Lapas attēli

no. 3, February, 1915

Abbott, Austin.


Abbott's digest of all New York reports ... from January 1st, 1900, to January 1st, 1913; continuing Abbott's digest 1794-1900, 13 vols., with table of cases and topical references from 1794 to 1913. Ed. and comp. by George F. Longsdorf, editor-in-chief and assistants. v. 2 of supplement-vol. 15 of the set. New York city, Baker, Voorhis & co.; The Lawyers co-op. pub. co., 1914.

viii, 1346 p. 261cm.

Dec. 29, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915*; A 393076; Baker, Voorhis & co., Lawyers co-op. pub. co. 148

The American and English annotated cases... Thoroughly annotated. Editors: William M. McKinney and H. Noyes Greene. v. 34. Ann. cas. 1914D. Northport, N. Y., E. Thompson company; San Francisco, Bancroft-Whitney company, 1915.

ix, 1402 p. 26cm. $5.00

Jan. 26, 1915; 2c. Jan. 28, 1915; A 393442; Edward Thompson co., Bancroft-Whitney co.


Index to the notes in American annotated cases. vols. 1912A to 1914C, by Peter V. Ross ... San Francisco, Bancroft-Whitney company [1915]

390 p. 26cm.

Jan. 18, 1915; 2c. Jan. 20, 1915; A 391417; Bancroft-Whitney co. 150 Arthur, William, 1860

The home builders' guide; a treatise for those about to build, covering the selection of the site, the planning of the rooms and proper materials to use in construction, by William Arthur... New York, David Williams company,


186 p. illus. (incl. plans) 191cm $1.00

Nov. 30, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915; A 393349; David Williams co. (15-1855)

Barrie, Sir James Matthew, bart., 1860–


"Der tag"; or, The tragic man, by J. M. Barrie. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1914.

3 p. 1., 3-20 p. 21cm.

© Dec. 30, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915; D 39291; J. M. Barrie, London. (15-1536)

Berry, Albert Leslie, 1849


A book of common verse [by] Albert L. Berry. Chicago, Post print shop, 1914]

cover-title, 2 p. 1., 38 p. 15cm. $1.00

Dec. 1, 1914; 2c. Dec. 24, 1914; A 393303; A. L. Berry, Evanston, Ill. (15-2015)


1915, no. 3



Bible. O. T. Job. English.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

The book of Job; a transcription, by Edwin Freegard. St. Louis, Mo., The Freegard press, 1914.

86 p. 191cm.

Dec. 19, 1914; 2c. Dec. 19, 1914; A 393046; E. Freegard, St. Louis.


Bigger, David Dwight.


Millionaire Tom, the lad from Cnoc-an-Uir, by David Dwight Bigger ... illustrations by Julius Golz, jr. Dayton, The Otterbein press, 1914.

325 p. plates, port. 20cm $1.25

Dec. 24, 1914; 2c. Jan. 9, 1915; À 393342; D. D. Bigger, Columbus, O. (15-1807)

Boyce, William Dickson, 1848


United States dependencies; Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Panama Republic, illustrated, by William D. Boyce... Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally & company [1914]

1 p. I., vii-ix, 165 p. front., illus., ports. 221cm $1.00

"A part of my larger work, United States colonies and dependencies, the matter of which first ran as Travel stories in the Saturday blade."Introd.

The last part, The Panama Canal Zone and Republic of Panama, pub. also in the author's Alaska and the Panama canal.

Dec. 22, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915*; A 393071; W. D. Boyce, Chicago. (15-2095)


British ruling cases from courts of Great Britain, Canada, Ireland, Australia and other divisions of the British Empire. Extensively annotated. v. 4. Rochester, N. Y., Lawyers co-operative publishing company, 1915. xxii, 1044 p. 241cm. $5.00

Jan. 28, 1915; 2c. Jan. 30, 1915; A 393473; Lawyers co-operative pub. co.

Browning, Robert, 1812-1889.


