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" A customer may authorize disclosure under section 1102(1) if he furnishes to the financial institution and to the Government authority seeking to obtain such disclosure a signed and dated statement which — (1) authorizes such disclosure for a period... "
Performance Rights in Sound Recordings: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on ... - 38. lappuse
autors: United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice - 1978 - 196 lapas
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

1983 - 516 lapas
...and dated statement which: (1) Authorizes the disclosure for a specified period of time not to exceed three months. (2) States that the customer may revoke such authorization at any time before the disclosure is made. (3) Identifies the financial records which are authorized to be disclosed. (4)...
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Internal Revenue Cumulative Bulletin, 2. izdevums

United States. Internal Revenue Service - 1978 - 632 lapas
...CUSTOMER AUTHORIZATIONS SEC. 1104. (a) A customer may authorize disclosure under section 1 102( 1 ) he last taxable year of the estate or trust is read as follows: § 1.642(h)-2 Excess deductions the financial records which are authorized to be disclosed; (4) specifies the purposes for which, and...
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Right to Privacy Proposals of the Privacy Protection Study Commission ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Operations. Subcommittee on Government Information and Individual Rights - 1978 - 722 lapas
...period not in excess of three aonths; (2) states that the customer- aay revoke such authorization at my time before the financial records are disclosed; (3)...authority to which such records may be disclosed. (b) :Jo such authorization shall be required as i condition of doing business with such financial institution....
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United States Code Annotated

United States - 1980 - 656 lapas
[ Atvainojiet, šīs lappuses saturs ir ierobežots. ]
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Compilation of the Social Security Laws: Including the Social Security Act ...

United States - 2004
...AUTHORIZATIONS Sec. 1104. [12 USC 3404] (a) A customer may authorize disclosure under section 1102(1) if he furnishes to the financial institution and to...the financial records are disclosed; (3) identifies the financial records which are authorized to be disclosed; (4) specifies the purposes for which, and...
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The Cashless Society: EFTS at the Crossroads

August Bequai - 1981 - 320 lapas
[ Atvainojiet, šīs lappuses saturs ir ierobežots. ]
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Code of Federal Regulations: Containing a Codification of Documents of ...

1981 - 828 lapas
...and dated statement which: (1) Authorizes the disclosure for a specified period of time not to exceed three months. (2) States that the customer may revoke such authorization at any time before the disclosure is made. (3) Identifies the financial records which are authorized to be disclosed. (4)...
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Federal Supplement, 520. sējums

1982 - 1582 lapas
[ Atvainojiet, šīs lappuses saturs ir ierobežots. ]
Fragmentu skats - Par šo grāmatu

United States Code Service

United States - 1984 - 716 lapas
[ Atvainojiet, šīs lappuses saturs ir ierobežots. ]
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Compilation of Securities Laws Within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on ...

United States - 1987 - 550 lapas
...AUTHORIZATIONS SEC. 1104. [12 USC 3404] (a) A customer may authorize disclosure under section 1102(1) if he furnishes to the financial institution and to...the financial records are disclosed; (3) identifies the financial records which are authorized to be disclosed; (4) specifies the purposes for which, and...
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