsberättelse, av Selma Lagerlöf. Stockholm, A. Bonnier [1914]

298, 121 p. 4 pl. 181. kr. 4.50

Dec. 1. 1914; 1c. Jan. 2, 1915; A--Foreign 11538; Albert Bonnier. (15-3058)


no. 8, February, 1915


Long, Samuel Wesley.

The weapon of peace, by Samuel Wesley Long. Philadelphia, Pa., The Emery press, 1915.

46 p. 17cm. $0.10

Jan. 16, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 18, 1915; A 391369; S. W. Long, Wilmington, Del. (15-2083)

Love, James Franklin, 1859–


The Gospel in two acts, by J. F. Love... Philadelphia, Boston [etc.] American Baptist publication society [1915]

[blocks in formation]

Jan. 30, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1915; A 391614; A. J. Rowland, sec., Philadelphia. (15-3406)

McFaden, Mrs. Mildred Susan (Garrett) 1860


Women ambassadors abroad, by Mildred S. McFaden. St. Louis, Mo., The Mangan printing company, 1914. 280 p. incl. front. ports. 20cm


Dec. 20, 1914; 2c. and aff. Jan. 21, 1915; A 393374; M. S. McFaden, St. Louis. (15-2768)

MacGrath, Harold, 1871


The voice in the fog, by Harold MacGrath ... with illus trations by A. B. Wenzell. Indianapolis, The BobbsMerrill company [1915]


4 p. l., 278, 11 p. front., plates. 191 cm. $0.75

Feb. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 10, 1915; A 391670; Bobbs-Merrill co. (15-3418)

Martin, Reuben Thompson, 1843–


Religious poems and humorous verse, by Reuben T. Martin St. Louis, Nixon-Jones printing company [1915]


100 p. front. (port.) 201m. $0.50

Jan. 25, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 3, 1915; A 391577; R. T. Martin, St. Louis. (15-3054)

Moffett, Jonas William, 1858


The law of exemptions and writs in Texas, embracing the law as contained in the Revised civil statute of 1911 of the state of Texas and the acts of the 32 Legislature of 1911. On the subjects of attachments, garnishments, executions, exemptions, forcible entry and detainer, injunctions, landlord and tenant, sequestration, trial of right of property and mandamus. Together with annotations, references to, and decisions of, the appellate courts of this state, and appropriate forms, under each subject. By J. W. Moffett ... Chicago, T. H. Flood & co., 1914.

[blocks in formation]

May 29, 1914; 2c. and aff. Feb. 1, 1915; A 391531; J. W. Moffett, Abilene, Tex. (15-3436)


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