New poems by Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, ed. by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon ... with two portraits. New York, The Macmillan company, 1915. xxxi, 186 p. 2 port. (incl. front.) 20cm. $1.25

CONTENTS-Poems by Robert Browning.-Poems by Mrs. Browning.— Miss Elizabeth Barrett Barrett's criticisms on some of her future husband's poems (1845)-Robert Browning's answers to questions concerning some of his poems. By A. A. Brockington.

Jan. 20, 1915; 2c. Jan. 21, 1915; A 393361; Macmillan co. (15-1867)

Burbank, Luther.


Luther Burbank, his methods and discoveries and their practical application, prepared from his original field notes... with the assistance of the Luther Burbank society... under the editorial direction of John Whitson and Robert John and Henry Smith Williams ... v. 4-9

New York and London, Luther Burbank press, 1914. 6 v. col. fronts., col, plates. 243cm. $42.00

Dec. 31, 1914; 2c. each Jan, 5, 1915; A 391285; Luther Burbank society, Santa Rosa, Cal.


no. 3, February, 1915


Davis, Jesse Buttrick.

Vocational and moral guidance, by Jesse Buttrick Davis... Boston, New York [etc.] Ginn and company [1914] viii, 303 p. incl. forms. 191

Contains bibliographies.


Dec. 4, 1914; 2c. Jan. 20, 1915; A 391413; J. B. Davis, Grand Rapids, Mich. (15-2089)

Fortier, Samuel.



Use of water in irrigation, by Samuel Fortier 1st ed. New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc.,


xiii, 265 p. illus., VIII pl. (incl. front.) diagrs. 21cm. (Half-title: Agricultural engineering series) $2.00

Jan. 2, 1915; 2c. Jan. 4, 1915*; A 391227; McGraw-Hill book co., inc. (15-1520)

General education board.


The General education board; an account of its activities, 1902-1914. With 32 full page illustrations and 31 maps. New York, General education board, 1915.

xv, 240 p. front. (port.) illus. (maps) plates. 21cm.

Jan. 19, 1915; 2c. Jan. 21, 1915; A 393355; General education board. (15-2090)

Gibson, Julia Roberts.


A cry from India's night, by Julia R. Gibson ... Kansas City, Mo., Publishing house of the Pentecostal church of the Nazarene [1914]

216 p., 1 1. front. (port.) plates. 20cm.


Oct. 26, 1914; 2c. Jan. 4, 1915*; A 393134; Publishing house of the Pentecostal church of the Nazarene, Kansas City. (15-1866)

Glass, Dudley.

Writing for the press, by Dudley Glass ... Ga. [Webb and Vary co., °1915]

51 p. 23. $2.00

"Newspaper directory": p. 47-51.

Jan. 11, 1915; 2c. Jan. 14, 1915*; A 393254; D. Glass, Atlanta. (15-2062)

Harrison, Earl Stanley, 1871




A Spanish commercial reader, by E. S. Harrison Boston, New York [etc.] Ginn and company [1914] vii, 238 p. 19cm. $0.90


Nov. 17, 1914; 2c. Jan. 16, 1915; A 393312; F. S. Harrison, Queens, N. Y. (15-1886)

Hewitt, John Haskell, 1835


Williams college and foreign missions; biographical sketches of Williams college men who have rendered special service to the cause of foreign missions, by John H. Hewitt. Boston, New York [etc.] The Pilgrim press [1914]

x p., 1 1, 121, 641 p. front., plates, ports. 24cm. $2.00 Bibliography: p. 631-634.

Dec. 21, 1914; 2c. Jan. 12, 1915; A 393234; Luther H. Cary, Boston. (15-1843)



Holt, Lucius Hudson.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

An introduction to the study of government, by Lucius Hudson Holt... New York, The Macmillan company,


x p., 1 1, 388 p. 201cm. $2.00

Jan. 13, 1915; 2c. Jan. 14, 1915*; A 393258; Macmillan co. (15-1833)


The home and school reference work; editor-in-chief, William F. Rocheleau ... associate editor, Loran D. Osborn ... literary editor, Bertha M. White Chicago, New York [etc.] The Home and school education society [19131

7 v.

illus., plates (part col.) ports., maps. 25cm. $24.75


Jan. 12, 1915; 2c. each Jan. 18, 1915; A 393338; Henry M. Dixon, Chicago. (15-1831)

Knoeppel, Charles Edward, 1881–



Installing efficiency methods, by C. E. Knoeppel. New York, The Engineering magazine, 1915.

