Constitution goes into operation. Commissions. legislature voting thereon, such amendment or amendments shall become part of the constitution. ARTICLE NINTH. SEC. I. This constitution shall be in force from the last day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two. But all those parts of the same which relate to the right of suffrage, the division of the state into senate districts, the number of members of the assembly to be elected in pursuance of this constitution, the apportionment of members of assembly, the election hereby directed to commence on the first Monday of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, the continuance of the members of the present legislature in office until the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, and the prohibition against authorizing lotteries, the prohibition against appropriating the public moneys or property for local or private purposes, or creating, continuing, altering, or renewing any body politic, or corporate, without the assent of two-thirds of the members elected to each branch of the legislature, shall be in force and take effect from the last day of February next. The members of the present legislature shall, on the first Monday of March next, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to support this constitution, so far as the same shall then be in force. Sheriffs, clerks of counties, and coroners, shall be elected at the election hereby directed to commence on the first Monday of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two; but they shall not enter on the duties of their offices before the first day of January then next following. The commissions of all persons holding civil offices on the last day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, shall expire on that day; but the officers then in commission may respectively continue to hold their said offices, until new appointments or elections shall take place under this constitution. SEC. II. The existing laws, relative to the manner Election laws. of notifying, holding, and conducting elections, making returns, and canvassing votes, shall be in force and observed, in respect of the elections hereby directed to commence on the first Monday of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, so far as the same are applicable. And the present legislature shall pass such other and further laws, as may be requisite for the execution of the provisions of this constitution, in respect to elections. Done in convention, at the capitol, in the city of Albany, the tenth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, and of the independence of the United States of America the forty-sixth. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names. DANIEL D. TOMPKINS, President. JOHN F. BACON, SAMUEL S. GARDINER, Secretaries. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. [The following amendments to the Constitution were proposed by the legislature in 1825, were referred to the legislature of 1826, agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each house of that legislature, submitted to the people, and approved and ratified at an election held on the sixth, seventh and eighth days of November, 1826.] AMENDMENT No. I. peace, how That the people of this state, in their several towns, Justices of the shall at their annual election, and in such manner as élected. the legislature shall direct, elect by ballot their justices of the peace; and the justices so elected in any town, shall immediately thereafter meet together, and in presence of the supervisor and town clerk of the said town be divided by lot into four classes, of one in each class, and be numbered, one, two, three and four; and the office of number one shall expire at the end of the first year, of number two at the end of the second year, of number three at the end of the third year, and of number four at the end of the fourth year, in order that one justice may thereafter be annually elected; and that so much of the seventh section of the fourth article of the constitution of this state as is inconsistent with this amendment, be abrogated. Qualifications of electors. Duties on salt may be reduced. Mayor of N. Y. to be chosen by the electors thereof. AMENDMENT No. II. That so much of the first section of the second article of the constitution as prescribes the qualifications of voters, other than persons of color, be, and the same is hereby abolished, and that the following be substituted in the place thereof: Every male citizen of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been an inhabitant of this state one year next preceding any election, and for the last six months a resident of the county where he may offer his vote, shall be entitled to vote in the town or ward where he actually resides, and not elsewhere, for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elective by the people. [The following amendments were proposed in 1832, agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each house in 1833, submitted to the people, and approved and ratified at the election in November, 1833.] AMENDMENT No. III. That the duties on the manufacture of salt, as established by the act of the fifteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, and by the tenth section of the seventh article of the constitution of this state, may at any time hereafter be reduced by an act of the legislature of this state; but shall not, while the same is appropriated and pledged by the said section, be reduced below the sum of six cents upon each and every bushel; and the said duties shall remain inviolably appropriated and applied as is provided by the said tenth section. And that so much of the said tenth section of the seventh article of the constitution of this state as is inconsistent with this amendment, be abrogated. AMENDMENT No. IV. At the end of the tenth section of the fourth article of the said constitution, add the following words :"Except in the city of New York, in which city the |