Lapas attēli

no. 141, January, 1916

Street, William Dana]-Continued


for friendship, Amherst, 1900, by W. H. Tinker. The conscience of Union theological seminary, by A. P. Fitch. Winning the friendship of leaders in a Hindu stronghold, by A. H. Clark. The weapons of Christian brotherhood, bv A. H. Clark.- Campaigning for Christ, by A. H. Clark."Hands across the sea," by W. D. Street.--The sword of the spirit, by Hannah H. Lee.-Home comings, by A. O. Pritchard.-Was it worth while? by F. B. Smith.

Dec. 4, 1915; 2c. Dec. 10, 1915; aff. Dec. 9, 1915; A 414978; Internatl. com. of Y. M. C. A., New York. (15-27899)

[blocks in formation]


The Panama canal; an elucidation of its governmental features as prescribed by treaties; a discussion of toll exemption and the repeal bill of 1914; and other pertinent chapters, by George A. Talley Wilmington, Del., The Star publishing co., 1915.


2 p. 1., 131-234, viii p. front., fold. map. 22cm. $1.75 Dec. 14, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 16, 1915; A 418055; G. A. Talley, Linwood Station, Pa. (16-657)

Thornton, William Wheeler, 1851


A treatise on the Federal employers' liability and safety appliance acts, and on the federal statutes on hours of labor, including Interstate commission's rules and diagrams for equipment of cars. 3d ed., by W. W. Thornton Cincinnati, O., The W. H. Anderson co., 1916.


lxxxiii p., 1 l., 1012 p. incl. plates (1 fold.) 23cm. $6.00 Nov. 30, 1915; 2c. Dec. 1, 1915; aff. Dec. 2, 1915; A 414876; W. H. Anderson co. (16-378)

Tomaschiwskyj, Stephan.


Die weltpolitische bedeutung Galiziens, von dr. Stephan



München, F. Bruckmann a.-g., 1915.

46 p. map. 25cm. (Weltkultur und weltpolitik, Österreichische folge, 1) Μ. 0.75 July 1, 1915; 1c. Dec. 30, 1915; A-Foreign 13260; F. Bruckmann a.-g.

Valentin, Veit.


Belgien und die grosse politik der neuzeit, von dr. Veit Valentin München, F. Bruckmann a.-g., 1915. 24, [1] p.

M. 0.50



(Weltkultur und weltpolitik, Deutsche folge, 1)

Aug. 3, 1915; 1c. Dec. 30, 1915; A-Foreign 13261; F. Bruckmann a.-g.

Van Vechten, Carl.


Music after the great war, and other studies, by Carl Van Vechten. New York, G. Schirmer, 1915.

4 р. 1., 3-168 p. 19cm.

CONTENTS. Music after the great war. Music for museums? The secret of the Russian ballet. Igor Strawinsky: a new composer.-Massenet and women.-Stage decoration as a fine art.-Adolphe Appia and Gordon Craig.

Dec. 22, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 27, 1915; A 418186; G. Schirmer. (16-640)



Viles, Jonas.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 12,

An outline of American history for use in high schools (based on Muzzey's "American history") by Jonas Viles ... Boston, New York (etc.) Ginn and company [1915] v, 92 p. 19cm $0.40

Nov. 15, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 15, 1915; A 416862; J. Viles, Columbia, Mo. (16-643)

Ward, Harry Frederick, 1873



Poverty and wealth from the viewpoint of the kingdom of God, by Harry F. Ward, approved by the Committee on curriculum of the Board of Sunday schools of the Methodist Episcopal church, ed. by Henry H. Meyer. New York, Cincinnati, The Methodist book concern [1915] 135 p. 17cm. (Elective study courses for adult Bible classes) Bibliography: p. 135.


Sept. 27, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 8, 1915; A 414989; H. F. Ward, Boston. (16-387)


Who's who in motion pictures; a biographical work of reference containing sketches of the leading actors, actresses, owners, directors and others in motion pictures. 1st ed., 1915 ... Chicago, H. A. de Masi [1915] 117 p. 16cm. $2.50

Editor: 1915, H. A. de Masi.

Nov. 4, 1915; 2c. and aff. Nov. 8, 1915; A 414486; Henri Armand de
Masi, Chicago. (15-24562)

Wiedenfeld, Kurt.


Antwerpen im weltverkehr und welthandel, von dr. jur. et phil. Kurt Wiedenfeld ... München, F. Bruckmann a.-g., 1915.

