Federal labor 13094, tax, j, j, a, '12, $1.05; d f, $1.05 Railroad machnist helpers 14059, tax, july, '12, 40c; d f, 40c 80 2 10 Federal labor 13048, tax, july, 12, $4.25; d f, $4.25 Journeymens sailmakers 12751, tax, aug, '12, $2.55: d f, $2.55 Machnists helpers and laborers 12906, tax, july, 12, $1.50; d f, $1.50.... Tobacco strippers 12722, tax, j, j, a, 12, $1.35; d f, $1.35 Federal labor 8206, tax, aug, '12, $1.50; d f, $1.50 Bottlers prot 8434, tax, j, a, s, 12, $5.70; d f, Trades and labor council, Neenah, Wis, Trades and labor assem, Newark, Ohio, Central labor union, Millinocket, Me, tax, tax, m, a, m, '12. Central labor union, Wilmington, Del, tax, apr, 12, to and inel dec, 12. .... Trades council, Pana, Ill, tax, a, s, o, 12 ..... Trades assem, Black Hills, SD) (Lead), tax, feb, '12, and incl july, 12, $5; sup, 25c Sewer cleaners and repairers 10886, tax, j, a, 12, $10; d f, $10 Quarry workers intl union of N A, sup......... Central labor union, Vincennes, Ind, sup 29. Cutting die and cutter makers union of A, tax, j, j, a, 12..... Federal labor 14236, tax, j, j, a, '12, $1.50; d f, $1.50 4 60 27. Intl wood carvers assn of NA, tax, j, j, a, 12 Natl print cutters assn of A, tax, j, j, a, 12 Intl bro composition roofers, damp and waterproof workers, tax, j, a, s, 12... Trades and labor council, Uniontown, Pa, tax, m, j, J, '12... Cooks and waiters 10968, tax, aug, '12, $7; d f. $7..... Machinists helpers 12561, tax, j, a, '12, $1.90; d f. $1.90. Baggage messengers 10167, tax, aug, '12, $1; d f, $1.. Scale workers prot 7592, tax, june, '12, $6; d f. $6. 12 00 19 52 8 76 24 80 8 80 275 80 10 00 900 10 50 200 2 80 DO NOT REPLACE YOUR WORN CARPET WITHANEW ONE The new one will harbor dust and germs and will wear out just the same as the old one did. Our Parquetry, or Hardwood Floors, are beautiful, clean, sanitary, and will last as long as your house. Our new design book consists of photographs direct from the flooring. These are printed in the natural wood colors. Send for one. WOOD-MOSAIC FLOORING & LUMBER CO. Rochester, N.Y.; New Albany, Ind. 29. Trades and labor assem, Peoria, Ill, tax, 850 Laborers prot 14260, tax, june, 12, $3.90; d f, $3.90; sup, $1 Intl bro pulp, sulphite and paper mill workers of US and Can, sup. 30. Flour and cereal mill employes 14030, tax, aug, 12, 40c; d f, 40c.. Pipe caulkers and repairers prot 11465, tax, aug, 12, $5; d f, $5 Stone derrickmens 12878, tax, aug, 12, $1.50; d f, $4.50. Horse nail makers pand b 6170, tax, aug, 12, $5.25; d f, $5.25. Stenographers, typewriters, bookkeepers, and assistants 14268, tax, july, 12, $1; d f, $1 Soapmakers 13223, tax, j, j, a, s, '12, $1.40; d f, $1.40.. $427 50 155 00 10 00 335 1 25 125 27 7 50 360 Central labor union, Port Jervis, NY, tax, a, m, j, 12. 250 1. Rent, TA Wickersham. Stamps: 5,600 1-0, $56; 2,000 2-c, $40; 3003-c. $9; 500 4-0, $20; 300 10-с, $30, PO dept............. Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12952 Strike benefits to mechanics helpers 12864 Strike benefits to mechanics helpers 12864 2. Salary, office employes, week ending aug 3, Translating German, W von Ezdorf 85 00 96 25 48.00 52 00 52 00 653 56 200 9.00 30 00 Trades and labor council, Lake County, Cooks and waiters 14139, tax, july, '12, $1.65; Intlassn of machinists, tax, n, d, '11....... Intl assn of machinists, tax, j, f, m, acet a. 12 200 5.00 1,500 00 72 25 21 00 HERMAN VOSSNACK, Jr., INC. The largest dealers in FINE HARDWOOD FLOORING, Parquet Flooring Strips, Squares and Fancy Borders, Nails, Caster Cups, Brushes, Building Paper, Etc. 213-215 East 44th Street :: :::::: NEW YORK CITY 3. Washington Times from june 1, '12, to dec 1, '12, Washington Times co... 5. Legislative expenses, C H Winslow....... $1 75 114 72 51 00 402 59 40 00 Bal strike benefits to federal labor 14073 for third week, ending july 27, '12, Louis Reece, secy, and A JMontague, pres.... 6. Salary, office employe, week ending aug 10, '12: GP Boswell (2 days), $3; GP Boswell (vacation), aug 17, '12, $9; GP Boswell (vacation), aug 24, 12, $9... 