Maryland High School Standards: A Manual of High School Administration

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6. lappuse - regards the following as the main objectives of education: (1) health, (2) command of fundamental processes, (3) worthy home membership, (4) vocation, (5) citizenship, (6) worthy use of leisure, (7) ethical character." The objectives outlined above apply to education as a whole—elementary, secondary, and higher. It is the purpose of this section to consider specifically the role of secondary education in achieving each of these objectives.
177. lappuse - the up-keep of building and grounds, the lighting, heating, and ventilation of the rooms, the nature of the lavatories, corridors, closets, water supply, school furniture, and methods of cleaning shall be such as to insure hygienic conditions for both
10. lappuse - In a democratic society ethical character becomes paramount among the objectives of the secondary school. Among the means for developing ethical character may be mentioned the wise selection of content and methods of instruction in all subjects of study, the social contacts of pupils with one another and with their teachers, the opportunities offered by the organization and
6. lappuse - Education in the United States should be guided by a clear conception of the meaning of democracy. It is the ideal of democracy that the individual and society may find fulfillment each in the other. Democracy sanctions neither the exploitation of the individual by society, nor the disregard of the interests of society by the individual. More
12. lappuse - 14 may acquire in the use of these tools is not sufficient for the needs of modern life. This is particularly true of the mother tongue. Proficiency in many of these processes may be increased more effectively by their application to new material than by the formal reviews commonly employed in grades
108. lappuse - Without popular education, no government which rests upon popular action can long endure. The people must be schooled in the knowledge, and if possible in the virtues, upon which the maintenance and success of free institutions depend. —Woodrow Wilson.
175. lappuse - credit. A unit represents a year's study in any subject in a secondary school, constituting approximately a quarter of a full year's work.
6. lappuse - The purpose of democracy is so to organise society that each member may develop his personality primarily through activities designed for the well-being of his fellow-members and of society as a whole.
6. lappuse - a high level of efficiency; that to this efficiency be added an appreciation of these activities and loyalty to the best ideals involved; and that the individual choose that vocation and those forms of social service in which his personality may develop and become most effective. For the achievement of these ends democracy must place chief reliance
7. lappuse - are essential: A many-sided interest in the welfare of the communities to which one belongs ; loyalty to ideals of civic righteousness; practical knowledge of social agencies and institutions; good judgment as to means and methods that will promote one social end without defeating others; and as putting all these into effect, habits of cordial co-operation in social undertakings.

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