47, 1 p. 241cm

M. 0.75

(Weltkultur und weltpolitik, Deutsche folge, 3)

Sept. 16, 1915; 1c. Dec. 30, 1915; A-Foreign 13258; F. Bruckmann a.-g.

Wilkinson, Charles W.


Well-known piano solos, how to play them, by Charles W. Wilkinson; rev. by Edward Ellsworth Hipsher. Philadelphia, Theo. Presser co. [1915]

vi, 7-284 p. 20cm $1.50

Nov. 16, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 2, 1915; A 414847; Theo. Presser co.
Copyright is claimed on new matter) (16-637)

Zobeltitz, Fedor Karl Maria Hermann August von.


Heinz Stirlings abenteuer; eine erzählung für die reifere jugend, von Fedor von Zobeltitz. 2. bd. Heinz Stirlings abenteuer als kriegsfreiwilliger. Mit bildern von Fritz Koch-Gotha Berlin etc. Ullstein & co., 1915. 4 p. l., 11-219, [1] p. illus., plates (part col.) 22cm. M. 3 Nov. 3, 1915; 1c. Dec. 10, 1915; A-Foreign 13161; Ullstein & co.




no. 142, January, 1916


Advanced typewriting and office training; practice book for advanced students in high schools and business colleges. New York and London [etc.] I. Pitman & sons [1915]

125 р. 13 x 20cm. $0.40

Text runs parallel with back of cover.

"Books on typewriting and office practice": p. 125.

Sept. 16, 1915; 2c. and aff. Sept. 20, 1915; A 410548; Isaac Pitman & sons. (15-19491)

Arabian nights.


More tales from the Arabian nights, based on the translation from the Arabic by Edward William Lane, selected, ed., and arranged for young people by Frances Jenkins Olcott; illustrations and decorations by Willy Pogany. New York, H. Holt and company, 1915.

ix, 274 p. col. front., col. plates. 22cm. $1.50

Dec. 4, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 24, 1915; A 420048; Henry Holt & co. (16-722)

Baker, Ernest Everhart.


The heart of the last frontier, and other verses, by Ernest Everhart Baker Oregon booklover's edition. Salem Statesman pub. co. 1915.


5 р. 1., 13-143, [1] p. 24cm $1.50

Dec. 20, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 27, 1915; A 418182; E. E. Baker, Salem, Or. (16-726)

Barrès, Maurice, 1862


Une visite à l'armée anglaise

Levrault, 1915.

2 p. 1., 109, 121 p. 191cm. fr. 1.25


[blocks in formation]

CONTENTS. Une visite à l'armée anglaise. - Les Gourkas et les Sikhs.Les Canadiens. Les soldats de la métropole. - Le service d'arrière.L'effort anglais ne veut pas être un demi-effort.-Appendice: L'amitié canadienne. Le défilé des races amies de la France. - Notes.

Nov. 24, 1915; 1c. Dec. 23, 1915; A-Foreign 13209; Berger-Levrault. (16-755)

Benkendorf, Gustavus Henry William, 1874


Profitable dairying; a manual for farmers, dairymen and students, by G. H. Benkendorf and K. L. Hatch [Chicago, Jefferson theater program co., printers, 1915] cover-title, 86 p., 1 1. illus. (incl. port.) 20cm.

Oct. 20, 1915; 2c. Nov. 11, 1915; aff. Nov. 10, 1915; A 414527; Kirk L. Hatch, Madison, Wis. (15-25254)

Bible. N. T. Acts. English.


Acts of the Apostles; the teaching of the Holy Scriptures, by E. S. Young Elgin, Ill., Bible student com

pany, 1915.


320 p. illus. (incl. maps, plan) 22. $1.75

Nov. 30, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 16, 1915; A 418084; E. S. Young, Clare

mont, Cal. (16-689)

1915, no. 142

Printed January 24, 1916




pt. 1, n. s., v. 12

The Boy scouts' year book. [1915] v. 1

[blocks in formation]

Boy scouts of America. New York [etc.] D. Appleton

and company [1915]

243 p. illus., plates (part col.) 26cm. $1.50 Editors: 1915, W. P. McGuire and F. K. Mathiews.

Nov. 5, 1915; 2c. and aff. Nov. 10, 1915; A 414499; D. Appleton & co. (15-24233)

Boyd, Robert.


Boyd's syllabic shorthand is a system of shorthand in which characters represent syllables ... By Robert Boyd Comp. and pub. by William T. Moon [6th ed.]


