Lapas attēli


pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Poteat, Edwin McNeill, 1861

The religion of the Lord's prayer, by Edwin M. Poteat Nashville, Tenn., Sunday school board, Southern Baptist convention, 1914.

100 p. 171cm $0.40

Aug. 6, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915; A 393102; Sunday school board, Southern Baptist convention. (15-1483)

Prentiss, Charles William, 1874–


A laboratory manual and text-book of embryology, by Charles William Prentiss ... with 368 illustrations, many of them in colors. Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders company, 1915.

2 p. 1., 7-400 p. illus. (part col.) col. plates. 27cm. $3.75

"Titles for reference": p. 15

Jan. 2, 1915; 2c. Jan. 5, 1915; A 393151; W. B. Saunders co.


Russell, Lev.


Notes on Iowa reports; being chronological annotations of the decisions of the Iowa Supreme court ... by Lev. Russell ... v. 4. Chicago, Ill., T. H. Flood & company, 1914.

1 p. 1., 971 p. 261cm. $7.50

Jan. 25, 1915; 2c. Feb. 1, 1915*; A 391530; T. H. Flood & co.

Sammons, Wheeler.


Keeping up with rising costs, by Wheeler Sammons ... Chicago, New York [etc.] A. W. Shaw company [1915]

192 p. incl. illus., forms, diagrs. 21cm. $2.00

Jan. 6, 1915; 2c. Jan. 11, 1915*; A 391315; A. W. Shaw co. (15-1626)

Schoff, Hannah (Kent) "Mrs. Frederic Schoff."


The wayward child; a study of the causes of crime, by Hannah Kent Schoff... Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill company [1915]

14 p. 1., 274 p. 194cm. (Childhood and youth series, ed. by M. V. O'Shea) $1.00

Jan. 6, 1915; 2c Jan. 9, 1915*; A 393204; Bobbs-Merrill co. (15-1701)

Sheffield, Herman Bernard, 1871


The backward baby; a treatise on idiocy and the allied mental deficiencies in infancy and early childhood, by Herman B. Sheffield ... Awarded the Alvarenga prize of the College of physicians of Philadelphia, July 14, 1914. With twenty-two original illustrations in the text. New York, Rebman company [1915]

vi, 184 p. illus. 21cm.

"Literature": p. 176-180.


Jan. 4. 1915; 2c. Jan. 15, 1915; A 391354; Rebman co. (15-1673)


no. 2, February, 1915

Simkins, William Stewart, 1842


The administration of estates in Texas, by W. S. Simkins 2d ed. Kansas City., Mo., Vernon law book company, 1914.


xi, 876 p. 231cm. $7.50

Dec. 17, 1914; 2c. Jan. 7, 1915*; A 393180; W. S. Simkins, Austin, Tex. (15-1712)

Smith, Chester Wason, 1866


Construction of masonry dams, by Chester W. Smith ... 1st ed. New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc.,


xi, 279 p. front., illus., plates (part fold.) diagrs. 24cm. $3.00 "Partial list of existing dams with descriptions and costs": p. 225-272. Jan. 2, 1915; 2c. Jan. 4, 1915*; A 391226; McGraw-Hill book co., inc. (15-1853)

Snyder, Gerrit.


The soul-winner's Gospel; the saving doctrines of the Gospel of John, interpreted and applied in personal work with resultant conversions, by Gerrit Snyder, with introduction by Andrew C. Zenos, D. D. Kansas City, Mo., Publishing house of the Pentecostal church of the Nazarene [1914]

[blocks in formation]

Sept. 21, 1914; 2c. Jan. 4, 1915*; A 393137; G. Snyder, Kansas City. (15-1649)

Steiner, Rudolf, 1861



Christianity as mystical fact and the mysteries of antiquity, by Dr. Rudolf Steiner 3d ed., rev. and enl., edited by H. Collison. The authorized English translation. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1914.

x p., 1 1., 241 р. 19cm. $1.25

Dec. 24, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915*; A 393067; H. Collison, London. (15-1651)

Stephens, Henry, 1883


South American travels, by Henry Stephens New

York, The Knickerbocker press, 1915.


xvii, 705 p. incl. illus., plates. front. (port.) fold. map. 23cm.
Dec. 21, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915*; A 393062; H. Stephens, Detroit.


