native-born of native father and native-born of foreign father, in the order named. Families of native-born of foreign father report an . average yearly income of $914, foreign-born have an income $58 less than that of native-born of foreign father, while native-born of native father have a yearly income $7 lower than that of foreign-born. Among the foreign-born races, no English, German, or Irish families have an income of under $300, while 14.3 per cent of Armenian families report an income under this amount. Armenians also report a much higher percentage than the other races having an income of under $500, while English report the highest percentage of families having an income of under $750 per year. Armenians show 82.1 per cent of the families having an income of under $1,000, as contrasted with 58.1 per cent of the Irish families having a yearly income under that amount. All of the foreign-born races, except Irish, show 96 per cent, or slightly over, with incomes under $1,500, the percentage of Irish families who have an income of under this amount being considerably smaller. Irish show an average family income of $986 per year, while the average family income of Armenians amounts to only $732. WIVES AT WORK. The extent to which the wives of the families studied were regularly employed for wages outside the home, together with their average annual earnings, is shown in the following table, according to general nativity and race of head of family. TABLE 30.-Wives at work, by general nativity and race of head of family. From data secured from 237 selected families, it is seen that 34.8 per cent of wives are at work, earning an average of $316. Foreign-born show the highest percentage of families having wives at work, followed by native-born of native father and native-born of foreign father; native-born of native father show the highest average earnings, followed by foreign-born with considerably smaller earnings. Among the foreign-born races, Armenians show a very high percentage of families having wives at work as compared with the other races given in the table; this race also shows the highest average earnings of wives working. RELATION BETWEEN THE EARNINGS OF HUSBANDS AND THE PRACTICE OF WIVES OF KEEPING BOARDERS OR LODGERS. Although a considerable proportion of the wives of the families, the heads of which were operatives in the collar and cuff industry, as well as other female members of the families, seek regular employment outside the home as a means of contributing to the family support, a much larger proportion of the wives add to the earnings of their husbands by taking boarders or lodgers into the home. The extent to which the wives of the families find it necessary to supplement in this way the earnings of their husbands is set forth in the following tables, which show the number and percentage of families in which wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers, according to yearly earnings and general nativity and race of head of family. TABLE 31.-Number of families in which wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers, by yearly earnings of husband and by general nativity and race of head of family. TABLE 32.-Per cent of families in which wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers, by yearly earnings of husband and by general nativity and race of head of family. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more selected families reporting. The totals, however, are for all races. For selection of families, see p. 738. Of the selected families only those which have both husband and wife present appear in this table.] The preceding table shows that where the earnings of husbands are under $400, 88.2 per cent of families show wives having employment or keeping boarders or lodgers. Where the earnings of husband are from $400 to $600, only 20.4 per cent of families report the wife as having employment or keeping boarders or lodgers. Where husbands earn $600 or over 14.5 per cent of families show the wife having employment or keeping boarders or lodgers. The table further shows that 23.3 per cent of all families studied report wives who have employment or who keep boarders or lodgers. The percentage of foreign-born families in which the wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers is very much higher than that of native-born of native father or native-born of foreign father for each specified amount of earnings of husband. Of the foreign-born races, Armenians show 82.6 per cent of families in which the wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers as contrasted with 13.6 per cent of German families and 12.5 per cent of English families. SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME. The two tables next presented exhibit the sources of family income in detail. The first of these shows, by general nativity and race of head of family, the percentage of families who had an income within the year from husband, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources. The past year referred to in the table means the twelve months immediately preceding the collection of the data. TABLE 33.-Per cent of families having an income within the year from husband, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources, by general nativity and race of head of family. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more families reporting. The totals, however, are for all races. One family is excluded which reports income as "none."] The preceding table shows that 75.4 per cent of the families selected for study secure their income from the earnings of husband, 34.3 per cent from the earnings of wife, 33.9 per cent from contributions of children, 6.8 per cent from payments of boarders or lodgers and 17.8 per cent secure their income from other sources. Foreign-born families report the highest percentage who have an income from the husband followed by native-born of native father and native-born of foreign father, in the order named. The same order is preserved in the percentages showing families having an income from the earnings of wife. Foreign-born households also show the highest percentage having an income from contributions of children, native-born of foreign father and native-born of native father following in the order named. Families grouped as native-born of native father show the highest percentage of families having an income from payments of boarders or lodgers, foreign-born show a slightly smaller proportion and native-born of native father show a considerably smaller percentage of families deriving an income from this source than foreign-born. Of the foreign-born races, English report the highest percentage having an income from the earnings of husband, while Irish show the lowest percentage. Armenians report a very much higher percentage having an income from earnings of wife than the other races given, English showing only 12 per cent Irish show the highest percentage having an income from the contributions of children and Armenians the lowest. Armenians show the highest percentage having an income from payments of boarders or lodgers, the Irish showing no families with an income from this source. The table next presented also shows the source of family income according to general nativity and race of head of family, but differs from the preceding table in that each specified source is exclusive of all other sources. General nativity and race of head of family. TABLE 34.-Source of family income in detail, by general nativity and race of head of family. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more families reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] The above table shows the highest percentage of families having an income from husband. Families having an entire income from wife and children follow in much smaller proportion, while the next highest percentage of families secure their entire income from husband and children and husband and wife. Only small proportions secure their entire income from other sources specified in the table. Of the foreign-born races, English show 56 per cent of families having an entire income from the husband, while Armenians show 3.7 per cent of families deriving their entire income from the same source. Armenians report a considerable proportion deriving their entire income from husband and wife, the other races showing very much lower percentages. Irish report the highest percentage with entire income from husband and children and Germans the highest per cent having entire income from husband, wife, and children. The English alone show a certain per cent of families having an income from husband and from boarders or lodgers. Only 2 races, the Irish and Armenians, report families having their entire income from the wife alone. The Irish show the highest percentage of families having entire income from wife and children and the highest percentage having entire income from children alone. Armenians show considerably larger proportions having entire income from sources or combinations of sources not before specified, while Irish show the smallest percentage having an income from such sources. Wife. Wife and children. Wife and boarders Children. Sources or combina tion of sources not before specified, |