Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon, 64. sējums |
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AFFIRMED alleged amended amount answer appeal attorney authority averments Baker County Bank bonds brief cause of action charge circuit court claim clerk complaint constitution contest contract corporation county court creditors Danton decree deed defendant defendant's delivered the opinion district election error evidence executed fact February 11 fees filed Frank Lane fraud German American gift causa mortis injury instruction interest Jackson County January 28 Judge judgment jury JUSTICE BURNETT Klamath Falls land Lane Lane County liability lien lumber ment mortgage Multnomah Multnomah County names of Messrs negligence notice oral argument Oregon Trust owner paid party payment person petition plaintiff pleading Portland Construction promissory notes purchase question reason received recover rehearing road rule Section Statement statute suit testified testimony thereof tion tract transaction trial Trust & Savings usurious verdict void votes witness Рас
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393. lappuse - When the defendant has been guilty of a fraud in contracting the debt, or incurring the obligation for which the action is brought, or in concealing or disposing of the property for the taking, detention or conversion of which the action is brought, or when the action is brought to recover damages for fraud or deceit.
542. lappuse - ... within three days after he shall have obtained knowledge of the construction, alteration or repair, or the intended construction, alteration or repair, give notice that he will not be responsible for the same...
496. lappuse - Interstate commerce cannot be taxed at all, even though the same amount of tax should be laid on domestic commerce, or that which is carried on solely within the State.
566. lappuse - The property and pecuniary rights of every married woman, at the time of marriage, or afterwards, acquired by gift, devise, or inheritance, shall not be subject to the debts or contracts of the husband, and laws shall be passed providing for the registration of the wife's separate property.
314. lappuse - The count for money had and received, which In its spirit and objects has been likened to a bill in equity, may, in general, be proved by any legal evidence showing that the defendant has received or obtained possession of the money of the plaintiff, which, in equity and good conscience, he ought to pay over to the plaintiff.
115. lappuse - Education, or school district, shall incur any indebtedness or liability in any manner, or for any purpose, exceeding in any year the income and revenue provided for it for such year, without the assent of two-thirds of the qualified electors thereof voting at an election to be held for that purpose...
119. lappuse - Th« clerk of each and every court exercising jurisdiction in naturalization cases shall charge, collect and account for the following fees in each proceeding; For receiving and filing- a declaration of intention and issuing a duplicate thereof, $1.
331. lappuse - When the reception of illegal votes is alleged as a cause of contest, it is sufficient to state generally that in one or more specified voting precincts illegal votes were given to the person whose election is contested, which, if taken from him, will reduce the number of his legal votes below the number of legal votes given to some other person for the same office; but...
271. lappuse - No person or corporation shall, directly or indirectly, take or receive in money, goods or things in action, or in any other way, any greater sum or greater value, for the loan or forbearance of any money, goods or things in action, than is above prescribed.
264. lappuse - The defendant may set forth by answer as many defenses and counterclaims as he may have, whether they be such as have been heretofore denominated legal or equitable, or both.