Proceedings of the American Street and Interurban Railway Association: Containing a Complete Report of the ... Annual Convention

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255. lappuse - To enter or remain in the service is an assurance of willingness to obey the rules.
426. lappuse - American Street and Interurban Railway Association, who may elect to ally themselves with this association. Amendment. IV. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting, provided the proposed amendment shall have the approval of two-thirds of the executive committee, and provided also that a copy shall have been sent to each of the active members, at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be acted...
292. lappuse - ... movement of an extra over the working limits cannot be anticipated by these or other orders to the work extra, an order must be given to such extra, to protect itself against the work extra, in the following form : (c.) Extra 76 will protect against work extra 95 between Lyons and Paris.
337. lappuse - I do not know that I can add anything to what has been already said in the text of the Lecture on this point.
274. lappuse - A blue flag by day and a blue light by night, displayed at one or both ends of an engine, car or train, indicates that workmen are under or about it. When thus protected it must not be coupled to or moved. Workmen will display the blue signals and the same workmen are alone authorized to remove them. Other cars must not be placed on the same track so as to intercept the view of the blue signals, without first notifying the workmen.
427. lappuse - ... elected. They shall hold meetings at the call of the president, or, in his absence, at the call of the vice-presidents, in their order, and make arrangements for carrying out the objects of the association. In...
352. lappuse - The president, if present, or in his absence one of the vicepresidents, in their order, if present, shall preside at all meetings of the association, and of the executive committee, and shall represent this association on the executive committee of the American Electric Railway Association.
429. lappuse - All papers read at the meetings of the Association must relate to matters connected with the objects of the Association, and must be approved by the Executive Committee before being read, unless notice of the same shall have been previously given to the Secretary, as hereinbefore provided.
261. lappuse - It may be designated as — Extra — for any extra train, except work extra; Work extra — for work train extra. SUPERIOR TRAIN. — A train having precedence over other trains. A train may be made superior to another train by RIGHT, CLASS Or DIRECTION. RIGHT is conferred by train order; CLASS and DIRECTION by time-table. RIGHT is superior to CLASS or DIRECTION. DIRECTION is superior as between trains of the same class.
280. lappuse - When a train stops or is delayed, under circumstances in which it may be overtaken by another train, the flagman must go back immediately with stop signals a sufficient distance to insure full protection. When recalled he may return to his train, first placing two torpedoes on the rail when the conditions require it.

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