Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Used by millions of mothers For CHILDREN FOR SALE ALL OVER THE WORLD TEETHING. Subscribe to the American Federationist, $1 a Year FINE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS UNION MADE in Colored and White Fabrics. The best shirts made to day Ide Bros. Company, Box 68, Albany, N.Y. United Cloth Hat and Cap Makers OF NORTH AMERICA Loose labels in the hands of storekeepers are :: :: Main Office, 62 East Fourth Street, New York City Hudson Paper and Paper Stock Company UNION DEALERS IN WATER-MARKED PAPER Book and Bonds, Writing Papers, Tablets, Pads, Envelopes, News Albany Office, 86 State Street Boston Office, 29 Central Street NEVERLEAK Tire Fluid is a positive insurance against Heals Punctures Makes Tires Wear Longer It will save you expensive re- Buffalo Specialty Co. Dept 789. Buffalo, NY. Table Oil Cloth Enamel Carriage Goods Bag Muslin Sign Cloth Shoe Muslin THE COLUMBUS OIL CLOTH COMPANY Factory: 1280-90 N. Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. New York Office: 39 Union Square INTERNATIONAL VARNISH CO. TORONTO 1 Manufacturers of High-Grade Varnishes and Specialties WINNIPEG Huther Bros. Saw Mfg. Co. This is the only Dado Head on the Huther Bros. Saw Mfg. Co. Manufacturers of Circular Saws, Morgan Saws, etc. A. J. COCHRAN, Secretary and Treasurer. SETTLEMENTS. For cutting any width groove from 1-8 inch to 2 inches or over |