Lapas attēli

no. 68, July, 1915

Christiansen, Arne Einar, 1861–


Manden paa Højriis, et familiestykke. Kjøbenhavn

og Kristiania, Gyldendal, Nordisk forlag, 1915.

179, 11 p. 20cm.

Mar. 13, 1915; 1c. Apr. 20, 1915; D 40416; E. Christiansen, % Gyldendalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Engel, Georg Jul

Leopold, 1866


Der fahnenträger; roman von Georg Engel. 1. bis 5. tausend. Leipzig, Grethlein & co., g. m. b. h. [1914]

3 p. 1., 9-440 p. 21cm. M. 4

Dec. 8, 1914; 1c. Mar. 1, 1915; A-Foreign 12237; Grethlein & co., g. m. b. h. (15-14313)

Futcher, Thomas Barnes, 1871


Outlines of physical diagnosis of the circulatory and respiratory systems prepared from the lectures of Thomas Barnes Futcher... by John Gardner Murray, jr. Baltimore, The Students' book store, 1915.

5 p. 1., 5-179, 151 p. 194cm. $2.00

May 25, 1915; 2c. June 17, 1915; aff. June 14, 1915; A 406348; John Gardner Murray, jr., Baltimore. (15-14370)

Gaupp, Robert Eugen, 1870



Über wesen und behandlung der schlaflosigkeit. Drei referate, erstattet auf einladung der leitung des Deutschen kongresses für innere medizin, von R. Gaupp A. Goldscheider ... und E. Faust... (Sonderdruck aus den Verhandlungen des Deutschen kongresses für innere medizin, xxxI. bd.) Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1914. 2 p. 1., 112 p. 241cm. M. 2.80

CONTENTS. I. Gaupp, Uber wesen und behandlung der schlaflosigkeit.II. Goldscheider, Über wesen und behandlung der schlaflosigkeit.-III. Faust, Chemie und pharmakologie der schlafmittel.

Oct. 15, 1914; 1c. Mar. 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12124; J. F. Bergmann. (15-14214)

Glage, Max, 1866


Der rechte kriegsmann; etliches aus seiner heiligen rüstkammer: zur erinnerung an den grossen krieg 1914/15 den zu felde gezogenen vätern und söhnen st. Anchars gewidmet von pastor M. Glage. Hamburg, Agentur des Rauhen hauses, 1915.

174 p. 19cm. M. 2

Mar. 23, 1905; 1c. May 7, 1915; A-Foreign 12266; Agentur des Rauhen hauses. (15-14293)

Goebel, Otto Heinrich.



Über Sibirien nach Ostasien... von dr. Otto Goebel... Frankfurt a. M., Expedition von Hendschels Telegraph, M. Hendschel, 1914.

169 p. 21cm. M. 5

CONTENTS.--St. Petersburg und Moskau. - Tscheljabinsk. — Mandschuria.-Wladiwostok und Dairen.

Mar. 31, 1914; 1c. May 20, 1914; A-Foreign 10348; Expedition von Hendschels telegraph, M. Hendschel.



pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Griffith, John Price Crozer, 1856

The care of the baby; a manual for mothers and nurses containing practical directions for the management of infancy and childhood in health and in disease, by J. P. Crozer Griffith ... 6th ed., thoroughly rev. Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders company, 1915.

1 p. 1., 7-463 p. illus., Iv pl., fold. chart. 21cm. $1.50

June 23, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 28, 1915; A 401542; W. B. Saunders co. Copyright is claimed on new matter and new illustrations, (15-14371)

Haeberle, Louis Frederick, 1838–


Evangelische zeugnisse. Ein jahrgang predigten, von pastor Louis F. Haeberle. Hrsg. von der Deutschen evangelischen synode von Nord-Amerika. St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, Ill., Eden publishing house [1915]

4 p. 1., 301 p. 23cm. $1.25

June 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 14, 1915; A 401383; Ernst Wm. Meyer, in trust for the Eden pub. house, St. Louis. (15-14094)

Hawes, James William, 1844


... Stephen' and Giles? Hopkins, Mayflower passengers, and some of their descendants, including an Eldredge line, by James W. Hawes. Yarmouthport, Mass., C. W. Swift, 1915.

cover-title. 27 p. 25cm. (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy, no. 37) $1.00

June 26, 1915; 2c. and aff. July 1, 1915; A 406532; Charles Warner Swift, Yarmouthport, Mass. (15-14390)

House, Walter Bradley, 1857


The ever ready doctor, devoted to prevention and home treatment of diseases. With full description of causes, symptoms and methods of treatment. By W. B. House Chicago, Ill., National distributing company [1915] 222 p. incl. front. (port.) illus. 20cm. $2.00


June 19, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 26, 1915; A 406452; Natl. distributing co. (15-14369)

Hyan, Hans, 1868


Der gepfändete bräutigam; lustige und gaunergeschichten, von Hans Hyan. Berlin, C. Henschel (1914)

2 p. 1, 171-182, (2) p. 16cm. (Lettered on cover: Henschels lustige bücher. 121)

June 25, 1914; 1c. June 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12483; Carl Henschel verlag. (15-14394)

Jost, Johannes.


