Lapas attēli


Stuhlmann, Adolf, 1838

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Lehrbuch der reliefperspektive, von professor dr. Ad. Mit 134 figuren. Hamburg, Boysen &

Maasch, 1914.

3 p. 1., -vi, 134 p. diagrs. 23cm.

M. 3.50

Oct. 1, 1914; 1c. Mar. 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12178; Boysen & Maasch. (15-14111)

Tambour, Rudolf.


Deutsche kriegslieder aus dem jahre des "heils" 1914 mit erläuterungen in gründlicher prosa von RudolfTambour. New York city, R. Tambour, 1915.

26 p. 22cm.


Mar. 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 18, 1915; A 393993; R. Tambour, % Clifton, New York.


Terry, Jay William, 1891


The kingdom of Christ; a series of ten lectures, by J. William Terry. New York, The Shakespeare press [1915]

[blocks in formation]

May 29, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 15, 1915; A 406314; J. W. Terry, Kamiah, Id. (15-14379)

Towl, Daniel Oliver.


Tanks; a book of useful formulae, tables, &c., for figuring the capacities of circular tanks, both vertical and horizontal. By Daniel Oliver Towl... [New York, Hepner press 1915.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

June 1, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 15, 1915; A 406309; D. O. Towl, New York. (15-14060)

Troy, John Joseph, 1856


Learn major league baseball, by Jolin J. Troy. 1st ed. [New York, Troy & Engel, 1915.

cover-title, 52 p. 15cm. $0.10

May 28, 1915; 2c. and aff. May 29, 1915; A 401182; J. J. Troy, New York. (15-12998)

Urdahl, Thomas Klingenberg, 1869


Elementary economics manual; consisting of definitions, quiz questions, problems and summaries of economic theories, based upon Ely's Outlines of economics, by Thomas K. Urdahl ... Madison, Wis. [Cantwell printing co., 1915,

1 p. 1., tv-viii, 203 p. 23cm. $1.00

Contains bibliographies.

Apr. 29, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 19, 1915; A 406383; T. K. Urdahl, Madison, Wis. (15–14319)


no. 69, July, 1915


Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell, 1872

The indiscreet letter, by Eleanor Hallowell Abbott New York, The Century co., 1915.

3 p. 1., 3-81 p. 18cm.


June 19, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 29, 1915; A 406496; Century co. (15-14445)

Alabama. Supreme court.


[ocr errors]

Report of cases argued and determined... during the November term, 1913-14. By Lawrence H. Lee, reporter of decisions. v. 186. Montgomery, Ala., Brown printing company, 1915.

xix, 727 p. 23cm $2.00

June 28, 1915; 2c. July 3, 1915; aff. July 1, 1915; A 401672; Charles Henderson, governor of Alabama, for use of said state, Montgomery, Ala.

American railway engineering association.


Proceedings of the 16th annual convention.... held at the Congress hotel, Chicago, Ill., March 16, 17 and 18, 1915. v. 16. Chicago, The American railway engineering association, 1915.

1194, 364, xvii p. illus., diagrs. (part fold.) 24cm. $650

June 10, 1915; 2c. June 23, 1915; aff. July 12, 1915; A 406696; American railway engineering assn.

Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich, 1871


The sorrows of Belgium; a play in si scenes, by Leonid Andreyev ... authorized translation by. Herman' Bernstein. New York, The Macmillan company, 1915. vii p., 2 l., 132 p. 19cm.

June 16, 1915; 2c. June 17, 1915; D 40966; Macmillan co. (15-14521)

Borchard, Edwin Montefiore, 1884–


The diplomatic protection of citizens abroad; or, The law of international claims, by Edwin M. Borchard ... New York, The Banks law publishing co., 1915.

xxxvii, 988 p. 241cm. $8.00

· Published in part as the author's thesis (PH. D.) Columbia' university, 1914.

"Bibliography of general works": p. xxvii-xxxvii.

"Appendix: General and national bibliographies on the law of aliens": p. 865-927.

