Lapas attēli

Persons leaving military service.

Aliens entering United States.



turning to United States.

Registra t i on eard; see sec. 275.



Section 53. Persons subject to Registration.

All persons who, on June 5, 1917, had attained the age of 21 and had not attained the age of 31 are subject to registration, except only persons in the military or naval service of the United States for the time that they are in such military or naval service. (See Note 3; Rule XII; Sec. 79.)

Persons not subject to registration on account of being in the military or naval service of the United States become subject to registration and are required to register immediately upon leaving such military or naval service.

Aliens who have not declared their intention to become citizens of the United States and who have entered the United States for the first time since June 5, 1917, are not subject to registration.

Citizens or persons who have declared their intention to become citizens who have not hitherto registered on account of absence without the territorial limits of the United States are required to register within five days. after their return to the United States.

Section 54. How Registration is accomplished.

Local Boards will accomplish the registration of persons subject to registration who, for any reason, have not been registered on or since June 5, 1917. RegistraCertificate; see tion shall consist in making out a registration card in duplicate (Form 1) and issuing to the registrant a registration certificate (Form 2).

sec. 276.

Classification list; see sec. 90.

see sec. 91.

Immediately upon registration, the Local Board shall enter the name of the registrant at the bottom of the Classification List, and shall furnish him a Questionnaire. When the registration is accomplished in person, Questionnaire; the notice on the first sheet of the Questionnaire shall specify its return within seven days from the date of registration; when the registration is accomplished by mail as prescribed in section 55 or from abroad as prescribed in section 56, such notice shall specify seven days plus a reasonable allowance for communication by mail. Serial numbers; Immediately upon furnishing the Questionnaire the Local Board shall (except as prescribed in section 65) forward a copy of the registration card to the Adjutant

see sec. 67.

General of the State for assignment of a serial number Registration. (section 67). Order numbers shall be assigned to such Order cards as prescribed in section 69.

Upon return of the Questionnaire the registrant shall be classified by the Local Board in the usual manner.

Section 55. Registration by mail.


bers; see sec. 69.


is absent froin

The proper place for filing a registration card is the Where Local Board having jurisdiction over the place in which home. the registrant has his permanent home. If, for any reason, it is inconvenient for the registrant to present himself in person to such Local Board, he may accomplish his registration by applying to the Local Board nearest him and having his registration card filled out and certified by such Local Board, and himself mailing his registration card to the Local Board having jurisdiction over the place in which he has his permanent home. In such case the Local Board certifying to the registration card shall not issue a registration certificate, but the Local Board having jurisdiction over the place in which the registrant has his permanent home shall issue Registration a registration certificate upon receipt of the registration card.


sec. 276.


Registration by


Designation of


Where persons have attempted to register by mail Lost cards. and it appears that their registration cards have not reached their destination, they should promptly cause themselves to be registered as herein provided. Section 56. Registration of persons residing abroad. Citizens, and persons who have declared their intention to become citizens, residing abroad are not required to register, but any such citizen or person may do so by applying to the nearest American consulate to have his registration card filled out. He should in all cases designate on such card a place of permanent home, in the United States. If he has no such actual permanent home, he should designate as his permanent home a place within the United States most convenient to him. The registration card duly certified by an official or agent of the consulate should then be sent by the registrant to a Local Board in the place thus designated as his permanent home. Thereafter he shall be subject to the normal process of selection as prescribed herein, except that his physical examination may be consum- Physical mated as prescribed in section 142. Upon being ordered sec. 142. by his Local Board to report for military duty he will be required to present himself for such duty in the same manner as other registered persons, except that care should be taken to send out the call in such season as will permit the registrant ample time to respond to it. When the call is so delayed by the ordinary course of mail as to make it impossible for him to comply therewith on the date specified, he may apply to his Local Board for an extension or time.


amination; sce

Call for duty; see sec. 157.

Registration. Section 57. Notice of final classification to take place of registration certificate as a means of identification.

Notice of final

classification (see

in possession.

Until notice of final classification is received by a regissec.110) to be kept trant, he should keep always in his personal possession his registration certificate, and he is required to display the same whenever called upon by a police official or a member of a Local or District Board to do so. After receipt of the notice of final classification, prescribed in section 110, it will no longer be necessary to retain the registration certificate, but thereafter the registrant is hereby required to keep always in his possession his notice of final classification and to exhibit the same when called upon to do so by any member of a Local or District Board or any police official.

Certificates: see

sec. 54. sec. 110.

Section 58. Lost registration certificates and notices of final classification.

When a registration certificate or notice of final classiNotices; see fication is lost, a duplicate may be furnished, but the proper Local Board will write the word "Copy" in bold red ink characters across the face of such duplicate. Section 59. Double or multiple registration in the same jurisdiction.

Cancellation by lot of one card.

Transfer of procedure; see sec. 144.


