Lapas attēli


tax, feb, '12, to and incl july, '12........ Federal labor 14257, tax, june, 12, $2.50; d f, $2.30..

Federal labor 12916, tax, july, 12, $1.40; d f, $1.40...

Federal labor 13018, tax, june, '12, $1.25; d f, $4.25..

Federal labor 12921, tax, july, '12, $8.90; d f, $8.90...

Federal labor 12421, tax, july, 12, $2.05; d f, $2.05..

Stone planermens 12866, tax, july, '12. $2; d f, $2

Telephone operators 14191, tax, june, '12, 40c; d f, 40c...

$5 00



2 80

8 50

17 80

4 10




Listen, You Miners, Quarrymen, Farmers, • And You Who Do Heavy Work

A Pair of Steel Heels Doubles the

Life of Your Shoes

by protecting heels and counters where wear is the hardest. They're lighter than leather, and outwear the shoes. Your shoe dealer sells work shoes with these heels attached or a cobbler can quickly attach them. If your dealer isn't supplied, write us. Your inquiry brings booklet.


12. Scalesmens prot 11403, tax, july, '12, $3; d f, $3; sup, $2.25

tax, f, m, a, '12

Coopers intl union of N A, tax, june, 12 Journeymen barbers intl union of A, tax. a, m, j, '12...

Federal labor 12644, sup


Suspender workers 11251, tax, j, j, '12, 80c; d f, 80c...

.1 60

[blocks in formation]

Central labor union, Springfield, Mass,


30 00

598 94



15 50




5 00




1 40


NY transfer co employes prot 11824, tax, july, '12, $2.50; d f, $2.50; sup, $1..... Hair spinners 10399, tax, aug, '12, $7.25; (l f, $7.25; sup, $1......

15. Trades and labor council, Edwardsville, Ill, tax, mar, '12, to and incl aug, '12 Trades assem, Twin Falls, Idaho, tax, j, a, s, '12

Trades council, Paris and vicinity, Tex,
tax, a, m, j, '12

Connecticut state federation of labor, tax,
nov, '11, to and incl apr, '12.
Trades assem, Joplin, Mo, tax, jan, '12, to
and inel june, 12.....

Central labor union, Alliance, Ohio, tax.
apr, '12, to and incl sept, '12...
Federal labor 12362, tax, july, '12, $4; d f, $4
Federal labor 7241, tax, july, '12, 70c; d f, 70c
Federal labor 12552, tax, june, 12, $3.50; d f,

$8 25

Ship cleaners and scalers 12881, tax, m, a, '12, $7.50; d f, $7.50..

15 00

Flour and cereal mill employes 13227, tax, july, 12, 40c; d f, 40c.... Locomotive hostlers and helpers 11894, tax,

Federal labor 12222, tax, june, '12, $7.50; d f, $7.50

15 00

[blocks in formation]

july, 12, $3.50; d f, $3.50.......


Railroad machinists helpers 13192, tax,

[blocks in formation]

june, 12, $1.85; d f. $1.85...

3 70

Tobacco strippers 13015, tax, june, '12, $1.65;

[blocks in formation]

d f, $1.65

3 30

Printers roller makers 10638, tax, july, 12,

[blocks in formation]

70c; d f, 70c

1 40


[blocks in formation]

Riggers prot 14124, tax, july, '12, $2.75; d f, $2.75

Elevator conductors and starters 13105,

5 50

tax, june, 12, $7.50: d f, $7.50..

15 00

Teachers prot assn 14210, tax, m, j, j, '12, $1.05; d f, $1.05......

2 10

Machinists helpers 12345, tax, july, 12, $2.50; l f, $2.50


Machinists helpers 14083, tax, june, 12,

Suspendermakers 9560, tax, july, '12, $7.50;

[blocks in formation]

d f, $7.50.

15 00

[blocks in formation]

Machinists helpers 13077, tax, june, 12, $1.80; d f, $1.80


Central labor union, Concord, NH, tax,

United laborers 14190, tax, june, '12, $1.20;

mar, '12, to and inel aug, '12...

