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The ideal whiskey for medicinal purposes and general use.

It is made entirely from malted grain, free from injurious substances, pure and palatable. It has enjoyed more than half a century of well doing and has gathered hosts of friends in this time.

Sold only in sealed bottles, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey reaches the consumer in its original purity and strength.

The weak, the ill, and the aged will be benefited by its use.

Druggists and Dealers, $1.00 per Bottle

The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. Rochester, N. Y.

Just Six Minutes to Wash a Tubful!

This is the grandest Washer the
world has ever known. So easy to
run that it's almost fun to work it.
Makes clothes spotlessly clean in
double-quicktime. Six minutes
finishes a tubful.

Any Woman Can Have a
1900 Gravity
Washer on
30 Days'
Free Trial


Don't send money.
If you are responsible,
you can try it first. Let
us pay the freight. See
the wonders it performs.
Thousands being used.
Every user delighted.
They write us bush-
els of letters telling
how it saves work


and worry. Sold on little payments. Write for fascinating Free Book today. All correspondence should be addressed to 1900 Washer Co., 601 Chenango St., Binghamton, N.Y. If you live in Canada, address Canadian 1900 Washer Co., 355 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada.

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