
Pirmais vāks
Includes "Statistical tables compiled from the annual returns of the railroad companies of the state."

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13. lappuse - ... and prescribing the terms and conditions thereof, the mode of carrying the same into effect, the name of the new corporation, the number and names of the directors and other officers thereof, and who shall be the first directors and officers...
316. lappuse - Total freight revenue.. Average amount received for each ton of freight Average receipts per ton per mile...
27. lappuse - Commissioneis shall appoint a time and place for hearing the petition, and shall give such notice thereof as they judge reasonable to said petitioner, the railroad company, the municipalities in which such crossing is situated, and to the owners of the land adjoining such crossing and adjoining that part of the highway to be changed in grade...
316. lappuse - Train mileage: Miles run by passenger trains Miles run by freight trains...
325. lappuse - Date and authority for each consolidation? .6. If a reorganized company, give name of original corporation, and refer to laws under which it was organized?
14. lappuse - ... in some newspaper printed in the city, town or county where such company has its principal office or place of business ; and at the said meeting of stockholders the agreement of the said directors shall be considered, and a vote by ballot taken for the adoption or rejection of the same, each share...
365. lappuse - No County, City, Town, Borough, or other municipality, shall ever subscribe to the capital stock of any railroad corporation, or become a purchaser of the bonds, or make donation to, or loan its credit, directly or indirectly, in aid of any such corporation; but nothing herein contained shall affect the validity of any bonds or debts incurred under existing laws, nor be construed to prohibit the General Assembly from authorizing any Town or City to protect by additional appropriations of money or...
352. lappuse - Operating expenses per mile of road, . Operating expenses per train mile, Income from operation...
29. lappuse - ... highway is situated, and to the owners of the land adjoining said crossing, order such alterations in such highway as they shall deem best; and shall determine and direct by whom such alterations shall be made, at whose expense, and within what time...

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