Knoblauch, Edward, 1874 "Marie-Odile"; a play in three acts. By Edward Jan. 23, 1915; 1c. Jan. 23, 1915; D 39473; E. Knoblauch, London. (15-2633) Lewis, Elias St. Elmo, 1872- 258* Getting the most out of business; observations of the application of the scientific method to business practice, 2 p. 1., iii-xx p., 11., 23-483 p. front. (port.) 22cm. $2.00 The articles of which this book is the outgrowth appeared in the Caxton Jan. 15, 1915; 2c. Jan. 21, 1915*; A 393363; Ronald press co. Quarterly digest of decisions under the Interstate com- merce act. no. 3, by Herbert C. Lust Chicago, Ill., Dec. 2, 1914; 1c. Dec. 7, 1914; 1c. Jan. 14, 1915; A 393567; H. C. Lust, Lyman, Clarence Montague, 1859- Contract and estimate record book for steam and hot water heating, comp. by Clarence M. Lyman A class room logic, deductive and inductive, with spe- 262* 263 Mercer, Hamilton. pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 The reproach of capital punishment, a brief, by Hamilton Mercer. Greensburg, Ind., Greensburg democrat company 1915, Jan. 16, 1915; 2c. Jan. 20, 1915*; A 391403; H. Mercer, Greensburg, Ind. (15-2086) Minnesota. Supreme court. 263 Minnesota reports. v. 126; cases argued and determined... May 29-July 24, 1914. Henry Burleigh Wenzell, reporter. St. Paul, Lawyers' co-operative publishing co., 1914. xx, 628 p. 23cm. $2.00 Dec. 24, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915*; A 393081; Julius A. Schmahl, sec. of the state of Minnesota, in trust for the benefit of the people of said state, St. Paul. Moore, Thomas Verner, 1877– 264 A historical introduction to ethics, by Thomas Verner Moore... with an introduction by the Rt. Rev. Thomas Joseph Shahan ... New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book company [1915] xii, 164 p. 19cm. "The present work ... was commenced as a series of lectures to the Newman club at the University of California. These were delivered during the fall and winter of 1908. They were afterwards considerably modified, and constituted a part of the course in the introduction to philosophy given by the author at the Catholic university of America.”—Pref. "Some works on the history of ethics": p. 10. Contains "References." Jan. 25, 1915; 2c. Jan. 27, 1915; A 391482; T. V. Moore, Washington. (15-2507) New Jersey. Legislature. ... Manual ... 265 139th session, 1915. By authority of the Legislature... Trenton, N. J., T. F. Fitzgerald [1915] 658 p. front. (ports.) plates. 17cm. $1.00 Feb. 6, 1915; 2c. Feb. 8, 1915; A 393572; Thomas F. Fitzgerald, Trenton, N. J. Otter, Paul Denniston, 1866 266 Furniture for the craftsman; a manual for the student and mechanic, covering the design, construction and finishing of practically all the articles used in the furnishing and equipment of the modern home, porch and grounds with hints on upholstering, by Paul D. Otter. New York, David Williams company, 1911. 306 p. illus. 23cm. $1.50 Originally published as a series of articles in The Building age, under the heading, Cabinet work for the carpenter. cf. Pref. Nov. 15, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915; A 393353; David Williams co. (15-2653) 267 no. 5, February, 1915 Riley, William Albert, 1876 273 Handbook of medical entomology [by] Win. A. Riley ... and O. A. Johannsen ... Ithaca, N. Y., The Comstock publishing company, 1915. ix, 348 p. incl. front., illus. 231cm. $2.00 "The outgrowth of a course of lectures given by the senior author in the Department of entomology of Cornell university during the past six years. More specifically it is an illustrated revision and elaboration of his 'Notes on the relation of insects to disease,' published January, 1912.”— Pref. Bibliography: p. 327-340. Jan. 20, 1915; 2c. Jan. 25, 1915; A 393439; Comstock pub. co. (15-2616) Rowland, Courtney. 268 The spirit of the West, a dream of 1915, by Courtney Rowland, preface, by the Rev. Chas. F. Aked... San Francisco, The Grimmett co. [1915] 2 p. 1, 11-30 p. mounted front. 251cm $0.50 Jan. 12, 1915; 2c. Jan. 19, 1915; A 393347; C. Rowland, San Francisco. (15-2631) Skinner, Edmond Norton. 269 Mining costs of the world; a compilation of cost and other important data on the world's principal mines, by Edmond Norton Skinner ... and H. Robinson Plate ... 1st ed. New York (etc.) McGraw-Hill book company, inc., Jan. 28, 1915; 2c. Jan. 30, 1915*; A 393463; F. N. Skinner and H. R. Plate, New York. (15-2655) Slocum, Stephen Elmer, 1875 270 Elements of hydraulics, by S. E. Slocum ... 1st ed. New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc., 1915. xi, 294 p. front., illus., tables, diagrs. 234. $2.50 Jan. 27, 1915; 2c. Jan. 29, 1915*; A 391499; McGraw-Hill book co., inc. (15-2498) Sprunt, James. 