W FOR TRIAL PURPOSES E HAVE for sale four sizes of chair seats, which give you the amount of upholstery material you want, making the cost very small for new seats for chairs you may have that need reupholstering. We will send upon receipt of price and name of upholsterer chair seat size 18x18 inch, 25c.; 25x25 inch, 50c.; 27x27 inch, 70c.; 36x36 inch, $1.00. We will not be responsible for loss of remittances made in stamps or currency. PANTASOTE'S superior wearing qualities has made it a National Standard. The great demand for it has led to the substitution of many inferior imitations, victimizing the public. Do not be misled by statements that Pantasote is a name representing a number of leather substitutes There is only one GENUINE PANTASOTE LEATHER. To protect you against fraud accept no furniture from your dealer or upholsterer, unless it bears our trademark label. Do not accept his "just as good" theory: insist upon Pantasote, and see that you get the genuine Pantasote. Look for word Pantasote embossed on se vage edge of piece goods. PANTASOTE is durable, bright, handsome, easily cleaned, wears and looks like leather, and costs one-third as much. "2IN1" SHOE POLISH For a Quick and Lasting Polish IT PRESERVES THE LEATHER Contains no turpentine or other injurious ingredients THE F. F. DALLEY CO. |