Lapas attēli

by alundum cement. The emittor is thus an equipotential surface. Concentric with this emitting surface is a copper cylinder, s, 1.8 cm. in diameter, which will be called grid No. 1. About one-fiftieth part of its surface

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

is perforated with holes, uniformly placed, 1 mm. in diameter. Just outside this cylinder and insulated from it by quartz or porcelain rings 1 mm. thick is a second clyindrical grid, g, the holes of which are slightly larger

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

(3 mm. in diameter) but exactly match those of grid No. 1. Outside this is a third cylinder of copper, 3 cm. in diameter, which will be called the plate. The plate can be heated by means of a coil of nichrome wire wrapped about it but insulated from it with a soap-stone coating 2 mm. thick.

In the following observations the plate and grid No. 1 are kept at a common potential and both at a fixed potential, e. g., 100 volts, above the emittor. Figure 2 shows the curve obtained when the plate-current is plotted against the potential of grid No. 2 as the potential of the latter is varied from 0, the potential of the filament, up to 200 volts. When the potential of grid No. 2 has risen above that of grid No. 1, that is, above 100 volts, the secondary electrons, emitted by the plate under the bombardment of the primary electrons having an energy of 100 volts, are drawn from the plate to grid No. 2 and thus reduce the current flowing to the plate. Further, the difference between the two constant currents above and below the 100 volt value of abscissae is a measure of the secondary electrons which are attracted back from the plate. The ratio of this difference to the initial constant plate-current gives the number of secondary electrons produced at the plate per primary electron.

Again the difference between 100 volts and the potential at which the current begins to descend (see fig. 2) gives the maximum velocity of emission of secondaries in volts. Figures 3 and 4 show similar curves taken with primary electrons having energies of 200 and 300 volts, respectively, the latter being made with largely expanded abscissae so as to permit of a study of the distribution of velocities of the secondary electrons. It will be seen from figure 4 that practically no secondaries have a velocity of more than 5 volts, even when the exciting primary electrons have velocities of 300 volts. Further, figure 4 shows, since the potential reaches 310 volts before the current is again constant, that about 10 volts are required to pull out of the plate all of the secondaries generated. This is doubtless due to the fact that some of them are shielded by, or lost in, the pits and hollows in the surface of the plate.

Figures 5 and 6 show the curves obtained with primary electrons having energies of 10 and 5 volts, respectively. It will be seen that the maximum velocity of the secondaries obtainable from figure 5 is 2 volts. The failure of the curve of figure 6 to drop at all as the potential of grid No. 2 passes through 5 volts seems to show conclusively that none of the 5 volt incident electrons are reflected, and also that the ionizing potential of the surface is above 5 volts; while figure 5 shows that it is below 10 volts.

The accompanying table shows how the coefficient of secondary emission depends upon the energy of impact of the primary electrons in the case of a copper surface which had been subjected to red-hot temperatures for many hours. The coefficients were some 30% less before such treatment. On the other hand, increase in the temperature of the plate after treatment appeared to decrease the coefficient.


Impact voltage...... 5 7 10 15 20 25 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 Coef. of secondary


0 .08 .22 .30 .34 .40 .46 .58 .65 .86 1.00 1.10 1.26 1.25 1.25

The important results so far obtained from this work, which is still in progress, may be summarized as follows:

1. Contrary to current belief,' there appears to be no such phenomenon as the direct reflection of an electron from a copper surface, or if the phenomenon exists at all, the number so reflected at potentials less than the ionizing potential is negligible.

2. The result obtained in (1) reveals, therefore, a method of determining with simplicity and with considerable accuracy the ionizing potential of a metal surface. (The careful determination of the values of such potentials is now being carried out.)

3. As the energy of electronic impact increases, the amount of reemission from copper increases up to about 300 volts, from which point on it remains essentially constant.

4. In the case of copper, the number of electrons detached per impinging electron is never found to exceed 1.3.

5. The number of secondaries per electron is somewhat increased by cleaning the surface by heat, and it appears to be somewhat decreased when the temperature of the surface is raised.

6. The maximum energy of emission of electrons released by electronic bombardment of copper increases from about 2 volts to about 5 volts as the energy of impact increases from 10 volts to 300 volts.

The full details of this work will be reported by one of us in a more extended article in the Physical Review.

1 von Baeyer, O., Verh. deut. physik. Ges., Berlin, 10, 1908 (903); also Gehrts, A., Ann. Physik., Leipzig, 36, 1911 (996). Horton and Davies, Proc. Roy. Soc., 97, 23, 1920, obtained results which they interpret in terms of reflections, but which we do not think demand such interpretation. The article by Hull, A. W., Proc. Inst. Radio Engineers, Feb., 1918, should also be read, though it does not bear upon this particular point.



