233 pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Rorer, Mrs. Sarah Tyson (Heston)-Continued Savannah, New Orleans [etc., The Southern cotton oil 48 p. illus. 201cm. Jan. 2, 1915; 2c. Jan. 22, 1915*; A 391434; Southern cotton oil co. Steffen, Martin Robert, 1882- 233 Special veterinary therapy, by Mart R. Steffen... Chi- Dec. 17, 1914; 2c. Dec. 26, 1914; A 393244; D. M. Campbell, Evanston, 234 Storm, Theodor i. e. Hans Theodor Woldsen, 1817-1888. Chicago [etc.] C. Scribner's sons [1915] xi, 150 p. front. (port.) 18cm. (The Walter-Krause German series) Strayer, Paul Moore, 1871- 235 The reconstruction of the church with regard to its xii p.. 2 1.. 309 p. 191cm. $1.50 Jan. 20, 1915; 2c. Jan. 21, 1915; A 393362; Macmillan co. Thompson, Mrs. Jeanette May, 1865- 236 Wild kindred of fur, feather and fin, by Jean M. ... 339 p. incl. front., illus. plates. 20cm. $1.25 Sept. 1, 1914; 2c. Jan. 14, 1915; A 391345; W. A. Wilde co. Wiley, Harvey Washington, 1844- 237 The lure of the land; farming after fifty, by Harvey 6 p. l., 3-368 p. front., plates, ports., diagr. 191cm. $1.40 Williams, Morris. 238 Stair builders' guide; a treatise on the construction of 256 p. illus., diagrs. 23cm. $1.50 Dec. 23, 1914; 2c. Jan 2, 1915; A 393352; David Williams co. 239 no. 5, Febrúary, 1915 246 The art work of Louis C. Tiffany. Garden City, N. Y., 5 p. l., xv-xxxi, [1], 90, 121 p. col. front. (port.) plates (part col.) 32cm. Ashley, Roscoe Lewis, 1872- 240 Ancient civilization; a textbook for secondary schools, company, 1915. ... xxi, 363 p. front., illus., double pl.. maps (1 double) 194cm Babson, Roger Ward, 1875- $1.20 241 Business barometers used in the accumulation of mon- 445, 11 p. fold, charts, tables (part fold.) 193cm. $2.00 Jan. 1, 1915; 2c. Jan. 29, 1915*; A 391507; R. W. Babson, WeHesley Baden-Powell, Sir Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1857- 2424 The reminiscences of a spy, by Lieutenant-General Sir 1 p. 1., 42 p. Jan. 6, 1915; 2c. Jan. 8, 1915; A 391274; R. Baden-Powell, /. Curtis Barber, Samuel, 1848- 243 Boston common; a diary of notable events, incidents, .5 p. 1., 191-288 p. 201cm. $2.00 Dec. 30, 1914; 2c. Jan. 14, 1915; A 393261; S. Barber, New York. Brown, Robert Wood, 1867- ed. 244 Book of Louisville and Kentucky. Edition 1915, with 115 p., 1 1. illus. 20cm. $0.25 Jan. 18, 1915; 2c. Jan. 6, 1915; A 391408; Louisville convention and Casement, Sir Roger, 1864- 245 The crime against Europe; a possible outcome of the -cover-title. 28 p. 301m. $0.25 Jan. 13, 1915; 2c. Jan. 15, 1915; A 391365; Joseph McGarrity, Phila 246 41 Printed February 19, 1915 247 pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Jan. 15, 1915; 2c. Jan. 4, 1915; A 391444; Edmund De Witt Brooks, Min- Conference of American mayors, Philadelphia, 1914. Proceedings of the Conference of American mayors on public policies as to municipal utilities... Philadelphia, American academy of political and social science, 1915. vi, 357 p. 25cm. (On cover: The annals of the American academy of political and social science. vol. LVII; whole no. 146) CONTENTS.-Introductory: Remarks at reception of Thursday evening, November 12.-pt. I. Practical utility problems: Remarks of R. Blanken- burg. Fundamental planks in a public utility program, by D. F. Wilcox. The regulation of municipal utilities, by N. T. Guernsey. Philadelphia's transit problem, by A. M. Taylor. Municipal lighting rates, by R. Palmer. Interlocking directorates, by L. D. Brandeis. Open discussion.-pt. II. The regulation of utilities: The regulation of public utilities, by C. H. Harri- son. Some present-day issues of public utility regulation, by E. W. Bemis. What certain cities have accomplished without state regulation, by S. P. Jones. A constructive policy for public service corporations, by C. Day. What regulation must accomplish if it is to be permanent, by J. M. Eshle- man. Open discussion.-pt. III. Local and state regulation of municipal utilities: Remarks of J. P. Mitchel. The advantages of state regulation, by H. Erickson. The distribution of functions between local and state regulation, by M. R. Maltbie. The case for home rule, by C. E. Merriam. State and local regulation in Pennsylvania, by I. W. Stratton. Concluding remarks of J. P. Mitchel.