1 p. 1., viii, 258 p. illus. (incl. charts, forms.) 26cm. (Works management library)


"As originally prepared the material appeared in a series of articles published in the Engineering magazine during the year 1914."—Introd.


Jan. 2, 1915; 2c. Jan. 5, 1915*; A 393150; Engineering magazine co. (15-1852) Ladies of the eastern Hampden medical association, comp. A practical cook book ... by Ladies of the eastern Hampden medical association. Springfield, Mass., Daily news job print, 1914.

55, 11 p. 18cm. $0.75

Dec. 10, 1914; 2c. Dec. 12, 1914; A 393168; Ladies of the eastern Hampden medical assn., Springfield, Mass. (15-1856)

Leavell, Landrum Pinson, 1874–


The new B. Y. P. U. manual, by L. P. Leavell... Nashville, Tenn., Sunday school board, Southern Baptist convention [1914]

152 p. illus. 171cm. $0.50

May 27, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915; A 393104; Sunday school board, Southern Baptist convention. (15-1655)

Lee, Aaron, 1832


From the Atlantic to the Pacific; reminiscences of pioneer life and travels across the continent, from New England to the Pacific Ocean, by an old soldier. Also a graphic account of his army experiences in the civil war. By Aaron Lee, member of First Minnesota infantry. Seattle, Metropolitan press, printers [1915]

190 p. front. (port.) illus., pl. 20cm. $1.00

Jan. 4, 1915; 2c. Jan. 16, 1915*; A 393294; A. Lee, Port Orchard, Wash. (15-2019)


no. 3, February, 1915

Magrath, Joseph Walker.


A new income tax manual, explaining the requirements of the federal income tax law and the Treasury department regulations with respect to the administration thereof. By Joseph Walker Magrath ... New York, The Bench and bar company, 1915.

[blocks in formation]

Jan. 9, 1915; 2c. Jan. 14, 1915*; A 393251; J. W. Magrath, New York. (15-1897)

Murphy, Thomas Dowler, 1866



On sunset highways; a book of motor rambles in California, by Thos. D. Murphy with sixteen illustrations in color from original paintings, mainly by California artists, and forty duogravures from photographs. Also Automobile club of southern California road map of state. Boston, The Page company, 1915.

6 p. l., 376 p. col. front., plates (part col.) fold. map. 21cm. $3.00 Jan. 20, 1915; 2c. Jan. 25, 1915*; A 391454; Page co., inc. (15-2097)

National fire protection association.


Field practice; an inspection manual for property owners, fire departments and inspection offices, covering fire hazards and their safeguarding and fire protection and upkeep. 1914 edition ... Boston, Mass., National fire protection association [1914]

199 p. 17cm. $1.50

Dec. 30, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915; A 393111; Natl. fire protection assn. (15-1835)

New York (State) Supreme court.



... Reports of cases heard and determined in the Appellate division Jerome B. Fisher, reporter. v. 162, 1915. [Official ed.] Albany, N. Y., J. B. Lyon company [1915]

[blocks in formation]

Jan. 25, 1915; 2c. Feb. 2, 1915*; A 393488; Francis M. Hugo, sec. of the state of New York, in trust for the benefit of the people of the said state, Albany.

O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold, 1876


The adventures of Detective Barney, by Harvey J. O'Higgins... illustrations by Henry Raleigh. New York, The Century co., 1915.

7 p. 1., 3-305 p. incl. front., plates. 19



Jan. 20, 1915; 2c. Jan. 26, 1915*; A 393415; H. J. O'Higgins, Martinsville, N. J. (15-2005)


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