800 9. Addressing, folding, and enclosing circulars in envelopes, E B Kane, $9; BL Calhoun, $9..... Legislative expenses, A E Holder, $42; A E Salary, week ending aug 10, '12, FC Thorne Organizing expenses: CP Taylor, $61.85; 10. Salary, office employe, week ending aug 17, 12, J Kelly.. Stamps: 2,0001-c, $20; 2,000 2-c, $40; 400 6-0, $24; 300 8-c, $24; 200 specials, $20; PO dept..... Organizing expenses: Hugh Frayne, $83.30; HT Keating, $58.25; JB Dale, $20; Pasquale Di Neri, $25... Supplies: 1 ink eradicator, 25c; 50,000 manila envelopes, AM FED, $115; 1,800 manila envelopes, $4.14; 1 inkstand base, oak, 90c; link eradicator, 25c; 3lbs jute twine, 60c; 3 neostyle cloths, 25c; 1,000 white blotters, $2.25; 1 whisk broom, 25c; 3 special-made boxes, 244 x 164 x 1178, $5.25; link eradicator, 25c; 1200-page journal, 75c; 1 bottle ink eradicator, 250; 2,000 manila envelopes, $3; 50,000 no 10 envelopes, printed, at $1.88, $94, repairing 1 fountain pen, $1.75; 1⁄2 gross 1007 erasers, $5; 1⁄2 gross 314 Eagle pencils, $2.25; 2 gross 490 stenographers pencils, $2.25; 1 gross pens, 65c; 1 doz Carters ink, $6.50; 1⁄2 gross mossgreen blotters, 25c; 1,000 manila paper, $1.40; 1 doz blotters, 50c; 2 Le Pages glue, 20c; 25,000 Niagara clips, $18.25; 2 doz looseleaf stenographers note books, $1; Typewriter and Office Supply co... 1 1 Phone service, Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone co.. Expressage, United States Express co..... Supplies: 4 gross Holtons loose-leaf stenographers books, $1.25; 4 gross Tosco flexible stenographers books, $1.25; 5,000 sheets 82 x 16 bon ton writing paper, $3.75; 1 mucilage cup, 25c 4 doz bone folders, 50c; 1,000 white blotters, $2.25; 1 small bottle letterine, 10c; 2,000 634 envelopes. $3.20; 2 lbs no 4 paragon pins, $1.40; 1454/invoice books, $2.50; 1,000 50-1b manila paper, $1.50; 3 qts mucilage, $1.95; 2 32708 scrap books, $3.50; 2 doz letter-ruled pads, $2; 2 erasers, 10c; 2 ink eradicators, 50c; 1 brassedge ruler, 25c; 1 rubber ruler, 65c; 8,000 50-10 manila envelopes, $1.50; 6 rubber rulers, $3, $34.40; credit by return, 3 doz 18x11⁄2 mailing tubes, 40c; Typewriter and Office Supply co..... $18 00 84 00 30 00 55 00 64 25 308 32 30 00 128 00 186 55 267 39 77 42 13. Strike benefits to federal labor 14073 for fourth week, ending aug 3, 12, Alfred Montague, pres, and Louis Reece, secy.. Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12345 for forty-first week, ending july 27, 12, FA Walters, rec and fin secy. 76 00 72 00 Organizing expenses: J A Flett, $54.19; J D 575 09 7. Organizing expenses: FH McCarthy, 72 15 Contribution to AM FED, Thomas Reece.. 8. Ice, T J Nash... 28 00 Clipping, National Press Intelligence co.. 10 00 97 40 One book (Labor Movement in France), Printing aug, '12, AM FED, Law Reporter Legislative expenses, Grant Hamilton..... 1 50 581 62 57 25 216 50 20 00 569 37 Electros, National Engraving co... 2 sets manila guides, Library Bureau. 13. Organizing expenses, Joseph Tylkoff. Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12345 Strike benefits to federal labor 10829 for 58 29 34 00 13 20 3 25 1 00 103 412 70 52 25 64 00 52 00 120 00 28 51 1 1 $120 00 thirty-second week, ending may 25, 12, A Hofer, treas. Strike benefits to federal labor 10829 for thirty-third week, ending june 1, '12, A Hofer, treas 120 00 Strike benefits to federal labor 10829, for thirty-fourth week, ending june 8, 12, A Hofer, treas 120 CO Strike benefits to federal labor 10829 for thirty-fifth week, ending june 15, 12, A Hofer, treas 120 00 Strike benefits to federal labor 10829 for thirty-sixth week, ending june 22, 12, A Hofer, treas 120 00 Strike benefits to federal labor 10829 for thirty-seventh week, ending june 29, 12, A Hofer, treas. Organizing expenses, MJ Doyle. 120 00 14. Organizing expenses: Cal Wyatt, $60.05; JD Chubbuck, $17.75; PF Duffy, $53.70; FH McCarthy, $60.20; M M Donoghue, $35.10.. 256 80 Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12561 for forty-second week, ending aug 3, '12, HE Simmons, rec secy treas.. 