Communicated by H. F. Osborn, December 2, 1920

The chronological outline herein presented is the result of ten years' research among prehistoric aboriginal remains in that portion of the San Juan watershed lying in northwestern New Mexico, southwestern Colorado, and adjacent areas in Arizona and Utah. In the earlier stages of the work, financial support was given successively by the School of American Archaeology, the St. Louis branch of the Archaeological Institute of America, and the University of Colorado. For the past five years the work has been under the direction of the American Museum of Natural History as a part of the Archer M. Huntington Survey of the Southwest.

Approximately 250 archaeological sites have been visited and examined, 148 of them intensively. The distribution of the letter is as follows:

[blocks in formation]


For the present, the San Juan culture area may be considered coextensive with the watershed of the river whence it takes its name. area is some 25,000 square miles in extent. It is a vast elevated plateau cut through by a few perpetual streams and numerous cliff-bordered washes which flow only during spring thaws or subsequent to heavy rains. Despite its general aspect of intense aridity, aboriginal culture flourished over the entire area to the extent that almost every locality capable of supporting an agricultural people is marked by ruins large or small. These remains belong to four major cultural horizons, in stratigraphic order as follows:

IV. Late Black-on-white

III. Early Black-on-white
II. Pre-Pueblo

I. Basket Maker

1. Basket Maker Period. The chief diagnostic characters of Basket Maker culture are: Pronounced dolichocephalic crania, without artificial occipital flattening; apparent total absence of permanent habitations; absence of bow and arrow; use of atlatl; high development of textile manufacture, with specialized types of sandals and burial baskets; absence of pottery; and the cultivation of one very primitive type of corn.

Remains of the Basket Maker period have been found only in a restricted area, all identified sites being within a radius of twenty-five miles of Bluff City, Utah. This region has been intensively worked by Dr. A. V. Kidder and Mr. Samuel H. Guernsey. Hence, to them belongs the credit for having identified and characterized this initial culture stratum.

2. Pre-Pueblo Period.-Crania from pre-Pueblo sites are for the most. part dolichocephalic, like those of the Basket Makers; but among them. there are a minority of what appear to be brachycephalic crania with artificial occipital flattening, such as is typical of the subsequent periods.

Pre-Pueblo dwellings were flimsy, irregularly arranged, one-storied structures, with walls usually composed of poles set upright and plastered with mud. Occasionally, however, the basal portions of walls were faced with stone slabs set on edge, or more rarely, a wall was raised of crude masonry. Within the area of or adjacent to the buildings were circular subterranean or semi-subterranean chambers whose walls were formed by the sides of the excavated pits. These chambers were the prototype of the later kiva.

Perishable materials have not been recovered from this period. Pottery was made and commonly used, but both forms and ware were crude. Smooth ware predominated over corrugated, which is doubtfully present. On the average less than thirty per cent of the smooth ware bears painted decoration.

Pre-Pueblo remains have been found in every ruin-strewn locality where a search for them has been made. The sites occur singly and in groups, usually in open, unprotected places. As type sites may be mentioned those upon the mesas between the La Plata and Mancos rivers described elsewhere (Thirty-third Annual Report, Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, 1919).

3. Early Black-on-white Period.-Crania from the early black-on-white period are all of apparent brachycephalic type with artificial occipital flattening. Dwellings of this period are more numerous and more widely distributed than those of earlier or later types. Both large and small structures occur, the latter being more common. Stone was the building material generally used, but the individual blocks were never faced. In some cases the buildings may have been more than one story in height. The usual forms are rectangular, L or E-shaped. Circular subterranean chambers possessing all diagnostic kiva characters form a component part of every dwelling.

There is

The textiles of this period are in every sense of Pueblo type. no remaining trace of the specialized Basket Maker bags, burial baskets, and square-toed sandals. At least three types of corn were cultivated. Ceramics was highly developed, both smooth and corrugated ware being very abundant. Certain forms of smooth ware, such as pitcher-shaped drinking vessels, and half-gourd ladles, and the absence of exterior decoration on bowls, are characteristic. Corrugated ware reached its highest development, as expressed by wide range of forms and extreme variety of decoration produced by the manipulation of the coils.

No early black-on-white site has been thoroughly excavated; hence, a type site remains to be described.

4. Late Black-on-white Period.—Crania from the late black-on-white period are, in superficial appearance, like those from the preceding period; that is, short from back to front with artificial occipital flattening.

Ruins belonging to this period are relatively few in number, but are

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