Lapas attēli

The counties of Davis and Appanoose, one senator and one representative, jointly;

The counties of Wapello and Monroe, one senator jointly, and one representative each;

The counties of Marion, Polk, Dallas and Jasper, one senator and two representatives, jointly;

The county of Des Moines, two senators and four representatatives;

The county of Henry, one senator and three representatives; The county of Jefferson, one senator and three representatives; The counties of Louisa and Washington, one senator jointly, and one representative each;

The counties of Keokuk and Mahaska, one senator jointly, and one representative each;

The counties of Muscatine, Johnson and Iowa, one senator and one representative jointly, and Muscatine one representative, and Johnson and Iowa one representative jointly;

The counties of Scott and Clinton, one senator jointly, and one representative each;

The counties of Cedar, Linn and Benton, one senator jointly, the county of Cedar one representative, and the counties of Linn and Benton, one representative jointly;

The counties of Jackson and Jones, one senator and two representatives;

The counties of Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, Fayette, Buchanan, and Black Hawk, two senators and two representatives jointly;

And any county attached to any county for judicial purposes, shall, unless otherwise provided for, be considered as forming part of such county for election purposes.

8. The first meeting of the general assembly under this constitution shall be at such time as the governor of the territory may, by proclamation, appoint, within four months after its ratification by the people, at Iowa City, in Johnson county, which place shall be the seat of government of the state of Iowa, until removed by law.

Done in convention, at Iowa City, this 18th day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and of the independence of the United States of America the seventieth.

In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names :

ENOS LOWE, President.

Attest: WILLIAM THOMPSON, Secretary.


Be it ordained by the convention assembled to form a constitution for the state of Iowa, in behalf of the people of said state, that the following propositions shall be made to the congress of the United States, which, if assented to by that body, shall be obligatory on this state.

1. Section number sixteen in every surveyed township of public lands, and where such section has been disposed of, other lands equivalent thereto, and as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to the state for the use of common schools.

2. The seventy-two sections of land set apart and reserved for the use and support of a university by an act of congress, approved on the twentieth of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty, entitled "An act granting two townships of land for the use of a university in the territory of Iowa," shall be applied solely to the use and support of such university, in such manner as the general assembly may direct.

3. That one quarter section of land in each township be granted to the state for the purpose of purchasing a common school library for the use of such township.

4. That five per cent of the nett proceeds of the sales of all public lands lying within this state, which shall be sold by congress after the admission of the state into the Union, shall be granted to the state for the use of common schools.

That in consideration of the grants specified in the four forego

ing propositions, it is declared that this state will never interfere with the primary disposal of the soil within the same, by the United States, nor with any regulations congress may find necessary for securing the title in such soil to the bonâ fide purchaser thereof, and that no tax shall be imposed on lands, the property of the United States, and that in no case shall non-resident proprietors be taxed higher than resident.


[The following amendment was adopted by a state convention at Montpelier, on the 26th of June, 1828; the same having been previously proposed by the seventh council of censors, elected in 1827.]

ARTICLE I. No person who is not already a freeman of this state shall be entitled to exercise the privileges of a freeman, unless he be a natural born citizen of this, or some one of the United States, or until he shall have been naturalized, agreeably to the acts of congress.

[The following twelve amendments were proposed by the eighth council of censors, elected in 1834, and adopted by a state convention which met at Montpelier, on the 6th of January, 1836.]

ARTICLE II. The most numerous branch of the legislature of this state shall hereafter be styled the house of representatives. ARTICLE III. The supreme legislative power of this state shall hereafter be exercised by a senate and the house of representatives; which shall be styled "The General Assembly of the State of Vermont." Each shall have and exercise the like powers in all acts of legislation; and no bill, resolution, or other thing, which shall have been passed by the one, shall have the effect of, or be declared to be, a law, without the concurrence of the other. Provided, that all revenue bills shall originate in the house of representatives-but the senate may propose or concur with amendments, as on other bills. Neither house, during the session of the general assembly, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting; and in case of disagreement be

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