Lapas attēli

Amendment no. 38: The Senate struck out the proviso of the House that none of the appropriation should be used to pay any Works Progress Administration district official unless such person is a bona fide resident of the Works Progress Administration district in which the office is located. As the substance of this amendment has been included in the House agreement to Senate amendment no. 34, the House accepts the Senate amendment eliminating the proviso.

Amendment no. 39: The Senate struck out the paragraph of the House prohibiting the payment of any of the appropriation as compensation to any Federal officer or employee in any administrative, executive, or supervisory capacity if such person receives or earns compensation for personal services (rendered during the period when such person holds such position) from any other source. The House accepts the Senate amendment eliminating the paragraph.

Amendment no. 40: The House prohibited the use of any of the appropriation for the payment of the salary or expenses of any person who is related to the State administrator, district manager, or county supervisor, or the appointing power, within the third degree by blood or marriage. The House accepts the Senate amendment striking out the paragraph.

Amendments nos. 41 and 44: The House measure contains a requirement that Federal appointments to positions under the joint resolution for employment within the District of Columbia should be apportioned among the several States and the District of Columbia on the basis of population. The Senate has modified the requirement to make it effective "so far as not inconsistent with efficient administration" and the House accepts the Senate amendment. The same section of the House text provides that in making separations from the Federal service, or furloughs without pay for as long as 3 months, of persons employed in the District of Columbia under the joint resolution, preference shall be given, in retaining employes, to those from States that have not received their share of appointments according to population. The Senate amended this part of the section to permit the appointing power to exercise the preference "as nearly as good administration will warrant" and the House accepts the Senate amendment.

Amendments nos. 45, 46, and 47: Section 9 of the House measure makes provision for use of the appropriation for payment of administrative expenses, as determined by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, for any department, establishment, or agency for additional work incident to carrying out the purposes of the appropriation or the provisions of section 5 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 or for agencies established by the President under section 4 of such act. Senate amendment no. 5 to section 1 of the joint resolution, as accepted by the House, deals specifically with administrative expenses and the Senate, therefore, made allotments under section 9 subject to the limitations of section 1 and the House accepts this change. Senate amendments to section 9 also changed the authority for the determination of administrative expenses from the "Director of the Bureau of the Budget" to the "President", and struck out authority for administrative expenses for agencies established by the President under section 4 of the Emergency Relief Act of 1935. The House accepts the change substituting the President for the Director of the Bureau of the Budget and accepts the Senate amendment with refer

ence to administrative expenses of agencies under section 4, modified so as to provide specifically for the National Resources Committee instead of the general provision of the House measure.

Amendment no. 48: Section 10 of the House measure was stricken out by the Senate. It provided (1) for the establishment of special revolving funds for the purchase, distribution, or rental of materials, supplies, equipment, and tools in connection with the furnishing of relief and work relief under the appropriation; (2) for the assignment, with the approval of the President, of personnel, equipment, and materials of the Corps of Engineers, War Department, to service in connection with flood-control and water-conservation projects under the joint resolution even though such projects have not been duly authorized by law; and (3) waiving the requirement in section 1 that no Federal construction project under the relief appropriation should be undertaken until the full amount necessary for its completion should be allocated and irrevocably set aside for that purpose. The House accepts the Senate amendment with modifications which (1) restores the House language relating to revolving funds and making such funds available to include "repairs", and (2) restores the House provision relative to waiving the requirement for complete allocation of the entire cost of a Federal project changed so as to waive such requirement only in the case of Federal projects authorized by a law other than this joint resolution.

Amendments nos. 54 and 55: Section 15 of the House measure provided that no part of the funds of the United States should be loaned or granted, except for an obligation previously incurred, to any State or any of its political subdivisions or agencies for any program or project of constructing, rebuilding, repairing, or replanning its penal or reformatory institutions unless under the laws of such State the sale in the open market of goods, wares, or merchandise manufactured or mined in whole or in part by convicts or prisoners (except convicts or prisoners on parole or probation) has been prohibited. The Senate amendments to the section modified it (1) by changing the class of funds prohibited from expenditure from those of the "United States" to those "appropriated in this joint resolution" and (2) by changing the qualification to obtain the use of the funds for the stated purposes from that of State law prohibiting the sale in the open market of the products of prison labor to a finding by the President that the projects to be financed with the loan or grant will not cause or promote prison competition with private enterprise. The House accepts the Senate amendments modified so as to make more clear their intent. Amendments nos. 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, and 65, comprising title II of the joint resolution, extending the life of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works: The House, by the passage of H. R. 7363, extended for a period of 2 years the functions and funds of the Public Works Administration, increased from $300,000,000 to $340,000,000 the amount which the Administrator might use from the sale of securities for the making of grants, provided $3,000,000 for administrative expenses for the fiscal year 1938 (in addition to the $10,000,000 in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1938), and provided that after the date of the enactment of H. R. 7353 no allotment should be made for any project the application for which had not been approved by the examining divisions of the Public Works Administration prior to such date.

