5. City employes 12875, tax, j, a, 12, $5; d f, $5 Hat block makers and helpers 12099, tax, july, '12, 55c; df, 55c... Federal labor 12050, tax, j, a, '12, $1.90; d f, $1.90. Federal labor 8060, tax, aug, '12, $4.15; d f, $4.15.. Bridge laborers 13101, tax, j, j, '12, $1.70; d f, $1.70. Horse nail makers 10953, tax, july, '12, $2.65; d f, $2.65. Tin, steel, iron, and graniteware workers 10943, tax, aug, '12, $7.70; d f, $7.70..... Federal labor 12692, tax, july, '12, $4.25; d f, $4.25; sup, 40c..... United laborers 14113, tax, m, j, j, '12, $4; d f, $4; sup, 50c.... Machinists helpers and laborers 14050, tax, j, j, '12, $2.50; d f, $2.50. Button workers prot 12854, tax, m, j, j, '12, $35.55; d f, $35.55. Federal labor 8060, sup. United cloth hat and cap makers of N A, tax, m, a, m, '12. $10 00 1 10 3 80 8 30 3 40 5 30 15 40 8 90 8 50 5.00 71 10 150 54 60 Natl assn of machine printers and color mixers of US, tax, m, j, j, a, 12......... Wood, wire, and metal lathers intl union, tax, aug, '12.. 12 43 33 35 90 Railroad helpers and laborers 13172, tax, july, '12, 40c; d f, 40c Federal labor 14257, tax, july, 12, $3.95; d f, $3.95. 1 40 2 50 7 70 290 600 600 200 600 10 CO 200 500 500 500 5 00 Railway postal clerks prot assn 13141, tax, feb, '12, to and incl july, '12, $3; d f, $3 Central labor union, Quincy, Mass, tax, 6 00 1 40 2 10 feb, '12, to and incl july, '12.... 5 00 Central labor union, East Millinocket, Me, tax, a, m, j, '12..... 3 50 2 50 Central federation of labor, Troy, NY, tax, a, m, j, '12...... 31 50 2 50 Federal labor 12967, tax, may, '12, 45c; d f, 45c Federal labor 13036, tax, apr, '12, 70c; d f, 70c Bricklayers helpers 14200, tax, june, '12, $1.25; d f, $1.25....... Gold beaters 12899, tax, july, '12, $3.85; d f, $3.85... American society of plate engravers 9003, tax, aug, '12, $1.45; d f, $1.45. Gas workers, 12740, tax, july, '12, $3; d f, $3. File workers 14276, tax, july, '12, $1.50; d f, $1.50; sup, $3. Egg inspectors 12090, sup.. Gas workers 12740, tax, aug, '12, $3; d f, $3..... 7. Laborers prot 14299, Port Arthur, Ont, Can, sup Laborers prot 14299, sup... Twin City trades and labor council, Berlin, Ont, Can, tax, apr, '12, to and incl, sept, '12. Trades and labor council, Niles, Ohio, tax, feb, '12, to and incl july, '12... Federal labor 7241, tax, aug, 12, 70c; d f, 70c Federal labor 11200, tax, j, j, a, '12, $1.05; d f, $1.05 Leather handlers 14102, tax, may, '12, $1.75; d f, $1.75 Cemetery employes 10634, tax, j, a, s, '12, $15.75; d f, $15.75. Grain workers assn 11407, tax, j, a, '12, $3; d f, $3 Highway dept laborers 14125, tax, july, '12, $5; d f, $5 Super heaters and engine pipe fitters 14129, tax, july, '12, $2.50; d f, $2.50 Rockmen and excavators 12438, tax, july, '12, $22.65; d f, $22.65... United neckwear cutters 6939, tax, july, '12, $10.50; d f. $10.50..... Celluloid workers, combmakers and buffers 14248, tax, july, '12, $11.75; d f, $11.75.... 23 50 8. Iron bedstead makers 12781, tax, july, '12, GET THE GENUINE Baker's Chocolate Yellow Label Trade Mark on the Back FINEST IN THE WORLD For Cooking and Drinking WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. 