Lapas attēli

no. 18, March, 1915


an and English annotated cases:

Digest of the American and English annotated cases, 1913 C to 1914 C (vols. 28-33) With table of cases reported and separate index to the notes. Northport, N. Y., Edward Thompson company; San Francisco, BancroftWhitney company, 1915.

719 р. 26cm $330

Feb. 25, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 11, 1915, A 397077; Edward Thompson co. and Bancroft-Whitney co.

Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin.


Montessori children, by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey, illustrated from specially posed photographs. New York,

H. Holt and company, 1915.


vii, 188 p. front., plates. 191cm $1.25
Feb. 20, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 8, 1915; A 393875; Henry Holt & co.

Barba, Preston Albert, 1883


Balduin Möbeen the German Cooper, by Preston: Albert Barba [rndadelphia] University of Pennsylvania; [New York, D. Appleton & company, agents) 1914.


(Added l.-p.: Americana ger-
(new ser., no. 171)

5 p. 1., (9)-188 p. front., pl., ports. 251cm. manica ... Editor: Marion Dexter Learned "A list of editions of Möllhausen's works": p. 153-157. Jan. 28, 1915; 2c. Feb. 5, 1915; aff. Feb. 20, 1915; A 393707; P. A. Barba, Bloomington, Ind. (15-5372)

[blocks in formation]


Poems, a collection of boyhood verses, by John Black. Private ed. (limited) Brooklyn, N. Y., The author [1915]

35 р. 20cm. $0.25

Feb. 15, 1915; 1c. Feb. 24, 1915; 1c. and aff. Mar. 2, 1915; A 393832;
J. Black. (15-5169)

Castelli, Franco.




Storia d'Italia dalla fondazione di Roma 753 anni avanti Cristo fino al 1914 ... Fa seguito una breve storia degli Stati Uniti d'America... New York, N. Y., Società

libraria italiana [1914]

464 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 19.


"Breve storia degli Stati Uniti d'America": p. 14521-461.

Dec. 26, 1914; 1c. Feb. 11, 1915; A-Foreign 11688; Italian book co.


Chesnut, Mary Dorcas] 1876–



Universal hay calculator, based upon the U. S. government rule oblong stacks; accuracy guaranteed... [Omaha,

Nebr., Williams printing co., 1915]

2 p. 1., 20 p. of tables. 16cm $1.00

[merged small][ocr errors]

Feb. 9, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 16, 1915; A 393636; M. D. Chesnut,

Omaha, Neb. (15-5362)

1915, no. 18.

Printed March 26, 1915





Crain, Grant H


pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Phonotypy; a system of phonetic typewriting embodying and not departing from the principles of shorthand, by Grant IH. Crain and Ruby Macy Crain. Ottawa, Kan., The Crain publishing company [1915]

3 p. 1., 94 р. 171.


Jan. 23, 1915; 2c. Jan. 28, 1915; aff. Feb, 10, 1915; A 391665; G. H. Crain and Ruby Macy Crain, Ottawa, Kan. (15 4924)

Davies, John Percival, 1877


Engineering office systems and methods, together with schedules and instructions for the collection of preliminary data for engineering projects; sampling, inspecting and testing engineering materials; conducting domestic and export shipping operations; etc., by John P. Davies 1st ed. New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc., 1915.

xvi, 544 p. illus., diagrs., forms (1 fold.) 23. $5.00 Feb. 24, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 26, 1915; A 393749; McGraw-Hill book co., inc. (15-5340)

Dunn, Joseph B.


In the service of the King; a parson's story, by Joseph B. Dunn. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1915.

ix, 158 p. 21cm.


CONTENTS. In country and village. The town ministry. The city ministry.-Fireside talk.

Feb. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 2, 1915; A 391945; J. B. Dunn, Lynchburg, Va. (15-5393)

Francke, Kuno, ed.


The German classics of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; masterpieces of German literature, tr. into English. Editor-in-chief: Kuno Francke assistant editor-in-chief: William Guild Howard v. 14-20,



trons ed.] New York, The German publication society


7 v. col. fronts., plates (part col.) ports. 24. CONTENTS.-V. 14. Keller, C. F. Meyer, Widmann, Spitteler.--. 15. Schopenhauer, Wagner, Nietzsche, William 11.- v. 16. Wilbrandt, Anzengruber, Rosegger, Schönherr.--v. 17. Wildenbruch, Sudermann, Frenssen, Polenz, Fulda, Hofmannsthal. v. 18. G. Hauptmann, Ricarda Huch, Contemporary lyrics. v. 19. The contemporary short story. v. 20. The contemporary drama.

v. 14-17 Nov. 25, 1914; v. 1820 Dec. 24, 1914: 1c. each Dec. 30, 1914; 1c. each Jan. 16, 1915; affs. Mar. 3, 1915; A 393828, 393829; German publ.