New York and Brooklyn, N. Y. [1915]

95 p. front. (port.) 20cm. $1.50


Nov. 9, 1915; 2c. Nov. 12, 1915; aff. Nov. 30, 1915; A 414824; William T. Moon, New York. (15-27798)

Brewer, Luther Albertus, 1858


The fascination of prints, another of ovr hobbies. Cedar Rapids, Ia., Priv. print. for the friends of Luther Albertvs Brewer & Elinore Taylor Brewer, 1915.

34 p. front. 20cm.

Dec. 23, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 27, 1915; A 418195; L. A. Brewer, Cedar Rapids, Ia. (16-711)

California. Laws, statutes, etc.



The codes of California as amended and in force at the close of the 41st session of the legislature, 1915 Ed. by James M. Kerr. v. 2, 3. Los Angeles, Wayside press, 1915.

2 v. 174cm. $3.50 each

CONTENTS.-V. 2. Civil code. -v. 3. Code of civil procedure.

v. 2 Nov. 10, 1915; 2c. and aff. Nov. 17, 1915; v. 3 Oct. 22, 1915; 2c. Oct. 28, 1915; aff. Nov. 17, 1915; A 414650, 414649; James Manford Kerr, Los Angeles. 7309, 7310

Cary, Ferdinand Ellsworth, 1848

The knowledge book; science, invention, discovery, progress; a pictorial library of education, inspiration and self help ... covering latest events of the industrial, scientific and natural world ... supplemented by a series of review questions for students; six great books in one volume, by Ferdinand Ellsworth Cary Emory Adams Allen Thomas H. Russell ... Embellished and illuminated with over six hundred photographic half-tone illustrations and color plates Marietta, O., The S. A. Mul


likin company, 1915.


764 p. col. front., illus., col. plates, ports. (1 col.) 24cm.

Oct. 5, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 24, 1915; A 420060; S. A. Mullikin co. Copyright is claimed on new matter and general revision)


Caullet, John J

1 ed.


Sex tips; a brief analysis of the study of sex, giving information derived from a study of the best authorities,

no. 142, January, 1916


Caullet, John J. - Continued stated briefly and simply publishing society [1915]

64 р. 17cm. $0.50


Chicago, Ill., The Ursus

May 1, 1915; 2c. Aug. 21, 1915; aff. Sept. 10, 1915; A 410177; J. J. Caullet, Chicago. (15-19479)

Clarke, Dwight Lancelot, 1885


The passing of Pan; a metrical drama in a prologue and four acts, by Dwight L. Clarke. San Francisco, Cal., Philopolis press, 1915.


5 p. 1., 65 р. 20cm. $1.00

Nov. 24, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 1, 1915; A 418130; D. L. Clarke, Berkeley, Cal. (16-739)

[Cooper, Frederic Taber, 1864


Richard Wagner; with seven illustrations from photographs. New York, Frederick A. Stokes company [1915] x, 243 p. front, plates, ports. 181cm. (Lettered on cover: Great men) $0.75

Sept. 30, 1915; 2c. Oct. 2, 1915; aff. Oct. 4, 1915; A 411785; Frederick A. Stokes co. (16-706)

Curtis, Mary.


The black soldier; or, The colored boys of the United

States army, by Mary Curtis

Morris, printer, 1915.

64 p. plates, ports. 221cm.



Washington, D. C. [O. D.

Sept. 25, 1915; 2c. Sept. 25, 1915; aff. Sept. 27, 1915; A 410686; Μ.

Curtis, Washington. (15-19458)

Delbridge, Charles Lomax.


Delbridge wholesaler's calculator; th of le to 50c by quarters; 30c to 50c is by halves. Showing the value of any number of pounds, yards, gallons, bushels, workhours, pieces or other units from 1 to 200,000, with equivalents at top of page per hundred and per ton ... By Charles Lomax Delbridge

bridge co. [1915]

[168] p. 34cm. $12.00


St. Louis, Mo., The Del

Dec. 16, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 20, 1915; A 416972; C. L. Delbridge, St. Louis. (16-663)


Delbridge wholesaler's calculator; th of le to $1.00 by halves; 50c to $1.00 is by cents. Showing the value of any number of pounds, yards, gallons, bushels, workhours, pieces or other units from 1 to 200,000, with equivalents at top of page per hundred and per ton By

[blocks in formation]

Dec. 23, 1915; 2c. and aff. Dec. 27, 1915; A 418239; C. L. Delbridge, St. Louis. (16-662)


Delbridge wholesaler's calculator; th of 1c to $1.00 by quarters; 30c to 50c is by halves, and 50c to $1.00 is by

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