7. Bro of painters, decorators, and paperhangers of A, tax, july, '12. Diamond workers prot union of A, tax, july, '12.... aug, '12, 75c; d f. 75c.... 1 50 Sewer diggers 8662, tax, aug, '12, $3; d f, $3... Hair spinners 10399, tax, sept, '12, $6.25; d f, $6.25 Plumbers, laborers, and excavators 12602, tax, j, a, s, '12, $1.95; d f, $1.95.... Federal labor 12985, tax, aug, '12, $15; d f, $15..... Stone derrickmens prot 6721, tax, july, '12, $2.50; d f, $2.50.... Amal sheet metal workers intl alliance, tax, a, m, j, '12.... 600 12 50 3 90 30 00 5.00 330 00 Intl assn of machinists, tax, oct, '11... Cigarmakers intl union of A, tax, acct, mar, '12 290 00 208 42 Intl bro of maintenance of way employes, tax, j, j, '12... 110 00 Intl bro pulp, sulphite, and paper mill workers of US and Can, tax, f, m, a, m, '12. Button workers prot 12854, sup 149 69 100 Federal labor 7087, sup 7 50 Waste handlers 8964, tax, j, j, '12, $2.10; d f, $2.10; sup, 84c... 5 04 8. Trades and labor council, Oneonta, NY, tax, a, m, j, '12. 2 50 Central co-operative union, Hot Springs and vicinity, Ark, tax, jan, '12, to and incl june, '12. 5 00 Mineral water bottlers 11317, tax, J, J, '12, $5; d f, $5.. 10 00 Federal labor 8306, tax, july, '12, $1.50; d f, $1.50.. 300 9 10 3 90 Federal labor 9993, tax, aug, '12, $1.55; d f, $4.55. Federal labor 11045, tax, j, j, a, '12, $1.95; d f, $1.95 Railroad helpers and laborers 14075, tax, aug, '12, $3.50; d f, $3.50 Watchmens 13130, tax, aug, 12, $2.35; d f. $2.35 Tuck pointers 18218, tax, m, j, J, '12, $1.50; d f, $1.50...... Cooks and waiters 14139, tax, june, 12, $2.65; Fish splitters and handlers 11270, tax, july, Laborers prot 12982, tax. june, '12, $1.50; d f, Railroad machinists helpers 13(30, tax, Federal labor 12739, tax, a, s, '12, $1.60; d f, Federal labor 11366, tax, j, a, '12, 80c; d f, Window washers 12865, tax, j, a, 12, $2.50; Federal labor 12886, tax, m, j, j, '12, $3.25; Flour and cereal mill employes 13227, tax, Central labor union, Boonville, Ind, tax, Federal labor 12692, tax, aug, '12, $1.25; d f, d f. $2.70; sup, $5.. [10 40 Federal labor 8533, tax, july, '12, $3.40; d f, 6 80 Park dept laborers 12435, tax, jj, a, '12, $2.25; d f, $2.25; sup, $1... 5 50 Fur workers 14035, tax, july, 12, $2.60; d f, 5 20 Federal labor 7591, tax, j, j, 12, $3; d f, $3..... Federal labor 14158, tax, aug, '12, $5; d f, $5; 12. Federal labor 14227, tax, j, j, a, '12, $1.80; d f, Federal labor 12056, tax, aug, '12, $2.25; d f, Federal labor 8769, tax, july, '12, $1.40; d f, 5 00 9 60 1 20 24 50 3 60 4 50 280 PATENTS GUARANTEED. PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RE ONE MILLION DOLLARS tised free in" WORLD'S WORLD'S PROGRESS." Copy free. 14. Mosaic workers 8145, tax, j, a, s, '12, $3; d f, $3 Gardners 13020, tax, aug, '12, $1.25; d f, $1.25 Window shade workers 13091, tax, j, j, a, '12, $3.75; d f, $3.75 Assorters and packers 8316, tax, july, '12, Flour and cereal mill employes 14057, tax, Navy yard clerks and draftmen 12327, tax, Cloth equipment workers 14218, tax, aug, Elevator conductors and starters 13105, tax, july, '12, $7.50; d f, $7.50; sup, $4.50 ..... 15. Trades and labor council, Escanaba, Mich, tax, a, m, j. '12... Federal labor 13062, tax, aug, '12, $1.65; d f, $1.65 Machinists helpers 14083, tax, july, '12, $1.25; d f, $1.25 Federal labor 12363, tax, m, j, j, a, '12. $1.40; d f, $1.40 Soft beer bottlers and peddlers 8934, tax, july, 12, 75c; df, 75c Trades assem, Waco, and vicinity, Tex, Slate and tile roofers helpers 14301, sup... Curbstone cutters 14256, tax, aug, '12, $2; Federal labor 14167, tax, aug, '12, $1.75; d f, $1.75 Machinists helpers 9713, tax, j, a, '12, $9; d f. $9.. $6.00 2 50 7 50 11 10 2 20 510 1 40 14 70 5 20 40 20 19 50 250 3 30 250 2 SO 1 50 10 00 10 00 10 00 500 Quarry workers intl union of N A, sup...... Flour and cereal mill employes 14160, tax, j, a, 12, 90c; d f, 900. Sugar refinery employes 13053, tax, june, '12, $22.50; d f, $22.50. 