Gwynne, Walker, 1845

861, 862

The Christian year, its purpose and its history, by the

Rev. Walker Gwynne

Green and co., 1915.

xiv, 143 p. 191cm.



New York (ete.; Longmans,

Feb. 24, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 5, 1915; A 393852; Longmans, Green, & co. (15-5045)


no. 18, March, 1915



H. T. W. S. S. T. K. S. and his followers. Fla. A valuable aid to the memory. Strictly in accordance with the latest revision. New York, N. Y., Allen publishing company, 1915.

131-254 p. diagrs. 13cm.

At head of title: 71.


Feb. 13, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 18, 1915; A 394838; Allen pub. co. (15-5143)

Haring, Oliver William, 1878


Haring's paymaster; scale of wages by hours and halfhours from 1 to 100 ... by Oliver W. Haring

Ia., Allen printing company] 1915.


202 р., 1 1. 231 x 13cm.



Feb. 11, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 23, 1915; A 391855; O. W. Haring, Clinton, Ia. (15-5390)


Hawkins electrical guide no. 7, 8; questions, answers & illustrations; a progressive course of study for engineers, electricians, students and those desiring to acquire a working knowledge of electricity and applications. A practical treatise, by Hawkins and staff. New York, T. Audel & co. [1915]

2 v. illus., diagrs. 17cm. $1.00 each

no. 7 Feb. 6, 1915; no. 8 Mar. 1, 1915; 2c. each and affs. Mar. 9, 1915; A 397025, 397026; Theodore Audel & co.

Hofer, Ernst, 1855

866, 867

Jesus and the unemployed, by E. Hofer. Salem, Or.,

E. Hofer & sons, 1915.

54 p. incl. front., illus. 184cm.


Dec. 26, 1914; 2c. Jan. 12, 1915; aff. Feb. 15, 1915; A 391730; E. Hofer, Salem, Or. (15-5164)

Holmes, James Taylor, 1837


The American family of Rev. Obadiah Holmes, by Col. J. T. Holmes. Columbus, O. [Stoneman press] 1915.

247 p. incl. plates, ports., facsims. 23cm. $2.50

Feb. 9, 1915; 2c. Feb. 26, 1915; aff. Feb. 25, 1915; A 391897; J. T. Holmes, Columbus, O. (15-5355)

Hooper, William Everett, 1883


Railroad accounting, by William E. Hooper. New York

and London, D. Appleton and company, 1915.

xi, 461 p. illus., forms (part fold.) 214cm.

railway series, ed. by E. R. Johnson)

[blocks in formation]

Feb. 26, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 2, 1915; A 391952; D. Appleton & co. (15-5360)

Hughes, Marion.


20 years in Oklahoma, by Marion Hughes homa City, J. E. Smith publishing co., 1915] cover-title, 95, [1] p. illus. (incl. port.) 19cm $0.25 Feb. 26, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 1, 1915; A 393767; M. Hughes, Shawnee,



Okl. (15-5367)



Jacobsen, Vigo.


pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

Fri os fra det onde; fire skuespil... København, Lehmann & Stages forlag, 1914.

389 p., 1 l. 191 cm.

CONTENTS. I egen gård.-En skål.-Drømme.-Officeren.

Dec. 17, 1914; 1c. Jan. 30, 1915; D 39553; V. Jacobsen, Copenhagen. (15-4917)

Keith, Charles Alexander, 1883


Notes and outlines in civil government [by] Charles A. Keith.. [Richmond, Ky., Printed by the Climax-Madisonian co., 1915]


cover-title, 100 p. 23cm. $0.40

Bibliography: p. thi

Feb. 27, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 3, 1915; A 393833; C. A. Keith, Richmond, Ky. (15-5363)

Keith, Walter Jewett, 1866


Keith's house plans, by Walter J. Keith ... New York, N. Y., W. J. Keith, architect, Short stories publishing company, 1915.

2 v. illus. (incl. plans) 25cm. $1.00 per vol.

p. 11-128 of vol. II identical with vol. 1.