5 00

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Trades and labor assem, Grand Forks, N Dak, tax, j, j, a, 12

Railroad and contract shop helpers 14157,

[blocks in formation]

tax, june, '12, $1.10; d f, $1.10

Railroad machinists helpers 14105, tax, may, 12, 55c; d f, 55c

Curbstone cutters and setters 8373. tax, m, j, j, 12, $1.50; d f, $1.50 Assorters and packers 8316, tax, june, 112, $5.55; d f, $5.55

Coal hoisting supervisors 13122, tax, july, '12, 70c; d f, 70c..

Narrow elastic weavers 14242, tax, june, 12, 85c; d f, 85c.

2 50

2 20

57 80

1 10

100 00


253 35

11 10

1 40



INDEPENDENT SALT CO. 2 to 24 Taylor St.

Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York

549 to 559

Smith Street, Brooklyn Telephone Call, 640 Hamilton


332 East 103d Street
Manhattan Market

Telephone Call, 1136-79th St.

[blocks in formation]

18. Gardeners and florists 10615, tax, aug, 12,
$3.30; d f, $3.30.

Tri-city federation of labor, Rock Island,
Ill, tax, july, '12, to and incl dec, '12
Mineral water workers 12674, tax, j, j, 12,
$10.30; d f, $10.20.

Bootblacks 11623, tax, j, j, 12, $1.85; d f,

Iron bedstead makers 12781, tax, june, 12,
$2; d f, $2....

Federal labor 7479, tax, july, '12, $3.50; d f,

Met park dept laborers 14223, tax, june, '12,
$1; d f, $1

Federal labor 14264, tax. j, j, '12, $1.55; d f,

Egg lighters and breakers 13006, tax, june,
'12,35c; d f, 35c

Flour and cereal mill employes 14057, tax,
july, '12, $1.10; d f, $1.10.

$6 60


20 60





3 10


2 20


[blocks in formation]



Central trades and labor council, Roanoke,
Va, tax, jan, '12, to and inel june, 12....
Central labor union, Lincoln, Nebr, tax,
j, a, s, 12..



Button workers 14123, tax, june, 12, 350; d f. 35c.


Trades and labor assem, New Athens, Ill,
tax, j, a, s, '12.....


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Federal labor 11161, tax, m, j, j, '12, $1.50; d f, $1.50...

Federal labor 12776, tax, june, '12, $5.75; d f, $5.75.

Egg inspectors 12090, tax, m, j, '12, $4; d f, $1 Newspaper and mail deliverers 9463, tax, may, 12, $50; d f, $50.

Meat, food, and sanitary science inspectors assn 12912, tax, june, 12, $1.90; d f. $1.90 Wire sewers prot assn 12600, tax, m, j, j, '12, $2.95; d f, $2.95.

[blocks in formation]

United neckwear cutters 6939, sup..

19. Central trades and labor council, Lake

Charles, La, sup...

Federal labor 13125, tax, july, 12, 85c; d f,

Federal labor 13062, tax, july, '12, $1.50; d f,

Federal labor 11345, tax, july, '12, $1.55; d f.

Baggage messengers 10167, tax, july, '12, $1;
d f, $1..

Vacuum bottle and apparatus glass blow-
ers 14201, tax, july, 12, $1.50; d f, $1.50.
Curbstone cutters 14256, tax, july, 12, $2;
d f, $2.

Coffee, spice, and baking powder workers
9605, tax, a, m, j, 12, $2.55; d f, $2.55
Badge and lodge paraphernalia makers

9136, tax, aug, 12. $1.45; d f, $1.45
Intl longshoremens assn, tax, a, m, j, '12...
Amal lace curtain operatives of A, tax,
june, 12

Patternmakers league of N A, tax, june, 12
Ceramic, mosaic, and encaustic tile lay-
ers, etc, tax, j, j, '12....

Chas M Rehrig, Allentown, Pa, sup
Federal labor 14158, sup

20. Railroad helpers and laborers 14283, sup......
Amal meat cutters and butcher workmen
of N A, tax, m, j, '12

Inti bro of blacksmiths and helpers, tax,
m, j, '12.

Operative plasterers intlassn of US and
Can, tax, a, m, j, 12...

Intl union of elevator constructors, tax,
june, 12

3 75

10 00



3 10




5 10


440 00


40 00

32 36

1 25


10 00

57 31

114 48

306 30

Ill, sup.

