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Atlasītās lappuses

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5. lappuse - If any provision of this Act or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, the remainder of the Act and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid shall not be affected thereby.
20. lappuse - Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be immediately available, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, for the construction, completion, repair, and preservation of the public works hereinafter named: ***** Sec.
24. lappuse - ... but these provisions shall not limit either the authority of the master or other officer or the obedience of the seamen when In the judgment of the master or other officer the whole or any part of the crew are needed for...
4. lappuse - Act, without regard to the provisions of other laws applicable to the employment and compensation of officers and employees of the United States...
26. lappuse - ... part of the balance due him. Every master or owner who refuses or neglects to make payment in the manner hereinbefore mentioned without sufficient cause shall pay to the seaman a sum equal to two days' pay for each and every day during which payment is delayed beyond the respective periods, which sum shall be recoverable as wages in any claim made before the court ; but this section shall not apply to masters or owners of any vessel the seamen of which are entitled to share in the profits of...
16. lappuse - The collector of customs may, upon his own motion, and shall, upon the sworn information of any reputable citizen of the United States setting forth that this section is not being complied with, cause a muster of the crew of any vessel to be made to determine the fact ; and no clearance shall be given to any vessel failing to comply with the provisions of this section...
23. lappuse - That in all merchant vessels of the United States of more than one hundred tons gross, excepting those navigating rivers, harbors, lakes (other than Great Lakes), bays, sounds, bayous, and canals, exclusively, the licensed officers and sailors, coal passers, firemen, oilers, and water tenders shall, while at sea, be divided into at least three watches...
10. lappuse - Works authorized and requested the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors to review the Report on Sacramento-San Joaquin Basin Streams, California, House Document No.
23. lappuse - ... any other vessel of over one hundred gross tons carrying passengers for hire, who is not licensed by the inspectors; and anyone violating this section shall be liable to...
25. lappuse - Provided. That in all tugs and barges subject to this section when engaged on a voyage of less than six hundred miles, the licensed officers and members of crews other than coal passers, firemen, oilers, and water tenders may, while at sea. be divided into not less than two watches, but nothing in this proviso shall be construed as repealing any part of section 4463 of the Revised Statutes. This section shall take effect six months after the enactment of this Act.

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