Lapas attēli

14. The organization and power of cities and incorporated villages; and especially their power of taxation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit.

[blocks in formation]

15. The power of counties, towns, and other municipal corporations, except cities and incorporated villages, and especially their power of local legislation, taxation, assessment, borrowing money, and contracting debts.

[blocks in formation]

18. The creation and division of estates in lands.

Mr. Nelson,

Mr. Harris,

Mr. Flanders,

Mr. A. Huntington,

Mr. Hutchinson,
Mr. Clyde.

Mr. Bull,


On the resolution offered :

"That personal property, used or invested in trade, business, or occupation, shall be assessed in the town or ward where the trade, business, or occupation is conducted."

[blocks in formation]




Passed March 13, 1821.


I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New Duty of InspectYork, represented in Senate and Assembly, That the inspectors of each poll, in the several towns and wards of this state, at the annual election, to be held on the last Tuesday in April next, shall provide a proper box, to receive the ballots of the citizens of this state, in relation to the convention hereinafter provided for. On which ballots shall be written or printed, by those voters who are in favor of the proposed convention, the word Convention, and

by those voters who are opposed thereto, the words No Convention, and that all free male citizens of Persons entitled

to vote.

this state, of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, who shall possess a freehold within this state, or who shall have been actually rated, and paid taxes to this state, or who shall have been actually enrolled in the militia of this state, or in a legal volunteer or

uniform corps, and shall have served therein, either as an officer or private; or who shall have been, or now are by law exempt from taxation, or militia duty; or who shall have been assessed to work on the public roads and highways, and shall have worked thereon, or shall have paid a commutation therefor, according to law; shall be allowed, during the three days of such election, to vote by ballot as aforesaid, in the town or ward in which they shall actually reside.




II. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for either of the inspectors of such election, of his own accord, and it shall be the duty of such inspectors, when thereto required by any citizen entitled to vote as aforesaid, to administer to any person offering to ballot as aforesaid, the following oath or affirmation: "I —, do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be), that I am a natural born, or naturalized citizen of the state of New York, or of one of the United States (as the case may be), of the age of twenty-one years, or upwards: that I am the owner of a freehold within this state; or that I have been actually rated and paid taxes to this state; or that I actually have been enrolled, and have served in the militia of this state, or in a legal volunteer or uniform corps, either as an officer or private; or that I have been or now am by law exempt from taxation or militia duty; or that I have been actually assessed to work on public roads and highways, and have worked thereon, or have paid a commutation therefor, according to law: and that I now am an actual resident and inhabitant of the town or ward in which I offer my ballot; and that I have not before voted and will not again vote at this election." And it is hereby declared, that if any person, so being required to take the said oath or affirmation, shall refuse to take the same, he shall not be allowed to vote at such election, until he shall take such oath or affirmation.

III. And be it further enacted, That the said elecElections how tion shall, in all respects, be conducted, and the poll lists shall be kept, in the manner prescribed by law, for the election of senators; that the said votes shall be canvassed by the inspectors of the several polls of the said election, and the returns thereof made by such inspectors, to the clerks of the respective towns and counties, at the same time, and in the same manner, as the canvass and return of votes for senators

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