Whenever a Local Board discovers that the same person has two or more registration cards in the jurisdiction of the same Local Board, the case will be reported and all cards forwarded to the Adjutant General of the State. The Adjutant General shall determine by lot which of the numbers shall be continued and shall cancel the others and return the uncanceled card to the board with instructions to correct its lists accordingly.

Section 60. Double or multiple registration in different jurisdictions.

A person registered in a jurisdiction not that of his permanent home may not have his registration changed. If he is registered in two jurisdictions he must submit Questionnaires to both boards. He should apply to have all procedure in respect of him transferred to one of the boards, as prescribed in section 144. He must respond to the Local Board which first calls him to report for military duty. Thereafter he should obtain from such Local Board a certificate showing that he has been inducted into military service and should forward the same to the Local Board which has not yet called him. ThereClass V; see sec. upon the latter Local Board will place him in Class V, noting the reason therefor.

Section 61. Cancellation of registration of persons_Registration. not subject to registration.

direct can

Whenever a claim shall be made to a Local Board that,Adjutant genthrough error or fraud, a person is registered who is not cellation. subject to registration the board shall require the person to submit his claim in writing, together with such proof as he may care to offer. The Local Board shall forward the claim and the proof with its finding of fact and recommendation to the Adjutant General of the State, who shall examine the proof, and, if he is of the opinion that the person was not subject to registration, shall direct the Local Board to cancel the registration and amend its records accordingly.

Section 62. Registration cards to be kept by Local

Kept in order

The registration cards within the jurisdiction of any of serial numbers Local Board shall be safely kept by such Local Eoard, numbered in a series beginning with number 1, and continuing consecutively until all cards are numbered. These numbers are known as "serial numbers," and appear on the face of each registration card in red ink between the words "Form 1," occurring at the left-hand top of the cards, and the words "Registration card." Copies of all registration cards in the possession of the Copies kept by Local Boards within its jurisdiction shall be kept in the possession of each District Board, segregated in lots corresponding to the Local Boards to which the originals pertain. Each of these copies shall bear the same serial nun.ber as its original.

Section 63. Original registration cards to be retained.

district board.

In all cases where it is necessary for copies of registration cards to be forwarded only certified copies shall be forwarded. No board shall, under any circumstances, forward an original registration card; and all boards are original oards; strictly enjoined to maintain the entire original registration record complete at all times.

Section 64. What to do with registration cards received hereafter.


All registration cards received hereafter by any Local Board shall be copied and a list of the names of all sons whose registration cards are so received made by the Local Board. The original registration card shall be retained by the Local Board, and no "serial number" shall be assigned by such Local Board to any such registration card, except as hereinafter provided. A copy of all such cards and a list of the names of all persons whose registration cards have been so received shall, except as provided in section 65, be forwarded to the Adjutant General of the State to be assigned a serial number as provided in section 67.

see soo. 62.

List of names:

Assignment of serial numbers; see sec. 67.

Registration. Section 65. What to do with card of person required to register after conviction for failing to do so. To insure imme- Whenever a person who has been convicted of failing of persons con- to register under the terms of the Selective Service Law vestor failing has subsequently been registered as provided by section

diate induction

to register.

Suspended sen


Improperly numbered cards

5 of that law, his registration card shall not be forwarded to the Adjutant General of the State for assignment of a serial number. The Local Board which has jurisdiction of the registration card of any such person shall assign him an order number having a letter attached which will insure his being immediately inducted into military service and shall inquire into his status and cause him to be physically examined. Unless upon such physical examination he is classified in Class V, or unless he is required by the Selective Service Law to be exempted from military service, he shall be immediately inducted into military service and sent to a mobilization camp.

This provision shall also apply in cases where sentence has been suspended on condition that the person who has heretofore failed to register be at once called for military duty by the Local Board having jurisdiction.

Section 66. What to do with improperly numbered registration cards.

Whenever an examination of a registration card in the forwarded to Ad-possession of any Local Board discloses that it has not jutant General. been serially numbered, or that it has been improperly, erroneously, or illegibly serially numbered, or has not in some other respect been serially numbered as required by regulations, it shall be the duty of the Local Board having jurisdiction thereof to forward such registration card to the Adjutant General of the State, without assigning any serial number thereto.

Copies of cards; see see. 54.

Section 67. Adjutant General of State to assign numbers to cards not heretofore numbered. Whenever an examination of a copy of a registration card received in the office of the Adjutant General of any State, and an examination of the list of the names of all persons whose registration cards are in the possession of the local board which forwarded such copy, discloses that the registration card has not been serially numbered, it shall be the duty of the Adjutant General Serial numbers; of the State to assign a "serial number" to such registra

see sec. 62.


Card more than


tion card and to certify the number assigned thereto to the Local Board having jurisdiction, as hereinafter provided. All registration cards lacking serial numbers, or improperly, erroneously, or illegibly serially numbered shall be assigned "serial numbers" by the Adjutant General of the State, as follows:

(a) When any registration card is found bearing more number. than one "serial number" there shall be assigned to such card the lowest in order of the numbers which it bears, provided such number is not borne by any other registration card in the possession of the Local Board having

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