July 1, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 2, 1915; A 401605; Banks law pub. co (15-14593)

Cahalane, Cornelius Francis, 1875


Police practice and procedure, by Cornelius F. Çahalane ... with an introduction by Arthur Woods ... with 12 illustrations. New York, E. P. Dutton & company 1914 iv p., 1 l., 191, 241, xii p. illus., plates, forms. 19cm. $1.50

Jan. 13, 1915; 2c. Jan. 18, 1915; aff. June 29, 1915; A 401581; E. P. Dutton & co. Copyright is claimed on introductory letter and textual changes (15-14592] 3306

1915, no. 69



pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Cooper, Rufus Thatcher, 1861

Jesuitism in Methodism; or, The ecclesiastical politics of the Methodist Episcopal church under lime light, by Rufus T. Cooper. Springfield, Mass. [Washington, D. C., National capital press, incorporated, 1915]

vii, 150 p. front., plates, ports. 20cm. $1.00

May 28, 1915; 2c. June 14, 1915; aff. June 11, 1915; A 401390; R. T. Cooper, Springfield, Mass. (15-14550)

[blocks in formation]


The cowboy and the Bible; or, A defense of God, by L. C. Dupree ... Chicago, Printed by Hillison & Elten Co., 1915

cover-title, 192 p. incl. pl., port. 23cm. $1.00

May 18, 1915; 2c. and aff. May 28, 1915; A 406064; L. C. Dupree, Colorado City, Tex. (15-14580)

Egge, Peter, 1869–



Brist. Kristiania og Kjøbenhavn, Gyldendal, Nordisk forlag, 1914.

2 p. 1., 171-210 p. 20cm.

Nov. 12, 1914; 1c. Dec. 31, 1914; D 40350; Gyldendalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag. (15-14576)

Fry, William W.


Dictatypy; a system of verbatim reporting with the dictatype, printing abbreviated words and simple combinations in plain English type letters, without the use of a code, by William W. Fry and Arthur L. Parker. Philadelphia, Dictatype shorthand machine company [1915] 80 p. illus. 24cm.

"The dictatype is the Anderson shorthand typewriter improved and redesigned by Richard Marx."-Pref.

June 2, 1915; 2c. June 5, 1915; aff. June 4, 1915; A 406251; Dictatype shorthand machine co. (15-14588)


Glass, Kate Elizabeth (Perkins) "Mrs. C. W. Glass," 1874

Romance in Starland; a scientific novel, by Mrs. Charles Wilder Glass. Los Angeles, Cal., J. F. McElheney printing company [1915]

83 p. front. (port. group) 19cm. $1.00

June 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 21, 1915; A 406421; Mrs. Charles Wilder Glass, Los Angeles. (15-14447)

Harte, Bret i. e. Francis Bret, 1839-1902.


Salomy Jane's kiss. Photo-play ed. Revised and elaborated version of the famous story by Bret Harte ... New York, Grosset & Dunlap [1915]

x. 180 p. front., plates. 19cm. $0.50

ovelized from the photo-play based upon Paul Armstrong's dramatized n of Bret Harte's story. cf. Pref.

e 1, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 30, 1915; A 401573; Houghton Mifflin Boston. (15-14446)


no. 69, July, 1915

[blocks in formation]


A tragedy of the Platte Valley... by F. W. Herminghausen. Kansas City, Mo., John Reed printing co., 1915. 1 p. 1., 7-420, 121 p. incl. plates, ports. 20cm.

June 1, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 4, 1915; A 401249; F. W. Herminghausen, North Platte, Neb. (15-14597)

Hubbell, Walter, 1851


History of the Hubbell family, containing genealogical records of the ancestors and descendants of Richard Hubbell from A. D. 1086 to a. D. 1915, by Walter Hubbell ... 2d ed. New York, For subscribers by the author, 1915. 2 p. 1., ix-xvi, 406, 12 p. front. (coat of arms) illus. (incl. ports., facsims., coats of arms) 31cm $10.00

First published, 1881.