-pt. IV. Municipal ownership and operation: Municipal ownership, by N. D. Baker. Municipal ownership-the testi- mony of foreign experience, by F. C. Howe. Pasadena's municipal light and power plant, by C. W. Koiner. South Norwalk's municipal electric works, by A. E. Winchester. The hydro-electric system in Toronto, by H. C. Hocken. Some limitations and objections to municipal ownership, by C. M. Rosecrantz. Open discussion.-pt. v. Executive session: Re- marks of R. Blankenburg. Remarks of C. A. Prouty. Municipal owner- ship and operation of water-works, by M. N. Baker. Why I believe in municipal ownership, by R. Crosser. The utilities bureau, by F. Frank- furter. Report of committee on recommendations. Open discussion.- pt. VI. Holding companies and the public welfare: Holding companies and the public welfare, by C. F. Mathewson. Public advantages of holding companies, by F. T. Homer. The public welfare and the holding com- pany, by J. P. Goodrich.-Book department.-Index. Jan. 15, 1915; 2c. Jan. 28. 1915; B 328484; Amer. academy of political Conklin, Charles Denton, 1885- Structural steel drafting and elementary design, by vii, 154 p. illus. (incl. forms) diagrs. 231 x 31 cm. Jan. 14, 1915; 2c. Jan. 18, 1915; A 391397; C. D. Conklin, jr., Chelten- Fuller, Charles Arthur, 1880- Designing heating and ventilating systems; the prac- every day use, in laying out steam, hot water, furnace and ventilating equipment for buildings of all kinds, pre- sented in a simple and easily understandable manner. Adopted from lecture courses given by the author before Y. M. C. A. and other classes, by Charles A. Fuller ... New York, David Williams company, 1914. 220 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 23cm. $2.00 Dec. 23, 1914; 2c. Dec. 12, 1914; A 393350; David Williams co. Glyn, Mrs. Elinor (Sutherland) Three things, by Elinor Glyn. New York, Hearst's in- CONTENTS. The old order changeth.-The gospel of common sense.- Marriage. After marriage.-Should divorce be made easier?-The re- sponsibility of motherhood.-The responsibility of motherhood. Second Jan. 22, 1915; 2c. Jan. 27, 1915; A 393485; Hearst's internatl. library co., Handbuch der allgemeinen pathologie und der patholo- gischen anatomie des kindesalters, von H. Beitzke [u. a. hrsg. von H. Brüning ... und E. Schwalbe ... 1. bd., 2. abt. ... Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1914. xxii, 451-1097 p. illus., pl., diagrs. 26cm. M. 27 June 2, 1914; 1c. Sept. 16, 1914; A—Foreign 11100; J. F. Bergmann. Hare, Walter Ben. A pageant of history; an entertainment for either in- Aug. 15, 1914; 2c. Aug. 17, 1914*; D 37866; W. B. Hare, Springfield, Mo. 251* Outlines of American railway transportation, by Ralph Bibliography: p. 16); "Reading course": p. 177-207. Jan. 8, 1915; 2c. Jan. 11, 1915; A 393346; R. H. Hess, Madison, Wis. The first year of science, by John C. Hessler... 254 Dec. 31, 1914; 1c. Jan. 4. 1915; le. Jan. 16, 1915; A 393298; J. C. Hess- ler, Decatur, Ill. (15-2613) Hobbs, Glenn Moody, 1870- Practical mathematics; an elementary treatise cover- ing the fundamental processes of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, with a practical presentation of logarithms and curve plotting, by Glenn M. Hobbs ... Edward B. Waite... [and] John P. Schroeter... Chicago, American 1 p. 1., 6 p., 11., 172 p. illus., tables, diagrs. 21. $1.00 Jan. 16, 1915; 2c. Jan. 19, 1915; A 393348; Amer. technical soc. Höcker, Paul Oskar, 1865– Das volk in waffen; vaterländisches liederspiel in vier 2 p. 1., 7-107, [1] p., 1 1. 211. Dec. 10, 1914; 1c. Jan. 14, 1915; D 39418; Ullstein & co. Huiginn, Eugene Joseph Vincent. 256* The graves of Myles Standish and other Pilgrims, rev. 4 p. 1, 1131-218 p. illus. (map) plates, port. 201cm. $200 Dec. 23, 1914; 2c. Jan. 8, 1915*; A 391277; E. J. V. Huiginn. 257 The Panama canal and international trade competition, by Lincoln Hutchinson ... New York, The Macmillan x p., 2 l., 283 p. fold. map. 201m. $1.75 Jan. 27, 1915; 2c. Jan. 28, 1915*; A 393424; Macmillan co. 258 |