18. Federal labor 14282, sup.

10 00

Intl union of pavers, rammermen, flag layers, bridge and stone curb setters, tax, j, j, '12.

20 00

Tobacco workers intl union, tax, a, m, j,
12 .....

Natl bro operative potters, tax, m, j, j, a,

15 73

72 22 d f, $2.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Central trades council, Pine Bluff, Ark, tax, mar, '12, to and inel aug, '12......

[blocks in formation]

Federal labor 10128, tax, july, $1.50; d f, $1.50

Federal labor 8203, tax, july, '12, $1.75; d f, $1.75

Federal labor 12648, tax, july, '12, $2.25; d f, $2.25

Federal labor 14220, tax, july, '12, 90c; d f, 900 Federal labor 8620, tax, july, 12, 40c; d f, 400

Federal labor 10829, tax, july, '12, $6; d f, $6 Stone planermens 13093, tax, july,

[blocks in formation]

3 50




12 00


[blocks in formation]

Fish splitters and handlers 14270, sup Womens prot 12721, tax, june, 12, 50c; d f, 50c; sup, 850...

Federal labor 12696, tax, july, '12, $1.50; d f, $1.50; sup, 60с..

Tent, awning, and canvas workers 14275. tax, july, 12, 50c; d f, 50c; sup, 25с. Agricultural workers 14261, tax, june, '12, 80c; d f, 80c; sup, 40c...

24. Commercial portrait artists 14286, sup.

Central labor union, Lebanon, NH, tax, a, m, j, 12.....

Trades assem, Norwich, NY, tax, a, m, j,

Trades assem, Logansport, Ind, tax, apr,
'12, to and incl sept, '12....
Central trades and labor council, Kings-
ton, NY, tax, jan, '12, to and incl june, '12..
Federal labor 9626, tax, july, '12, $2.50; d f,

Federal labor 12953, tax, aug, '12, $7.35; df,

[blocks in formation]

Celluloid turners 14233, tax, june, 12, $1.60; d f, $1.60

3 20

Tobacco strippers 12046, tax, june, '12, $8.50; d f, $8.50...

17 00

Sugar workers 10519, tax, july, 12, $2.50; d f, $2.50

Sawmill workers 14196, tax, june, '12, $2;



[blocks in formation]

15 50

Railroad machinists helpers 14059, tax, june, 12, 40c; df, 40с.

304 44

53 33 150

5 25

Machinists helpers and laborers 14141, tax, june '12, 50c; d f, 50c...

Egg candlers and packers 14241, tax, june,
'12, 95c; d f, 95c...

Porters prot 12029, tax, july, '12, 55c; d f, 550
Newsboys prot 10952, tax, july, '12...
Paper box makers 9309, j, a, s, 12, $7.50; d f,

City firemens prot assn 11431, tax, july, '12,



1 10


15 00

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

27. Laborers prot 8079, tax, m, j, 12, $66.30; d f,

Fur workers 14187, tax, june, 12, 90c; d f, 20c
Federal labor 11449, tax, j, j, '12, $3.20; d f,

Federal labor 12909, tax, june, 12, 50c; d f,

Intl glove workers union of A, tax, july, 12
Industrial labor council, Girard, Kans,
tax, jan, 12, to and incl june, 12..

Central labor union, Portsmouth, Va, tax,
a, m, j, '12..

Central labor union, Gloucester, Mass, tax,
a, m, j, 12

Trades and labor council, North Yakima,
Wash, tax, mar, '12, to and incl aug, 12..
Trades council, Pasco, Wash, tax, m, j, j,

Trades and labor assem, Hannibal, Mo,
tax, a, m, j, '12.....

Central associated trades council, Corn-
ing, NY, tax, aug, '11, to and incl jan, 12
Quarry workers intl union of N A, sup....
Cement workers 14061, tax, july, '12, $4.80;
df, $4.80; sup, 50c......
Scale workers prot 7592, tax, may, '12, $6.10;
d f, $6.10; sup, 50c.

