no. 15, March, 1915 Jews. Liturgy and ritual. 733 The standard prayer book; authorized English translation by the Rev. S. [!] Singer. Enl. American ed. New York, Bloch publishing company, 1915. em 2 p. l., [11, 470, 469 p. 161cm $0.60 סדר תפלות כל השנה. :At head of title Hebrew and English text on opposite pages, numbered in duplicate. "An American reprint of the Authorized daily prayer book, which is in general use today throughout the British empire."-Publishers' foreword. Jan. 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 12, 1915; A 391715; Bloch pub. co. (15-4620) King, Alfred Grant, 1866– 729 500 plain answers to direct questions on steam, hot water, vapor and vacuum heating, the science and practice of heating explained in a series of plain questions and answers, with tables, rules and general information, forming a complete text book and manual. A help to the apprentice and journeyman steam fitter in preparing for examination. A reference book for master steam fitters, architects and heating contractors. By Alfred G. King profusely illustrated. New York, The Norman W. Henley publishing company, 1915. 214 p. incl. illus., tables. 23cm. $1.50 Feb. 20, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 24, 1915; A 393718; Norman W. Henley pub. co. (15-4787) Lake, Kirsopp, 1872 ... 730 The stewardship of faith, our heritage from early Christianity, by Kirsopp Lake Lowell lectures in 1913-14. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1915. vii, 237 p. 21cm. $1.50 Feb. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 2, 1915; A 391946; K. Lake, Cambridge, Mass. (15-4840) Lincoln, Natalie Sumner. 731 C. O. D., by Natalie Sumner Lincoln ... illustrated by Charles L. Wrenn. New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1915. vii, 11 p., 11., 328, 111 p. front., plates. 19cm $1.30 Feb. 26, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 2, 1915; A 391953; D. Appleton & co. (15-4800) Loyd, William Henry. 732 Civil procedure. pt. 8. Cases on appeal and error. Selected and annotated by William H. Loyd .. Philadel phia, Pa., Printed by International printing company, 19151 cover-title, 2 P. 1., 121 p. 241cm. Feb. 25, 1915; 2c. Mar. 2, 1915; aff. Mar. 1, 1915; A 393805; W. H. Loyd, Philadelphia. 733 734 Macarthur, Walter, 1862- ed. pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Handbook, navigation laws of the United States. Sections and acts applicable to shipment and discharge of seamen. Qualifications of licensed officers, manning scale, etc. Notes and tables. San Francisco, Cal. [Printed by James H. Barry co.] 1915. 97, xiii p. 23cm. $1.00 Preface signed: Walter Macarthur. Feb. 5, 1915; 2c. Feb. 13, 1915; aff. Feb. 10, 1915; A 393615; W. Macarthur, San Francisco. (15-4783) Meyers, Augustus, 1841 734 Ten years in the ranks, U. S. army, by Augustus Meyers. New York, The Stirling press, 1914. 3 p. 1., 356 p. 22cm. Jan. 6, 1915; 2c. Jan. 13, 1915; aff. Jan. 27, 1915; A 391328; A. Meyers, New York. (15-2096) Murphy, Edward Josephy, 1871 735 Latin pronounced for altar boys, by Rev. Edward J. Murphy; the pronunciation urged by Pope Pius x. [4th ed.) Philadelphia, Pa., H. L. Kilner & co. 1915) 2 p. 1., 7 p. 21cm. $0.25 Feb. 11, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 16, 1915; A 393630; E. J. Murphy, Philadelphia. (15-4442) ... 736 ... The New York supplement, with key-number annotations. v. 149. Permanent ed. September 14-December 14, 1914. St. Paul, West publishing co., 1915. x1, 1226 p. 24cm. (National reporter system-N. Y. supp. and state reporter) $3.00 Feb. 11, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 11, 1915; A 397044; West pub. co. [Newlin, Mrs. Ruth (Cranston)] The chalk line, by Anne Warwick [pseud.] York, John Lane company, 1915. ... 