13. Trades union assem, Williamsport. Pa, tax, m, a, m, '12. Trades council, Ann Arbor, Mich, tax, a, m, j, 12....... Tobacco strippers 13015, tax, july, '12, $1.45; Bricklayers 14055, tax, july, '12, 50c; d f, 50c Federal labor 14071, tax, july, 12, 90c; d f, 90c Elevator operators 13195, tax, aug, '12, $1.25; d f, $1.25. Button workers prot, 14123, tax, july, '12, 35c; d f, 350 100 70 Federal labor 12670, tax, aug, '12, $1.35; d f, $1.35... Railroad and contract shop helpers 14157, tax, july, '12, $1.25; d f, $1.25. Button workers prot 14115, tax, aug, '12, 650; d f, 650 Hair spinners prot 12353, tax, aug, '12, $2.20; d f. $2.20 Shovel workers 14101, tax, july, '12, $1.40; d f, $1.40 Button workers prot 14121, tax, j, a, 12, $1.50; d f, $1.50... Florists and nursery employes 14134, stax, aug, 12, $1.30; d f, $1.30 Elevator conductors 14185, tax, july, '12, $1.25; d f. $1.25...... Stoneware workers 6888. tax, aug, '12, 500; d f, 50c Hotel and restaurant employes intl alliance and bartenders intl league of A, tax, july, '12.... Assorters and packers 8316, sup 10 00 Central labor council, Dallas, Tex, tax, feb, '12, to and incl jan, '13..... Central labor union, Jefferson City, Mo, tax, j, a, s, '12 Quarry workers intl union of N A, sup Federal labor 8806. sup Federal labor 10185, tax, july, '12, $1.25; d f, $1.25; sup, 50с Fur floor workers 13196, sup Laborers prot 8079. sup 60c; sup, 50c Paul Augustine, New York City, sup.. 16. Trades and labor assem, Keokuk, Iowa, 10 00 250 500 50 2 25 300 50 60 1 70 50 15 00 150 $3 20 16. Celluloid turners 14233, tax, july, '12, $1.60; d f, $1.60 Flour and cereal mill employes 14046, tax, j, j, 12, 70c; d f, 70c... Federal labor 12968, tax, aug, '12, $1.90; d f, $1.90..... Egg inspectors 14159, tax, july, '12, $1.05; d f, $1.05 Suspender workers 11294, tax, aug, '12, $1.50; d f. $1.50 Intl union pavers, rammermen, flag layers, bridge and stone curb setters, sup.... 17. Amal lace curtain operatives of A, tax, july, '12. 1 40 3 80 2 10 3 00 100 6 88 Lithographers intl p and bassn of US and Can, tax, a, m, j, 12... Federal labor 8217, tax, aug, '12, $2.50; d f, $2.50...... 49 48 5.00 Flour and cereal mill employes 14213, tax, aug, '12, 85c; d f, 85c..... 1 70 800 METALLIC Save Your Shoe Money - You Who Work in Mines, Quarries, and on Farms Protect your shoes where the wear comes hardest -and they'll wear twice as long. / Metallic Heels are lighter than leather and will outwear the shoes. Don't go without them. Your shoe dealer sells them ready fitted on work shoes. Or your cobbler can quickly attach them. If your dealer isn't supplied, write us. Your inquiry brings booklet. UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO. BOSTON, MASS. Horse nail workers 7180, tax, aug, '12, $1; d f, $1........ Stoneware potters 8302, tax, j, a, s, '12, $6.45; d f, $6.45.... Paper bag workers 11757, tax, aug, '12, 55c; d f. 55c..... Egg inspectors 11254, tax, aug, '12, $13.25; d f, $13.25... Western federation of miners, tax, j, j, a, '12..... Central labor council, Globe, Ariz, tax, Trades and labor council, St Thomas, Ont, 19. Trades and labor assem, Utica, NY, tax, a, m, j, 12.... Central labor union, Akron, Ohio, tax, a, m, j, '12..... Cigar tobacco strippers 12971, tax, aug, '12, $10; d f, $10 Federal labor 11983, tax, j, j, 12, $5; d f. $5... Music engravers 11809, tax, july, '12, $1.60; d f, $1.60... Federal labor 12362, tax, aug, '12, $4; d f, $4 Federal labor 8620, tax, aug, 12, 40c; d f, 40c United laborers 14190, tax, july, '12, $4.50; Federal labor 13125, tax, aug, '12, 35c; d f, 35c Suspender workers 10093, tax, aug, '12, $1; d f, $I...... 20 00 10 00 3 20 80 900 Federal labor 12552, tax, july, '12, $3.50; d f, $3.50.. Scalemens prot 11403, tax, aug, 12, $3; d f, $3 Sail and tent makers 12757, tax, aug, '12, $1.25; d f, $1.25.... Gas workers 11633, tax, aug, '12, $1.25; d f, $1.25. Federal labor 9066, tax, j, a, s, '12, $3.75; d f, $3.75. Laborers prot 12713, tax, aug, '12, $1.25; d f, $1.25. Laborers prot 14096, tax, july, '12, $4.50; d f. $4.50 Railroad machinists helpers and laborers 14144, tax, j, a, 12, $5.10; d f, $5.10. Gas and water workers 9810, tax, july, '12, $19.75; d f, $19.75.... Federal labor 9626, tax, aug, '12, $2.40; d f. $2.40 Railway postal clerks prot assn 13222, tax, july, 12, 50c; d f, 50c. Neckwear cutters 14095, tax, j, j, a, '12, $1.05; d f, $1.05. 2 50 250 10 20 700 600 7 50 250 900 39 50 4 SO 100 2 10 69 46 2 30 1 10 4 30 Cigarmakers international union of A, tax, Sheet straighteners and paper cutters Federal labor 14246, tax, july, 12, $2.15; d f, Federal labor 14158, tax, bal aug, 12, $2.50; 20. Tobacco strippers 12502, tax, july, 12, $2.85; 5 70 133 33 1 MAIN OFFICE INDEPENDENT SALT CO. 2 to 24 Taylor St. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York Federal labor 14252, sup...... 21. Intl bro of electrical workers, tax, j, j, 12 Allied trades and labor assn, Ottawa, Ont, Federal labor 8227, tax, j, a, 12, $1.50; d f, Federal labor 8203, tax, aug, '12. $1.80; d f, City flremens prot assn 11431, tax, aug, '12, Federal labor 12424, tax, aug, 12, $1.50; d f, 500 500 50 00 Federal labor 14296, tax, aug, '12, 70c; d f, 2 65 300 Trades and labor council, Peekskill, NY, 250 Federal labor 11587, tax, j, j, 12, $3; d f, $3... 600 Federal labor 11618, tax, j, a, '12, $2.50; d f, Federal labor 8152, tax, j, a, s, '12, $4.95; d f, Pearl button workers 14279, tax, july, '12, 500 990 290 Tobacco strippers 12046, tax, july, '12, $8.50; Federal labor 11478, tax, j, j, a, '12, $7.50; 15 00 Central labor council, Bellingham, Wash, Soft beer bottlers and peddlers 8931, tax, Badge, banner, regalia, button, and nov- Central labor union, Tiffin, Ohio, sup......... Trades council, Anderson, Ind, sup 22. Federation of men teachers 14221, tax, july, Wire drawers 12493, tax, j, a, '12, $1.10; d f, Newspaper and mail deliverers 9463, tax, june, 12, $50; d f, $50 360 21 10 Soda and mineral water bottlers 10333, tax, Federal labor 8033, tax, jan, '12, to and incl Stenographers, typewriters, and book- Hard lime, bridge, and curbstone cutters 600 300 7 20 600 100 2 10 1 00 100 4 20 Bro of railway express messengers of A, Bro of railway express messengers of A, Retail clerks intl prot assn, tax, june '12... Trades and labor council, Dunkirk, NY, Federal labor 12750, tax, aug, 12, $1.65; d f, 100 00 16 00 Milk manufacturers employes 14137, tax, 50 4 30 500 Central labor council, Passadena, Cal, tax, Fish skinners, trimmers, cutters and press- 10 CO |