Entered according to act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy, BY WEED, PARSONS & CO., in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of New York. APR 2 0 1966 1 Proving claim: In re Stephen Brown,....... 301 When voluntary assignment bars discharge: 100 101 (See Law and Lawyers in Literature.) Character, witnesses as to, Chief judge and associate judges of the court of Chief justices and associate justices of the terri- Choate, Rufus, Parker's Reminiscences of, Client, solicitor and, costs between,.. Acquitted prisoners, ought the state to re-imburse, 246 Columbia College Law School,. 519 60 515 261 262 362 .302-345 261 365 419 Address to law students, 165, 190 Commissioners of appeal, appointment of,. 519 Address to the members of the bar-the constitu- Common law practice, probable substitution of tion of the Bar Association of New York,...... 203 code for, in Illinois,.. 230 Administration of justice,.. 46, 65 Admiralty cases, vesting powers to receive initia- Concerning examinations for admissions to the bar, 350 60 Admission to the bar, 16, 350 163, 182 Admitting attorneys as a matter of right, ..... 204 Consolidation of British law... 365 Advice to young lawyers,.. 380 Agreements to pay debts in gold or silver coin,... 145 Constitution of the Bar Association of New York, 203 A happy quotation,... 78 Babcock, impleaded, etc.,.. 241 A ministry of justice, 293 Correspondence : American judges,. 219 Supreme court reporter,.. 98 An eminent English lawyer,.... Answer to correspondent, ... Antiquities of the law, Appointment of justices of supreme court, Appointment of notaries public,.... 222, 243, 259, 343 Estates of married women,. Relative to homestead law,..... Answer to,.. Costs, bill of, of an English solicitor,. 342 499 442 442 442 247 442 80 .. Anderson, adm'r, v. Parks, B. Baker v. Kenworthy, 481 Bennett v. Morehouse et al.,. 338 Baker, Col. Edward D., . 365 Bentes v. Thompson,. 338 Bankruptcy decisions, abstract of recent,.....101, 300 Blend v. People,.... 338 Bank shares, taxing national, 282 Boerum v. Schenck,. 482 Bar Association of New York, address to the Bowman v. Tallman,. 100 members of the bar, the constitution and the Bryant v. Bryant, adm'r, etc.,.. 338 organization, 203 Buck, receiver, etc. v. Briggs....... 100 Bar stories, old and new,.... 45, 306 Buffalo and Allegany Valley Railroad Co. อ. Bar wit, 39 Johnson, ex'rx,... 31 |