Legislative Branch Appropriations for 2003: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Second Session, 1. sējumsU.S. Government Printing Office, 2002 |
2 | |
3 | |
7 | |
15 | |
26 | |
42 | |
50 | |
82 | |
103 | |
113 | |
129 | |
141 | |
175 | |
195 | |
205 | |
237 | |
263 | |
271 | |
276 | |
301 | |
303 | |
327 | |
405 | |
411 | |
422 | |
425 | |
431 | |
436 | |
474 | |
506 | |
509 | |
521 | |
523 | |
530 | |
533 | |
590 | |
597 | |
604 | |
606 | |
613 | |
616 | |
623 | |
632 | |
639 | |
641 | |
644 | |
651 | |
659 | |
667 | |
669 | |
674 | |
844 | |
861 | |
903 | |
913 | |
919 | |
972 | |
981 | |
991 | |
1002 | |
1025 | |
1037 | |
Citi izdevumi - Skatīt visu
Bieži izmantoti vārdi un frāzes
11 Personnel Compensation 12 Personnel Benefits 13 Benefits 2003 Budget Estimate 21 Travel 22 Transportation 23 Rent 24 Printing 25 Other Services 26 Supplies 31 Equipment 32 Land ANALYSIS OF CHANGE Appropriation Architect Benefits to Former budget request CAFM CALCULATION OF BASE Capital Budget Capitol Police Board Capitol Power Plant CHANGE BY ORGANIZATION CHANGES LEGISLATION WORKLOAD CLASS PROGRAM TYPE Communications Congress Congressional Congressional Accountability Act COST OF LIVING Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars FTE Dollars FTE 000 employees Estimate Net Change Federal fiscal year 2003 Former Personnel FTE Dollars 000 FULL FUNDING FY 02 COST FY 03 LONGEVITY FY 2001 Actual HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES INCREASE/DECREASE REQUESTED Joint Committee Land and Structures maintenance Medicare OBJECT CLASS PROGRAM Operating Budget PAY AND RELATED PRICE LEVEL CHANGES PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION PROGRAM TYPE CHANGES REPAIRS Senate Supplies and Materials Transportation of Things U.S. HOUSE United States Capitol