Krankheiten junger tiere im vergleich mit den menschlichen kinderkrankheiten, von Johannes Jost- und Max Koch-Berlin. Mit 84 abbildungen im text Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1914.

1 p. 1., p. 14511-649. illus. 26cm.

M. 7


"Sonderabdruck aus: Handbuch der allgemeinen pathologie und der pathologischen anatomie des kindesalters. Herausgegeben von H. Brüning und E. Schwalbe ... I. bd., II. abt."

Oct. 26, 1914; 1c. Mar. 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12126; J. F. Bergmann. (15-14372)


no. 68, July, 1915

Kottcamp, John Paul.


Elementary mechanics for the practical engineer, engineers' study course from Power, by John Paul Kottcamp... 1st ed. New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc., 1915.

vii, 181 p. illus., diagrs. 21cm. $1.50

"The subject matter of this book is an exact reproduction of a series of thirty lessons which appeared in Power as a part of the engineers' study course."-Pref.

June 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 17, 1915; A 406333; McGraw-Hill book co., inc. (15-14377)


Kriegsnovellen. 1. 2. bd. Leipzig, P. Reclam jun. [1915]

2 v. 14m. (On cover: Universal-bibliothek. 5735, 5749)

1. bd. Feb. 9, 1915; 2. bd. Mar. 23, 1915; 1c. each May 22, 1915; A-Foreign 12190, 12195; Philipp Reclam jun. (15–14239) 3278, 3279

Leffmann, Henry, 1847

... A compend of medical chemistry, inorganic and organic, including urinary analysis, by Henry Leffmann 6th ed., rev. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's son & co. [1915]


vii, 241 p. illus. 18cm. (Blakiston's ?Quiz-compends?) $1.00 June 25, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 26, 1915; A 406439; P. Blakiston's son & co. (15-14366)

Lenk, Frau Margarete (Klee) 1841


Hänschens badereise, Das puppenkleidchen. Zwei erzählungen von Marg. Lenk. Mit bildern von Wilhelm Roegge. Zwickau (Sachsen) J. Herrmann, 1914.

87 p. col. front., col. plates. 19cm M. 0.80

Sept. 19, 1914; 1c. Mar. 1, 1915; A-Foreign 12252; Johannes Herrmann. (15-14238)

McClure, Abbot.


Making floors, by Abbot McClure. New York, McBride, Nast & company, 1915.

64 p. front., illus., plates. 161. (Lettered on back: House and garden making books)


June 18, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 22, 1915; A 406397; McBride, Nast & co. (15-14374)

McGrath, Thomas Sylvester, 1878


Little manual of St. Rita; prayers and devotions, with the story of her life, by Rev. Thomas S. McGrath. New York, Cincinnati [etc.] Benziger brothers, 1915.

302 p. front., plates. 131

June 17, 1915; 2c. June 19, 1915; aff. June 21, 1915; A 401467; Benziger bros. (15-14380)

Madsen, Theodor, 1858



Per Gadd: skuespil i fire akter. Kristiania og

København, Gyldendal, Nordisk forlag, 1915.

191 p. 20cm.

Mar. 23, 1915; 1c. Apr. 13, 1915; D 40359; Gyldendalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag, Christiania, Norway. (15-14402)



pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Marr, Robert Hardin, 1860

A digest of the private corporation, negotiable paper and labor laws of Louisiana, through the session of 1914, by Robert H. Marr. New Orleans, F. F. Hansell & bro., ltd., 1915.

[blocks in formation]

May 31, 1915; 2c. June 5, 1915; aff. June 18, 1915; A 401439; F. F. Hansell & bro., ltd. (15–14384)

Murray, Gilbert i. e. George Gilbert Aimé, 1866


The stoic philosophy; Conway memorial lecture delivered at South Place institute on March 16, 1915, by Gilbert Murray New York and London, G. P. Putnam's

sons, 1915.

74 p. 194cm.



References: p. 66-67.

Appendices: A. Biographical and bibliographical notes concerning Moncure Daniel Conway. B. The Conway memorial lectureship.

June 23, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 25, 1915; A 401523; G. P. Putnam's sons. (15-14382)

New York (State) Laws, statutes, etc.