CONTENTS.-V. 1. 140 plans. Small cottages and bungalows costing from $500 to $2,000, exclusive of heating, plumbing, electric work, and decoration (under prices quoted)-v. 2. 172 plans. Cottages and bungalows.

Jan. 21, 1915; 2c. each and affs. Feb. 9, 1915; A 393789, 393790; W. J. Keith, Minneapolis. (15-4974)

Korf, Georg.

873, 874

Die andere seite der welt; metaphysischer roman, von Georg Korf. 1. und 2. aufl. Goslar, H. A. Wiechmann [1914]

2 p. 1., 388 p. 22cm.

Dec. 30, 1914; 1c. Feb. 9, 1915; A-Foreign 11631; Hermann A. Wiechmann. (15-4967)

Maxwell, William Babington.


The ragged messenger, by W. B. Maxwell ... Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill company [1915]

5 p. 1., 431 p. 19cm. $1.35

Jan. 28, 1915; 1c. and aff. Feb. 1, 1915; 1c. Mar. 5, 1915; A 393853; Bobbs-Merrill co. Copyright is claimed on preface (15-26150)


Middleton, George, 1880

Possession, with The groove, The unborn, Circles, A good woman, The black tie; one-act plays of contemporary life, by George Middleton ... New York, H. Holt and company, 1915.

ix p., 1 l., 217 p. 191cm.


Feb. 27, 1915; 2c. Mar. 8, 1915; D 39891; G. Middleton, New York.



no. 18, March, 1915


Mills, Herbert Elmer, 1861

Labor problem;

outline for reading and study, by Herbert Elmer Mills... Poughkeepsie, Vassar college, 1915.

38 p. 23cm. $0.50

The outline upon Immigration and a large part of that upon Women in industry have been prepared by Miss Emilie Louise Wells."

Feb. 1, 1915; 2c. Feb. 3, 1915; aff. Feb. 10, 1915; A 391696; H. E. Mills, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (15-5391)

Moorehead, Warren King, 1866–


The American Indian in the United States, period 18501914, by Warren K. Moorehead... the present condition of the American Indian; his political history, and other topics; a plea for justice. Andover, Mass., The Andover

press, 1914.

440 p. illus., plates (1 col.) ports., maps (2 fold.) 25 x 19cm. $3.75 Contains bibliographies.

Jan. 15, 1915; 2c. Feb. 15, 1915; aff. Mar. 1, 1915; A 391950; W. K. Moorehead, Andover, Mass. (15-5358)

Murphy, Edward Josephy, 1871


Latin pronounced for singing, by Rev. Edward J. Murphy. The pronunciation urged by Pope Pius x; hymns for lent, holy week, Corpus Christi, forty hours devotion 4th ed. Philadelphia, Pa., H. L. Kilner & co. [1915]

2 p. l., 7 p. 21cm.


CONTENTS. Stabat Mater.- Pange lingua.-Vexilla Regis. - O saluta

ris.-Tantum ergo.

Feb. 11, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 16, 1915; A 393631; E. J. Murphy, Philadelphia. (15-5038)

National highways association.


... Fifty thousand miles of national highways, four fold system... Boston, The Everett press company, 1915] 7, p. illus. (incl. map) 25cm.

Caption title.

At head of title: National highways association.

Signed: Charles Henry Davis, c. E., president.

© A 391546; National highways assn., Washington. (15-4782)

New Mexico. Board of exposition managers.


New Mexico, the land of opportunity ... official data on


shine state.

Albuquerque, A. E. Koehler, jr., 1915]


84, 240, v p. illus. (incl. ports., maps) fold. map. 30. On cover: Official souvenir of the state of New Mexico at PanamaCalifornia exposition, San Diego, 1915.

"Editor's foreword" signed: A. E. Koehler, jr., editor and publisher.

Commissioner of

Publicity, New Mexico board of exposition managers.


Jan. 12, 1915; 2c. Jan. 18, 1915; aff. Feb. 15, 1915; A 393655; Adam E. Koehler, jr., Albuquerque, N. M. (15-5359)

The Old world in arms: glimpses of the greatest war in history; war songs of great nations ... pt. 1 Chicago, Merrill press 1915

32 p. illus.

Nov. 15, 1914- 2c. and aff. Mar. 1, 1915; A 393766; A. G. Merrill, Chi

cago. (15-5158)


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