Theiss, Lewis Edwin.



In camp at Fort Brady, by Lewis Edwin Theiss; illus

trated by Frank T. Merrill.

Wilde company [1914]

Boston, Chicago, W. A.

293 p. col. front., 1 illus. 191cm. $1.00

Sept. 1, 1914; 2c. Jan. 14, 1915; A 391344; W. A. Wilde co. (15-1290)



pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Tipper, Harry, 1879

Advertising; a practical presentation of the principles underlying the planning of successful advertising campaigns and the preparation of advertising copy, by Harry Tipper and George Burton Hotchkiss New York, Alexander Hamilton institute [1914]



xvi, 464 p. illus., fold. pl., chart. 22, (Added t.-p.: Modern business; a series of eighteen texts, especially prepared for the Alexander Hamilton institute course in accounts, finance and management, ed. by J. F. Johnson [vol. IV))

Dec. 31, 1914; 2c. Jan. 5, 1915*; A 393156; Alexander Hamilton institute. (15-1621)

Trabert, George Henry.


English Lutheranism in the Northwest, by George Henry Trabert... Philadelphia, General council publication house, 1914.

xiii, 9-184 p. front., plates, ports 201 $1.00

Aug. 13, 1914; 2c. Jan. 14, 1915*; A 393265; Board of publ. of the General council of the Evangelical Lutheran church in North America. (15-1800)

Tuttle, Lucius, 1877


An introduction to laboratory physics, by Lucius Tut tle Philadelphia, Jefferson laboratory of physics, 1915.


xi, [13]-150 p. illus., diagrs. 181. $0.80

Jan. 4, 1915; 2c. Jan. 5, 1915*; A 393148; L. Tuttle, Aldan, Pa. (15-1671)

Van Ness, Isaac Jacob, 1860


Training in the Baptist spirit, for use as text book in study courses either with the individual, with the church B. Y. P. U.; or as supplemental studies in the church Sunday school by I. J. Van Ness ... Nashville, Tenn., Sunday school board, Southern Baptist convention [1914]

176 р. 173cm. $0.35

Nov. 18, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915; A 393101; Sunday school board, South

ern Baptist convention. (15-1481)

Wachenheim, Frederick L



Infant-feeding; its principles and practice, by F. L. Wachenheim ... Philadelphia and New York, Lea & Febi

[blocks in formation]

Bibliography: p. 13211-331.


Jan. 5, 1915; 2c. Jan. 6, 1915; A 393193; Lea & Febiger.


Wright, Henry Parks.


Soldiers of Oakham, Massachusetts, in the revolutionary war, the war of 1812 and the civil war, by Henry Parks Wright. New Haven, Conn., The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor press, 1914.

3 p. 1., [V]-x, 325 p. front. (plan) plates, ports. 24. $2.50 Dec. 7, 1914; 2c. Jan. 13, 1915; A 393366; H. P. Wright, New Haven,



no. 3, February, 1915

Abbott, Austin.



Abbott's digest of all New York reports from January 1st, 1900, to January 1st, 1913; continuing Abbott's digest 1794-1900, 13 vols., with table of cases and topical. references from 1794 to 1913. Ed. and comp. by George F. Longsdorf, editor-in-chief and assistants. v. 2 of supplement-vol. 15 of the set. New York city, Baker, Voorhis & co.; The Lawyers co-op. pub. co., 1914.

viii, 1346 p. 261cm.

Dec. 29, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915*; A 393076; Baker, Voorhis & co., Lawyers co-op. pub. co.



The American and English annotated cases Thoroughly annotated. Editors: William M. McKinney and H. Noyes Greene. v. 34. Ann. cas. 1914D. Northport, N. Y., E. Thompson company; San Francisco, Bancroft-Whitney company, 1915.

ix, 1402 p. 26cm. $5.00

Jan. 26, 1915; 2c. Jan. 28, 1915; A 393442; Edward Thompson co., Bancroft-Whitney co.


