Report of the ... Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association, 2. sējums

Pirmais vāks
E.C. Markley & Son, 1879

Atlasītās lappuses

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55. lappuse - No corporation shall issue stock or bonds, except for money paid, labor done or property actually received, and all fictitious increase of stock, or indebtedness shall be void.
108. lappuse - The powers thus granted are not confined to the instrumentalities of commerce or the postal service known or in use when the Constitution was adopted, but they keep pace with the progress of the country and adapt themselves to the new developments of time and circumstances.
63. lappuse - ... or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten days, nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, together with the costs of prosecution, and each day such person continues to practice medicine and surgery, contrary to the provisions of this act, shall constitute a separate offense.
108. lappuse - They extend from the horse with its rider to the stagecoach, from the sailing vessel to the steamboat, from the coach and the steamboat to the railroad, and from the railroad to the telegraph, as these new agencies are successively brought into use to meet the demands of increasing population and wealth. "They were intended for the government of the business to which they relate at all times and under all circumstances.
201. lappuse - And the said records and judicial proceedings, authenticated as aforesaid, shall have such faith and credit given to them in every court within the United States as they have by law or usage in the courts of the State from whence the said records are or shall be taken.
59. lappuse - All contracts for the sale of shares of the capital stock of any corporation or association, on margin or to be delivered at a future day, shall be void, and any money paid on such contracts may be recovered by the party paying it by suit in any Court of competent jurisdiction.
55. lappuse - Each stockholder of a corporation, or joint-stock association, shall be individually and personally liable for such proportion of all its debts and liabilities contracted or incurred, during the time he was a stockholder, as the amount of stock or shares owned by him bears to the whole of the subscribed capital stock, or shares of the corporation or association.
185. lappuse - Though his authority as Chief Justice of the United States was protracted far beyond the ordinary term of public life, no man dared to covet his place, or express a wish to see it filled by another. Even the spirit of party respected the unsullied purity of the judge, and the fame of the chief justice has justified the wisdom of the Constitution and reconciled the jealousy of freedom to the independence of the judiciary...
74. lappuse - GRAY'S INN. 42 ELIZ. I HAVE chosen to read upon the statute of uses made 27 Hen. VIII. a law, whereupon the inheritances of this realm are tossed at this day, like a ship upon the sea, in such sort, that it is hard to say which bark will sink, and which will get to the haven ; that is to say, what assurances will stand good, and what will not.
25. lappuse - All papers read before the association shall be lodged with the secretary. The annual address of the president, the reports of committees, and all proceedings at the annual meeting, shall be printed ; but no other address made or paper read or presented shall be printed, except by order of the executive committee.

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