Vol. XIX. VINCIT ORGO NOV. 1STH 1881. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS AND VOICING THE DEMANDS OF THE TRADE UNION MOVEMENT SEPTEMBER, 1912. OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE American Federation of Labor OWNED, CONTROLLED, AND PUBLISHED BY THE Published Monthly at 801-809 G Street N. W., Washington, D. C. FOR SALE ON ALL NEWS STANDS SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS No. 9. Forrest F. Dryden, GOOD LUCK usually signifies good judgment. The man who is able to see and grasp an opportunity is the man who usually succeeds. A Prudential Continuous Monthly Income Endowment policy on your life will provide an unfailing income for your declining years. Ask about it. Address Dept. 112. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Founded by John F. Dryden, Pioneer of Industrial Insurance in America Incorporated as a Stock Company by the State of New Jersey. HOME OFFICE, NEWARK, N. J. "Coffee and Beer Manifesto." It reads: "Everybody is using coffee. If possible, this must be prevented. My people must drink beer. His Majesty was brought up on beer and so were his ancestors and officers. Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer, and the king does not believe that coffee drinking soldiers can be depended on to endure hardships or to beat his enemies in case of the occurrence of another war." This was one hundred and thirty-five years ago, and beer maintains its old-time prestige as the beverage of health. Improvements have been made in brewing since that time, and the PITTSBURGH BREWING COMPANY employs every one of them. It produces beer unexcelled by any in the world. Thousands of Mechanics and Laborers Have Salaries Increased You can be safe in judging what a man can do by what has been done-past performances-past records. In the files at the International Correspondence Schools are more than 27,000 letters that are witnesses to the marvelous results accomplished by students of the International Correspondence Schools. A recent tabulation of the records of 1,000 students shows that the average salary at the time of enrolment for I. C. S. Courses was $54 per month, but today, or at the time the letters of indorsement were written, the salaries have increased to an average of $183 per month. There is not, in all the world, a greater force than the I. C. S. to put new hope in the hearts of laboring men and teach them to attain success. The I. C. S. are ready and willing to help you. Are you willing to be helped? Then determine what you want to be and Mark and Mail the Coupon NOW The first brand of Union Tobacco ever produced SAVE LABEL FRONTS FOR PREMIUMS T HE HOUSEWIFE who is anxious to get the best results from her cooking, the most comfort for herself and the least expense for the one who pays the bills, uses a GAS RANGE and a GAS WATER HEATER Gas is the most economical fuel because There is no coal to lug up from the The heat is there, in the range, just when it is wanted. No dropping other work an hour or so before meal time to poke up the fire. All of which is Why Gas Is so Universally Used in homes where comfort, convenience and economy are thought of. |