Index to the notes in American annotated cases. vols. 1912A to 1914C, by Peter V. Ross San Francisco, Bancroft-Whitney company [1915]

390 p. 26cm.


Jan. 18, 1915; 2c. Jan. 20, 1915; A 391417; Bancroft-Whitney co. 150

Arthur, William, 1860

The home builders' guide; a treatise for those about to build, covering the selection of the site, the planning of the rooms and proper materials to use in construction, by William Arthur New York, David Williams company, 1914.


186 p. illus. (incl. plans) 191cm. $1.00

Nov. 30, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915; A 393349; David Williams co. (15-1855)

Barrie, Sir James Matthew, bart., 1860


"Der tag"; or, The tragic man, by J. M. Barrie. New

York, C. Scribner's sons, 1914.

3 р. 1., 3-20 р. 21cm.

Dec. 30, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915; D 39291; J. M. Barrie, London. (15-1536)

Berry, Albert Leslie, 1849


A book of common verse [by] Albert L. Berry. [Chi

cago, Post print shop, 1914]

cover-title, 2 p. 1., 38 р. 15cm. $1.00

Dec. 1, 1914; 2c. Dec. 24, 1914; A 393303; A, L. Berry, Evanston, III. (15-2015)


Printed February 13, 1915

1915, no. 3



Bible. O. T. Job. English.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

The book of Job; a transcription, by Edwin Freegard.

St. Louis, Mo., The Freegard press, 1914.

86 р. 191cm.

Dec. 19, 1914; 2c. Dec. 19, 1914; A 393046; E. Freegard, St. Louis. (15-1906)

Bigger, David Dwight.


Millionaire Tom, the lad from Cnoc-an-Uir, by David Dwight Bigger ... illustrations by Julius Golz, jr. Day

ton, The Otterbein press, 1914.

325 p. plates, port. 20cm. $1.25

Dec. 24, 1914; 2c. Jan. 9, 1915; A 393342; D. D. Bigger, Columbus, O. (15-1807)

Boyce, William Dickson, 1848


United States dependencies; Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Panama Republic, illustrated, by William D. Boyce... Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally & company [1914]

1 p. 1., vii-ix, 165 p. front., illus., ports. 221cm. $1.00 "A part of my larger work, United States colonies and dependencies, the matter of which first ran as Travel stories in the Saturday blade."Introd.

The last part, The Panama Canal Zone and Republic of Panama, pub. also in the author's Alaska and the Panama canal.

Dec. 22, 1914; 2c. Jan. 2, 1915*; A 393071; W. D. Boyce, Chicago. (15-2095)


British ruling cases from courts of Great Britain, Canada, Ireland, Australia and other divisions of the British Empire. Extensively annotated. v. 4. Rochester, N. Y., Lawyers co-operative publishing company, 1915. xxii, 1044 р. 241cm. $5.00

Jan. 28, 1915; 2c. Jan. 30, 1915; A 393473; Lawyers co-operative pub. co.

Browning, Robert, 1812-1889.


New poems by Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, ed. by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon with two portraits. New York, The Macmillan company, 1915.


xxxi, 186 p. 2 port. (incl. front.) 20cm. $1.25 CONTENTS. Poems by Robert Browning. -Poems by Mrs. Browning.Miss Elizabeth Barrett Barrett's criticisms on some of her future husband's poems (1845) -Robert Browning's answers to questions concerning some of his poems. By A. A. Brockington.

Jan. 20, 1915; 2c. Jan. 21, 1915; A 393361; Macmillan co. (15-1867)

Burbank, Luther.


Luther Burbank, his methods and discoveries and their practical application, prepared from his original field notes with the assistance of the Luther Burbank society under the editorial direction of John Whitson and Robert John and Henry Smith Williams





ν. 4-9

New York and London, Luther Burbank press, 1914. 6 v. col. fronts., col, plates. 24m. $42.00 Dec. 31, 1914; 2c. each Jan, 5, 1915; A 391285; Luther Burbank society, Santa Rosa, Cal.


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