400 Strike benefits to federal labor 14073 for fifth week, ending aug 10, '12, Louis Reece, secy, and A Montague, pres....... Expenses industrial education committee, CH Winslow.. 76 00 51 00 15. Strike benefits to mechanics helpers 12864 for fortieth week, ending july 20, 12, John S McDonald... 52 00 Organizing expenses: C A Miles, $25.50; Salary, office employes, week ending aug 16. Expenses, attending EC meeting, Atlantic City, N J, John B Lennon, $138.18; John Mitchell, $100.82.. $970 57 52 00 52 00 24 00 42 50 63 24 8 50 50 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 540 63 51 00 82 50 97 50 88 01 30 00 278 65 60 00 52 00 612 51 57 00 158 54 Expenses, attending EC meeting, Atlantic City, NJ, Frank Morrison, secy...... 68 85 21. Organizing expenses: HL Eichelberger, 21. $61.15; Placido Comunale, $24; C A Miles, Organizing expenses: David Kreyling, Strike benefits to machinists helpers 12764 Strike benefits to machinists helpers 12561 23. Salary office employes week ending aug Legislative expenses, Grant Hamilton...... Moffitt, $52.50.. Organizing expenses: CP Taylor, $56.75; 26. Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12345 27. Salary, office employe, week ending aug Organizing expenses: FH McCarthy, Attorneys fees and expenses in connection ...... Organizing expenses: PJ Flannery, $72.50; 771 45 A GOOD JUDGE OF FINE WHISKEY WILL PRONOUNCE HUNTER BALTIMORE A PERFECT PRODUCT OF THE STILL, BECAUSE WHISKEY CANNOT BE MORE CAREFULLY MADE, AGED AND PERFECTED Sold at all first-class cafes and by jobbers. WM. LANAHAN & SON, Baltimore, Md. 52 00 20 00 30. Brownley, $13; W von Ezdorf, $15; MM Connell, $12.98; EN Parsons, $18; SE Woolls, $18; SB Woolls, $11; H B Andrew, $9.38; Η Κ Myers, $15; E Rowley, $9.32; E Morrison, $9; E Farber, $15; E L Dieterich, $15.52. Addressing, folding, and enclosing circulars in envelopes: BL Calhoun, $9.32; E B Kane, $7.82 Salary, office employes, week ending sept 7, '12 (vacation), DF Manning, $25; sept 14, '12 (vacation), DF Manning, $25; sept 7, '12 (vacation), RS Thomas, $14... Contribution to AM FED, Hans Fehlinger Legislative expenses: JA Moffitt, $58.50; A E Holder, $12; Grant Hamilton, $51...... Expenses, Washington, DC, to Hartford, Conn.and return, witness in Hatters case (2-chatters assess), Frank Morrison, secy. Postage on AM FED, PO dept Organizing expenses: JD Pierce, $51.76; Jos Minszewski, $25; (CP Taylor, $51; TJ Reagan, $25; JA Flett, $5674; CO Young, $52.75 Refund of premium on bond of JW Simmons, treas, carpenters and joiners 56, JH Bergren, secy $433 25 17 11 64 00 500 151 50 36 40 29 28 262 25 300 27. A Miles, $32.29; JB Dale, $20.... Strike benefits to mechanics helpers 12864 for forty-first week, ending july 27, 112, M W Donclin, treas Organizing expenses, Louis Dilno......... Expenses to Atlantic City, NJ, and return to complete special work, R L Guard.... 28. Telegrams, Postal Telegraph-Cable co..... Installing two electric fans, E F Brooks co Telegram and messenger service, Western Union Telegraph co.... $234 99 23 70 2 28 36 00 1 30 Towel service, Fowler Mfg co.. 10 40 2 50 100 Translating, the Berlitz School of Lan Organizing expenses, Placido Comunale... On acct expenses attending Canadian 31. Salary, one month, Samuel Gompers, pres 24 00 16 00 100 00 20 00 202 15 416 67 333 33 27 91 300 127 75 Commissions on advertising contracts for june, '12.... 357 05 Legislative expenses, A E Holder. 50 00 Printing four issues of Weekly News Let- 76 00 Organizing expenses, H F Hilfers. 17 00 Organizing expenses, J B Dale 20 00 Stamps received and used, Frank Morri son, secy 4 94 $18,781 6 RECAPITULATION. Balance on hand July 31, 1912. Receipts for month of August, 1912. $106,246 73 17,321 50 Total. $123,568 23 Expenses for month of August, 1912. 18,781 68 24 00 Expense attending E C meeting, Atlantic 30. Salary, office employes, week ending aug Balance on hand August 31, 1912. $104,786 55 90 85 In general fund $18,441 33 In defense fund for local trade and federal 86.345 22 Total. $104,786 55 FRANK MORRISON, Secretary, A. F. of L. |