[blocks in formation]

Horse nail workers 10582, tax, july, '12, 35c; d f. 35c


Federal labor 8398, tax, july, 12, 50c; df, 50c

Stone derrickmens prot 6721, sup...
Vacuum bottle and apparatus glass blow-
ers 14201, sup..

1 25



29. New York state federation of labor, sup.


[blocks in formation]


Central labor union, Trenton, NJ, tax, a, m, j, '12

Intl slate and tile roofers union of A, tax, a, m, j, '12

11 00

[blocks in formation]

Mechanics helpers 12864, tax, july, 12, $1.25;
d f, $1.25.

Horse nail makers pand b 6170, tax, july,
'12, $5.15; d f, $5.15

Egg inspectors 14098, tax, june, '12, 85c; d f,

Egg inspectors 14098, tax, july, '12, 85c; d f,

Machinists helpers and laborers 12891, tax,
july, '12, $1.55; d f, $1.55

Riggers prot 11561, tax, june, '12, $9; d f, $9...
House raisers and movers 12314, tax, j, a, 12,
70c; d f, 70c....

Bottle cainers 10535, tax, july, '12, $2.25; d f,

Fishermens 14216, tax, june, 12, $4.50; d f,

10 30

1 70


3 10 18.00

1 40

4 50



The new one will harbor dust and germs and will wear out just the same as the old one did. Our Parquetry, or Hardwood Floors, are beautiful, clean, sanitary, and will last as long as your house. Our new design book consists of photographs direct from the flooring. These are printed in the natural wood colors.

Send for one.

WOOD-MOSAIC FLOORING & LUMBER CO. Rochester, N.Y.; New Albany, Ind.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bootblacks prot 13156, tax, m, j, j, 12, $2.25;
d f. $2.25: sup, $1.50....

Suspendermakers 10342, sup
Trades and labor assem, Alamosa, Colo, sup
Trades and labor council, Danville, III,


Boot and shoe workers union, tax, apr, 112 Intl ladies garment workers, tax, apr, '12.. Intl assn heat and frost insulators and asbestos workers, tax, bal a, m, acet j, '12....

30. Bottlers 10218, tax, j, a, s, '12, $4.50; d f, $4.50; sup, $1..

Gas workers 11633, tax, july, '12, $1.25; d f,

Cigar factory tobacco strippers 11939, tax,
m, j, 12, $8.40; d f, $840..
Federal labor 14114, tax, m, j, j, '12, $1.05;
d f, $1.05

Stoneware potters 7117, tax, july, 12, to
and incl dec, 12, $22.50; d f, $22.50.

216 62
376 34


10 00

16 80

2 10

45 00

Pipe layers 12917, tax, may, '12, 85c; d f, 85c; sup, 30c

2 CO

Machinists helpers 11830, tax, june, 12, $3; d f, $3; sup, $1....


Oil workers and refiners 13124, tax, june, '12,
$9.35; d f, $9.35; sup, $1.....
Central labor union, Derby, Conn, tax, a,
m. j, 12.

19 70

2 50

Trades and labor assem, Savannah, Ga, tax, feb, 12, to and incl july, 12.....


Central labor union, Knoxville, Tenn, tax,

dec. '11, to and inel may, 12....

5 00

Trades and labor assem, Massillon, Ohio,
tax, apr, 12, to and inel sept.'12...
Intl bro composition roofers, damp and


water proof workers, sup.

6 80

Federal labor 14294, sup

10 00

31. Federal labor 14296, sup

10 00

Clam diggers 14295, sup.

10 00

Council of labor, McKeesport, Pa, tax, a,

m, j, 12....

2 50

Yellowstone county trades and labor assem, Billings, Mont, tax, a, m, j, '12....


Cascade county trades and labor assem,

Great Falls, Mont, tax, a, m, j, '12....


Central labor union, Danbury, Conn, tax,

june, '12, to and inel nov, '12


Central labor union, Bellows Falls, Vt, tax, jan, 12, to and incl june, 12..


Bronx labor council, Bronx, N Y, tax, m,

a, m, 12.....

2 FO

Quarry workers intl union of N A, sup....
Assorters and packers 8316, sup.



Flour and cereal mill employes 14030, tax,

july, 12, 40c; d f. 40c.


Federal labor 12756, tax, june, '12, $4; d f, $1;

8 50

10 00

sup, 50c....