278 p. 19cm $1.30 737 New ... Feb. 26, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 2, 1915; A 391963; John Lane co. (15-4802) 738 The Northeastern reporter, with key-number annotations. v. 106. Permanent ed. ... August 18-December 29, 1914. St. Paul, West publishing co., 1915. xxi, 1206 p. 26cm. (National reporter system--State series) $4.00 Feb. 17, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 11, 1915; A 397046; West pub. co. 739 ... The Northwestern reporter, with key-number annotations. v. 149. Permanent ed. ... November 6, 1914January 8, 1915. St. Paul, West publishing co., 1915. xv, 1169 p. 26cm. (National reporter system-State series) $4.00 Feb. 19, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 11, 1915; A 397050; West pub. co. 740 no. 15, March, 1915 Ohnet, Georges, 1848 ... 747 Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris pendant la guerre de 1914. fasc. no. 1 Paris, P. Ollendorff, 1914. 128 p. 19cm. fr. 1 Dec. 18, 1914; 1c. Feb. 9, 1915; A-Foreign 11653; G. Ohnet, Paris. (15-4826) Pratt, Lucy. 741 Felix tells it, by Lucy Pratt ... with illustrations by Gordon Grant. New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1915. 5 p. 1.. 355 p. illus. 194em $1.25 Feb. 26, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 2, 1915; A 391954; D. Appleton & co. (15-4805) Putnam, Mrs. Nina (Wilcox) 1888 742 The little missioner, by Nina Wilcox Putnam ... illustrated by E. C. Caswell. New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1915. 5 p. 1.. 321. 111 p. front.. plates. 19m. $1.30 Feb. 26, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 2, 1915; A 391957; D. Appleton & co. (15-4804) Rich. Miss G Ellingwood, 1872 743 When mother lets us make toys; a book which develops ingenuity and inventive power through the making of unique toys out of materials which every boy and girl can get with almost no expense. By G. Ellingwood Rich... illustrated by the author. New York, Moffat, Yard and company, 1915. 122 p. incl. front., illus. 201cm $0.75 Feb. 15. 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 20, 1915; A 393698; Moffat, Yard & co. (15-4786) Rouma, Georges, 1881 744 ... Notre bébé, sa croissance, son développement physique, sa psychologie; le livre-album de la maman. Préface de Mme Marcelle Tinavre. Paris, F. Nathan, 1914. 2 D. 1., iv, 5-258, 111 p. front., illus., plates, double diagrs. 194cm. fr. 3.50 "Ouvrages cités": n. 256. Oct. 15, 1914; 1c. Feb. 9, 1915; A---Foreign 11654; Fernand Nathan. (15-4834) Savrs, Francis Penquite, 1859 745 Compendium of local civics, by Frank P. Sayrs. Wilmington. O., Union supply company, 1915. 87 p. 18cm. $0.45 Lettered on cover Ohio edition. Feb. 11, 1915; 2c. Feb. 13, 1915; aff. Feb. 15, 1915; A 391747; Union supply co. (15-4215) 746 The Southwestern reporter, with kev-number annotations. v. 170. Permanent ed. ... November 25-December 30, 1914. St. Paul, West publishing co., 1915. xx. 1313 p. 27cm. (National reporter system-State series) $4.00 Feb. 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 11, 1915; A 397045; West pub. co. 747 748 Taylor, William Ashton, 1870 pt. 1, n. s., v. 12 Science of government, by W. Ashton Taylor. Spokane, Wash., Shaw & Borden co. [1915] 120 p. 20cm. $0.50 Jan. 5, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 15, 1915; A 391725; W. A. Taylor, Murray, Id. (15-4434) U. S. Circuit courts of appeals. 748 United States circuit courts of appeals reports, with annotations ... v. 129. St. Paul, West publishing co., 1915. xxiii, 701 p. 24cm. $2.85 749 Feb. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 11, 1915; A 397043; West pub. co. Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872 Germany embattled; an American interpretation, by Oswald Garrison Villard. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1915. Feb. 20, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 25, 1915; A 391881; Charles Scribner's sons. (15-4772) Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. 750 Opera stories from Wagner; a reader for primary grades, by Florence Akin ... Boston, New York [etc.] Houghton Mifflin company [1915) 3 p. 1., 131-106, 121 p. incl. front., illus., plates. 19cm. $0.45 Feb. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 13, 1915; A 393618; Florence Akin, Roseburg, Or. (15--4625) 751 What I found out in the house of a German prince, by an English-American governess. New York, Frederick A. Stokes company [1915] 3 p. 1., 241 p. 19cm. $1.25 Feb. 25, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 27, 1915; A 391925; Frederick A. Stokes. (15-4827) CO. Widdemer, Margaret. 752 The rose-garden husband, by Margaret Widdemer; with illustrations by Walter Biggs. Philadelphia, and London, J. B. Lippincott company, 1915. 4 p. 1., 7-207, 11 p. front., plates. 181cm. $1.00 Jan. 27, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 27, 1915; A 391901; J. B. Lippincott co. Copyright is claimed on illustrations and revised text] (15-4583) Zimmerman, Leander M 1860 753 Cordelia; a story for the homemaker and the breadwinner, by L. M. Zimmerman ... [Baltimore, Meyer & Thalheimer, printers, 1914) 254 p. col. front. 20cm. $1.00 Dec. 1, 1914; 2c. and aff. Feb. 23, 1915; A 391853; L. M. Zimmerman, Baltimore. (15-4590) 754 no. 16, March, 1915 Baum, Michael T. 760 Biography of Nathan Barnert, his character and achievements; including histories of local institutions, by Michael T: Baum... Paterson, N. J., News printing company, 1914. 165 p. front., plates, ports. 201cm $1.25 Cover-title: A biography of Paterson's most useful citizen. Dec. 24, 1914; 2c. and aff. Feb. 6, 1915; A 393561; M. T. Baum, Paterson. (15-4853) Boston daily globe. 755 Stories of certain Massachusetts investments; reprinted from the Boston globe. Boston, 1915. 200 p. 231cm Lettered on cover: Massachusetts investments. Feb. 15, 1915; 2c. Feb. 16, 1915; aff. Mar. 1, 1915; A 393779; Globe newspaper co., Boston. (15-4936) Boyd, Louie Croft. 756 State registration for nurses, by Louie Croft Boyd 2d ed., enl. Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders company, 1915. V. 149 D. 231cm $1.25 Feb. 23, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 25, 1915; A 391890; W. B. Saunders co. (15-4833) Brent, Charles Henry, bp., 1862– 757 The revelation of discovery, by the Rt. Rev. Charles H. Brent ... New York [etc.] Longmans, Green, and co., 1915. 5.D. L. 129. 1 p. 191m. $1.00 "The first six chapters in this volume appeared originally in St. Andrew's cross, the next two in the Churchman, the ninth is an adaptation of a lecture given under the auspices of the Washington churchmen's league, and the last is a paper which was read at the Church congress."-Note. Feb. 19. 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 25, 1915; A 393758; Longmans, Green & (15-4839) CO. Bülow, Frau Babette (Eberty) von, 1850 758 ... Menne im seebad, von Hans Arnold pseud. ed. with exercises, notes, and vocabulary, by May Thomas Boston, New York etc., D. C. Heath & co. [1915] ... iii. 102 D. front. 17cm. (Heath's modern language series) $0.30 Feb. 11, 1915; 2c. and aff. Feb. 17, 1915; A 391755; D. C. Heath & co. (15-4439) Cabot, Richard Clarke, 1868 759 Prescriptions, to be taken immediately, to be taken for life: a collection of extracts from Dr. Richard C. Cabot's "What men live by," selected by Edith Motter Lamb. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1915. 4 D. 1.. 86 D.. 1 1. 171cm. $0.50 Feb. 27, 1915; 2c. and aff. Mar. 1, 1915; A 393772; E. M. Lamb, Roland 1915, no. 16 129 760 |