271 Chronicles of the Cape Fear River; being some account of historic events on the Cape Fear River, by James Sprunt ... Raleigh, Edwards & Broughton printing company, 1914. xiv, 594 p. 241cm Jan. 15, 1915; 2c. Jan. 21, 1915*; A 393371; J. Sprunt, Wilmington, N. C. (15-2610) Staley, Delbert Moyer. 272 Psychology of the spoken word, by Delbert Moyer Staley ... Boston, R. G. Badger; [etc., etc., 1914] 7 p. 1., 13-370 p. front. (port.) 194cm. $2.00 Jan. 23, 1915; 2c. Jan. 27, 1915; A 391490; D. M. Staley, Boston. (15-2511) 273 : 274 Standard statistics company, inc., New York. pt. 1, n. 8., v. 12 Standard manual of the income tax. New York, Stand ard statistics company, inc. [1915] 4 р. 1., 604 р. 21. $3.00 Lettered on cover: Standard manual of the income tax, 1915, including the second and enlarged edition of the book, Stat is of bonis under the federal income tax. Jan. 26, 1915; 2c. Jan. 28, 1915; A 393410; Standard statistics co, inc. (15-2516) Steinmetz, Charles Proteus, 1865 274 ... Engineering mathematics; a series of lectures delivered at Union college, by Charles Proteus Steinmetz 2d ed., rev. and enl. New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc., 1915. Jan. 27, 1915; 2c. Jan. 30, 1915; A 393461; McGraw-Hill book co, inc. (15-2615) Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768. 275 A political romance, by Laurence Sterne <1759> an exact reprint of the first edition, with an introduction by. Wilbur L. Cross Boston, The Club of odd volumes, 1914. ... Dec. 12, 1914; 2c. Jan. 14, 1915*; A 393253; Club of odd volumes of Boston. [Copyright is claimed on introduction, (15 2630) 276 Stockton,, Richard, jr. Peace insurance, by Richard Stockton, jr. With eleven plates by Frank N. Thompson. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1915. Jan. 9, 1915; 2c. Jan. 12, 1915*; A 391323; А. С. McClurg & co. (15-2648) Swan, Mark Elbert, 1871 277 Brown's in town, a farcical comedy in three acts, by. Mark E. Swan ... New York, S. French; etc., etc.] 1915. 95 p. diagr. 201. Jan. 19, 1915; 2c. Jan. 21, 1915; D 39459; American play co, New York. (15-2637) Trow, Mrs. Cora (Welles) 277* The parliamentarian; a manual of parliamentary procédure, extemporaneous speaking and the art of debate, by Cora Welles Trow. Rev. ed. New York, Chicago [etc.] The Gregg publishing company [19151 Jan. 20, 1915; 2c. Jan. 29, 1915; A 391508; C. W. Trow, New York. (15-2517) 278 no. 6, February, 1915 American electrochemical society. .. 285 Transactions v. 26; 26th general meeting, Niagara Falls, October 1, 2, 3, 1914. South Bethlehem, Pa., The American electrochemical society, 1915. 3 p. 1., 270 p. front., illus., plates, diagrs. 23cm. $3.00 Jan. 30, 1915; 2c. Feb. 1, 1915; A 391591; Amer. electrochemical soc. 279 American surgical association. $5.00 ... xliii, 713 p. illus., col. pl. 24m. Jan. 22, 1915; 2c. Jan. 25, 1915; A 391477; Archibald MacLaren, St. Paul. Armstrong, Henry Fry, 1868 280 Descriptive geometry for students in engineering science and architecture; a carefully graded course of instruction, by Henry F. Armstrong 1st ed., 1st thousand. New York, J. Wiley & sons, inc.; [etc., etc.] 1915. vi, 125 p. diagrs. 26cm. $2.00 ... Jan. 16, 1915; 2c. Jan. 20, 1915; A 391419; H. F. Armstrong, Montreal, Canada. (15-2892) • Baker, James William, 1873 ... 281 20th century bookkeeping and accounting. A treatise on modern bookkeeping, accounting, and business customs, as illustrated in the "business transactions" which accompany this work 4th ed. for use in all schools that teach bookkeeping and accounting. By James W. Baker. Assisted by commercial teachers and practicing accountants. Cincinnati, O., South-western publishing co., 1915. 1 p. 1., v-x, 11-344 р. 26cm. Jan. 11. 1915; 2c. Jan. 18, 1915*; A 391381; Southwestern pub. co. Copyright is claimed on additional printed matter and illustrations, (15-1899) 282 Barclay, Mrs. Florence Louisa (Charlesworth) 1862- don and New York, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1914. 60, 121 p. 181cm. 1c. Jan. 8, 1915; A ad int. 2221; pubd. Dec. 9, 1914; F. L. Barclay, G. P. Putnam's sons, New York. (15-1293) My heart's right there, by Florence L. Barclay York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1915. 66 р. 191cm. $0.75 Jan. 15, 1915; 2c. Feb. 4, 1915*; A 391579; F. L. Barclay, /% G. P. Putnam's sons. (15-2845) 284 Bible. N. T. Revelation. English. ... How to read the Revelation of Jesus Christ, by a farmer named John. Chicago, Ill., Messenger, publish" Jan. 14, 1915; 2c. Jan. 18, 1915; A 391390; John I. Johnson, Winthrop. Harbor, Ill.. (15-2906) 285 49 1915, no. 6 Printed February 23, 1915 |