Powers of First Congress as to Foreign Relations defective-Adoption of Confederation-Powers of Constitution of '89-Powers of House of Representatives as to Treaties-Foreign business first done by Secret Committees, very laborious-Department for Foreign Affairs established-First Secretary-Salary-Department under the Constitution-One of the Cabinet-Right of President to remove-United States never sent or received an "Ambassador"-Rules for reception -Diplomatic Agents of the Confederation-Expenses of the Diplomatic Corps under the Confederation--Salaries &c. under the Constitution-Ceremonial of first Minister very difficult to arrange--Somewhat ludicrous--Extract from Secret Journals--Present mode of accrediting.
We propose, in this chapter, briefly to recite the power of Congress under the confederation of '78, and of the government under the constitution of '89, in regard to the relations of the country with foreign states, together with such circumstances, as properly belong to the management of foreign affairs. It is well known, that the first assembly of delegates from the thirteen colonies, or parts of colonies, was held in Philadelphia, in September, '74. The meeting was convened on the proposition of the Province of Massachusetts Bay; and it was annually renewed by a vote of the Congress itself till the