The penal law and code of criminal procedure of the state of New York, annotated by John T. Cook ... as amended at the one hundred and thirty-eighth session of the Legislature. 27th ed., 1915, by John T. Fitzpatrick ... Albany, N. Y., M. Bender & co., incorporated, 1915.

xxxii, 670 (i. e. 708) p., 1 l., v-viii, 741 p. 23cm. $7.50

June 25, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 26, 1915; A 406447; Matthew Bender & co., inc. (15-14385)

Ortmann, Reinhold, 1859–


Die geschwollene wange, und andere humoristische geschichten, von Reinhold Ortmann. Berlin, C. Henschel [1914]

2 p. 1., 171-217, [1] p. 16cm. (Lettered on cover: Henschels lustige bücher. 171)

June 25, 1914; 1c. June 16, 1915; A—Foreign 12482; Carl Henschel verlag. (15-14395)

Racine commercial club, Racine, Wis.


Yesterday and today in Racine; a few "moving" pictures and sketchy portrayals. [Racine] Racine commercial club, 1915.

cover-title, 32 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 231 cm. "From the forthcoming 'Story of Racine.'"

June 7, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 11, 1915; A 401335; Eugene W. Leach, Racine, Wis. (15-14090)

Ryan, William Thomas, 1882


Continuous and alternating current machinery problems; elementary problems for use in technical schools, by William T. Ryan ... 1st ed., 1st thousand. New York, J. Wiley & sons, inc. ; [etc., etc.) 1915.

4 p. 1., vii, 37 p. tab., diagrs. 20cm. (Half-title: The Wiley technical ies for vocational and industrial schools, ed. by J. M. Jameson) $0.50 ne 23, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 25, 1915; A 401518; W. T. Ryan, Minnelis. (15-14376) 3289

no. 68, July, 1915


Saar, Günter, freiherr von, 1878

Die sportverletzungen, von privatdozent dr. G. freiherrn v. Saar ... Mit 53 textabbildungen. Mit 53 textabbildungen. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1914.

xv, 325 p. illus. 251. (Added t.-p.: Neue deutsche chirurgie, hrsg. von P. von Bruns 13. bd.) M. 13.40

"Literatur": p. 12931–325.

July 18, 1914; 1c. Mar. 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12149; Ferdinand Enke, publisher. (15–14215)

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich, 1759-1805.



Schillers Wilhelm Tell, ed. with introduction, fragen, notes and vocabulary, by Robert Waller Deering... New ed. Boston, New York [etc.] D. C. Heath & co. [1915]

xlvi, 358 p. front. (port.) illus., plates, map. 181. (Heath's modern language series) $0.75

Bibliography: p. xlv1-xlvi.

June 14, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 23, 1915; A 401485; Robert Waller Deering, Cleveland. Copyright is claimed on introduction, notes, vocabulary, etc., re-edited) (15-14306)

Schmid, Bastian, 1870–



Lehrbuch der mineralogie und geologie für höhere lehranstalten, bearb. von prof. dr. Bastian Schmid 3. verb. aufl. 1. t. Mineralogie ... Esslingen und München, J. F. Schreiber [1915]

xi, 124 p. illus., col. plates, diagrs. 211cm. M. 2.60

Mar. 20, 1915; 1c. May 7, 1915; A—Foreign 12244; J. F. Schreiber. (15-14112)

Schüler, Carl, 1867–


Der liebe Paul; humoristische erzählung, von Karl Schüler. Berlin, C. Henschel [1914]

2 p. 1., 17-216, 121 p. 16cm. (Lettered on cover: Henschels lustige bücher. 141)

CONTENTS.-Der liebe Paul.-Zucker-Else.

June 25, 1914; lc. June 16, 1915; A-Foreign 12490; Carl Henschel verlag. (15-14396)

Sharp & Alleman co.


Sharp & Alleman co.'s lawyers and bankers directory 33d year Philadelphia, Pa., New

for 1915, July ed.

York city [etc.] Sharp & Alleman co., 1915.

Various paging. 231cm. $5.00

June 19, 1915; 2c. and aff. June 26, 1915; A 406451; Sharp & Alleman co.

Stark, Johannes, 1874–


Elektrische spektralanalyse chemischer atome, von dr. J. Stark... Mit 4 tafeln und 19 figuren im text. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1914.

viii, 138 p. illus., IV pl.. diagrs. 241cm. (On cover: Physikalische bibliothek, bd. 1)

M. 5

"Literatur der elektrischen spektralanalyse": p. 135-138.

July 1, 1914; 1c. Mar. 1, 1915; A-Foreign 12234; S. Hirzel. (15-14113)


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