Federal labor 12102, tax, july '12, $5; d f, $5..
Nailmakers 14199, tax, m, j, j, 12, $3; d f, $3
Lamp workers 12618, tax, july, '12, $1.60; d f,

Soil pipe makers and helpers 13052, tax,
july, 12, $2.50; d f, $2.50..

Machinists helpers and laborers 12921, tax, j, j, 12, 750; d 1,75c; sup, $1....

American bro of slate workers, tax, july, '12..

3 20




1. July, 1912, rent, T A Wickersham.
Organizing expenses, S R Frazee.

3,000 2-c stamped envelopes, PO dept.........
President Gompers dues to Washington
Chamber of Commerce, july 1, '12, to jan
1, '13, A Lisner, treas..

Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12345
for thirty-sixth week, ending june 22, 12,
FA Walters, rec and fin secy.

Strike benefits to federal labor 9993 for
thirty-third week, ending june 1, '12, C
Bridges, fin secy treas...

Donation to womens natl trade union
league for organizing work for june, 12,
MD Robins...

Organizing expenses: J L Lewis, $57.08; T
Η Flynn, $59.35; JD Pierce, $51.30; Hugh
Frayne, $118.10; Pasquale Di Neri, $25; G
E Neesham, $26.55; CP Taylor, $56; Wil-
liam Bork, $57.15..

2. Expenses attending democratic conven-
at Baltimore, Md, june 25 to 27, 12, Frank
Morrison, secy

Organizing expenses: Cal Wyatt, $57.72; W
E Terry, $51; PF Duffy, $51.70; S A Bram-
lette, $52.80; Joseph Tylkoff, $58.85; M
Weiss, $15; H T Keating, $59.50; Henry
Streifler, $62.40.

3. Organizing expenses: JA Flett, $32.25; F
Η McCarthy, $72.80; HL Eichelberger,
$30; John J Cunningham, $58...
Legislative expenses, JA Moffitt......
Salary, office employes, week ending july
6, 12: J Kelly, $30; R L Guard, $30; DF
Manning, $25; LA Gaver. $19; LA Sterne,
$25; JE Giles, $20; DL Bradley (5 days),
$15; FL Faber, $18; E Rowley, $9;
WH Howlin, $18; A E Hawkins, $15;
GA Boswell, $17.61; DJ Nielsen, $15;
RS Thomas, $14; M Webster, $18; S Lank-
ford, $16; FK Carr, $14; CR Breneman,
$14; W von Ezdorf, $15; FEWagga-
man, $14; MM Connell, $12; E N Parsons,
$21; SE Woolls, $18; E C Howard, $15;
SB Woolls, $11; E J Tracy, $9; HB
Andrew, $9; HK Myers, $15; AE Knight,


Expenses for month of june, '12, Samuel
Gompers, pres..

Strike benefits to mechanics helpers 12864
for thirty-fourth week, ending june 8, 12,
MW Donclin, treas..

Strike benefits to mechanics helpers 12864
for thirty-fifth week, ending june 15, '12,
M W Donelin, treas..

Strike benefits to machinists helpers 13042
for twenty-ninth week, ending may 11,
'12, CR Chilvers, treas....

Organizing expenses: Placido Comunale,
$24; CAMiles, $34.31; CE Finnegan, $48
Expenses industrial education committee,
CH Winslow

Organizing expenses: ET Flood, $60.05; E
T Flood, $30.65.

6. Organizing expenses: Joseph Minszewski,
$100; CO Young, $59; JD Chubbuck, $45.25
Strike benefits to federal labor 9626 for
thirty-fifth week, ending june 17, '12, W
E Gould, secy, and Henry Bartelt, pres
Strike benefits to suspender workers 11294
for sixth week, ending june 19, 12, Hattie
Wilmes, secy, and Emily Smith, pres....

$127 50 10.00 63 24

10 00

76 00

236 00

150 00

453 53

30 70

408 97

193 05 63.00




52 00

32 00

106 31

70 00

90 70

204 25

72 06

Intl seamens union of A, tax, o, n, d, '11... Intl seamens union of A, tax, jan, '12, to and inel oct, 12....

240 00

1,066 67

108 00

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