7235 921 COPYRIGHT 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921 BY BAKER, VOORHIS & CO. OCT 6 1921 AMENDMENTS OF 1921 The following sections of the Tax Law were amended or otherwise affected by the Laws of 1921: THE TAX LAW. CHAPTER 60 OF THE CONSOLIDATED LAWS TAX LAW Article 1. Taxable property and place of taxation (§§ 1-17). 2. Mode of assessment (§§ 20-49). 3. Equalization of assessment and levy of tax (§§ 50–64). 4. Collection of taxes (§§ 69-95). 5. Collection of nonresident taxes (§§ 100-109). 6. Sales by comptroller for unpaid taxes and redemption of lands- (§§ 120-143). 7. Sales by county treasurers for unpaid taxes and redemption of. lands (§§ 150-160). 8. State board of tax commissioners and state board of equalization (§§ 170-179b). 9. Corporation tax (§§ 180-207). 9a. Franchise tax on business corporations (§§ 208-2191). 10. Taxable transfers (§§ 220-245). 11. Tax on mortgages (§§ 250-267). 12. Tax on transfers of stock (§§ 270-279). 13. Procedure (§§ 290-307). 14. Laws repealed; when to take effect (§§ 320, 321). 15. Tax on investments (§§ 330-340). 16. Taxes upon and with respect to personal incomes (§§ 350-385).. |