June 26, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 1, 1915; A 406538; W. Hubbell, New York. (15-14449)

Hughes, Rupert, 1872


Empty pockets; a novel by Rupert Hughes ... with illustrations by James Montgomery Flagg. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1915.

4 p. 1., 606, [1] p. incl. front., double plates. 19cm


May 20, 1915; 2c. May 22, 1915; aff. May 24, 1915; A 406019; Harper & bros. (15-11449)

Indiana. Appellate court.


Reports of cases decided ... Philip Zoercher, official reporter, Norman E. Patrick, assistant reporter. v. 55, containing cases decided at the November term, 1913, not reported in volume 54. Indianapolis, W. B. Burford, 1915.

[blocks in formation]

May 28, 1915; 2c. June 12, 1915; aff. July 6, 1915; A 401679; State of Indiana, Indianapolis.

Lawrance, Marion, 1850


How to conduct a Sunday school; or, Thirty-one years a superintendent, by Marion Lawrance ... New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell company [1915]

324 p. front. (port.) illus., plates. 201. $1.25

Bibliography: p. 293–307.

May 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 3, 1915; A 406562; Fleming H. Revell co. [Copyright is claimed on new matter] (15-14581)


The lawyers reports annotated. 1915C, being vol. 55 L. R. A. (n. s.) Burdett A. Rich, Henry P. Farnham, editors. To be cited L. R. A. 1915C. Rochester, N. Y., The Lawyers co-operative publishing company, 1915.

vii, 1275 p. 25cm $4.00

July 3, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 8, 1915; A 401710; Lawyers co-operative pub. co. 3317


Lichtwitz, Leopold, 1876

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Über die bildung der harn- und gallensteine, von professor dr. L. Lichtwitz... Mit 18 abbildungen im text und auf 8 tafeln. Berlin, J. Springer, 1914.

2 p. 1., 81, (1) p. illus., vIII pl. (3 col.) diagr. 25cm. M. 3.60 "Literaturverzeichnis": p. 1-8.

July 25, 1914; 1c. May 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12186; Julius Springer. (15-13224)

Minnesota academy of social sciences.



Papers and proceedings of the 8th annual meeting ... ed. by J. F. Ebersole. Published for the Academy, 1915. 203, v p. 23cm. (Publications v. 8, no. 8) $2.00

July 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 14, 1915; A 406726; Minnesota academy of social sciences, Minneapolis.

Morgan, George Campbell, 1863


Living messages of the books of the Bible, by the Rev. G. Campbell Morgan... New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell company [1911-12,

4 v. 21cm. $1.00 per vol.

CONTENTS. IV. 11 Genesis to Esther-v. 2 Job to Malachi.-v. 3) Matthew to Colossians.-v. 41 I. Thessalonians to Revelation.

v. 1, 2 Oct. 5, 1911; v. 3 Sept. 19, 1912; v. 4 Sept. 28, 1912; 2c. each and affs. July 2, 1915; A 401632-401635; Fleming H. Revell co. (15-14582)

O'Grady, John, 1886

A legal minimum wage, by John O'Grady ington, D. C. [National capital press, inc.] 1915. 139, 11 p. 23cm.

Thesis (PH. D.)-Catholic university of America, 1915.

Bibliography: p. 138-139.



June 14, 1915; 2c. June 15, 1915; aff. July 2, 1915; A 401623; J. O'Grady,

Washington. (15-14596)


Oregon. Supreme court.

Reports of cases decided


Frank A. Turner, re

porter. v. 72; decisions rendered between July 28, 1914, and October 20, 1914. San Francisco, Bancroft-Whitney company, 1915.

xxxii, 689 p. 23cm. $3.75

June 30, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 8, 1915; A 401683; Bancroft-Whitney co.

Pennsylvania. Superior court.


Pennsylvania superior court reports. v. 58, containing cases decided ... Reported by William I. Schaffer, state reporter, and Albert B. Weimer, assistant state reporter. New York, The Banks law publishing co., 1915.

x1, 717 p. 24cm $1.08

July 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 12, 1915; A 406684; Robert McAfee, sec. of the commonwealth for the state of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa.


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