The Senate did not pass the House bill but instead inserted_title II of the joint resolution dealing with the same subject matter. Each of the Senate amendments is a separate section dealing with Public Works Administration. As to all of these, except one, the House has agreed with amendments substituting for the Senate language a composite of the Senate and House proposals. Senate amendment 64, the House accepts without amendment; it provides that no new applications for loans or grants for non-Federal projects shall be received or considered by the Administration after the date of enactment of the joint resolution.

The substitute proposed by the House for the other amendments of the Senate increase from $300,000,000 to $359,000,000 the amount that may be used for grants instead of from $300,000,000 to $367,000,000 the amount which in effect might be so used under the Senate amendments.

The Senate amendments provide for an increase in the amount of Public Works Administration securities which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation might hold at any one time from $250,000,000, in effect, to such an amount as might be necessary to carry out the Senate proposal. The substitute increases the amount from $250,000,000 to $400,000,000. The House bill (7363) had no such similar provision.

H. R. 7363 and the Senate proposal contain provision that after the date of the enactment of the joint resolution no allotment shall be made for any project the application for which has not been approved by the examining divisions of the Public Works Administration prior to such date. The substitute contains such a provision.

H. R. 7363 provides $3,000,000 additional administrative expenses for Public Works Administration during the fiscal year 1938. The Senate amendments provide for $5,000,000 additional administrative expenses for 1938 and $10,000,000 for 1939 and amend the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1938, so as to provide that the $10,000,000 of administrative expenses therein for the fiscal year 1938 shall not be in liquidation of Public Works Administration. The substitute adopts the Senate proposals for administrative for 1938 and for amendment of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act but omits the administrative expenses for the fiscal year 1939.

Senate amendment 63 is accepted with modifications setting forth categories of projects which were considered by both the House and Senate in arriving at an increase in the amount of grant money which the Administrator might use. The House bill (H. R. 7363) increased from $300,000,000 to $340,000,000 the amount of grant money for the purpose of providing for certain classes of projects which were set forth in the report of the House on that bill. The Senate amendment sets forth the classes of projects in specific form. The conference agreement sets forth these classes of projects informatively and makes it clear that these classes of projects for which the funds may be used are in addition to other purposes for which funds may be used under the provisions of title II. The substitute for section 205 clarifies the Senate text with respect to projects in subdivision (b) and omits subdivision (f) and the proviso thereto dealing with miscellaneous projects.

The House bill (H. R. 7363) left the authority with respect to the Public Works Administration in the determination of the President

as provided by the present law. The Senate proposals took the authority from the President and placed it in the Administrator of the Public Works Administration. The substitute adopted leaves the authority in the President.


(Except as to no. 47),

Managers on the part of the House.

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JUNE 29, 1937.-Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed

Mr. KELLY of New York, from the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, submitted the following


[To accompany H. R. 7514]

The Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 7514) to extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the St. Lawrence River at or near Ogdensburg, N. Y., having considered the same, report thereon with a recommendation that it pass.

The bill has the approval of the War and Agriculture and State Departments, as will appear by the letters attached.

WAR DEPARTMENT, June 21, 1937. Respectfully returned to the chairman, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives.

So far as the interests committed to this Department are concerned, I know of no objection to the favorable consideration of the accompanying bill (H. R. 7514, 75th Cong., 1st sess.) to extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the St. Lawrence River at or near Ogdensburg, N. Y.


MALIN CRAIG, Acting Secretary of War.

Washington, D. C., June 24, 1957.

Chairman, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce,

House of Representatives.

DEAR MR. LEA: Careful consideration has been given to the bill, H. R. 7514, transmitted with your letter of June 15 with request for a report thereon and such views relative thereto as the Department might desire to communicate.

This bill would extend for 1 and 3 years, respectively, from the date of its approval, the times for commencing and completing the construction of the bridge

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