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" But in case it shall appear that the United States have, when the lines or routes of said roads are definitely fixed, sold any sections or parts thereof granted as aforesaid, or that the right of pre-emption has attached to the same... "
Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land Office in ... - 282. lappuse
autors: United States. Department of the Interior - 1895
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The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the Year, 26. sējums

1855 - 394 lapas
...said territory, in the direction of Lake Superior, every alternate section of land designated by odd numbers for six sections in width on each side of said road within said territory. In case any of these lands have been previously sold, or pre-emption rights...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of ..., 70. sējums

Alabama. Supreme Court - 1883 - 772 lapas
...section of land designated by odd numbers, for six sections in width on each side of each of said roads. But, in case it shall appear that the United States have, when the lines or routes of said roads are definifely fixed, sold any sections, or any parts thereof, granted...
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The Western Journal, 5-6. sējumi

1851 - 620 lapas the State of Illinois, for the purpose of aiding in making the railroad and branches aforesaid, every alternate section of land designated by even...numbers, for six sections in width on each side of said rpad and branches ; but in case it shall appear that the United States have, when the line or route...
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The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the ..., 22. sējums

1850 - 414 lapas There is granted to the State of Illinois, to aid in making the railroad and branches, every alternate section of land designated by even...sections in width on each side of said road and branches, subject to preemption and other rights, but the land located shall not be more than fifteen miles from...
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Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ...

United States - 1850 - 284 lapas
...of aid- granted!* land ing in making the railroad and branches aforesaid, every alter- ' .. ..: nate section of land designated by even numbers, for six sections in width on»each side of said road and branches; but in case it shall appear that the United States have, when...
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The Statutes at Large and Treaties of the United States of ..., 11. sējums

United States - 1859 - 970 lapas
...from Tuscaloosa to the Mobile railroad within Mississippi ; and from Brandon to the Gulf of Mexico, every alternate section of land designated by even...numbers ; for six sections in width on each side of each of said roads. But in case it shall appear that Grant in lieu the United States have, when the...
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The Western Journal, of Agriculture, Manufactures, Mechanic Arts ..., 5. sējums

1851 - 440 lapas
...right or pre-emption has attached as aforesaid, which lands being equal in quantity to one-half of six sections in width on each side of said road and branches, the State of Illinois shall have and hold to, and for the use and purpose aforesaid : Provided, that...
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Lake Superior Railroad. Letter to the Hon. Lewis Cass. By Morgan L. Drake, Esq.

Morgan L. Drake - 1852 - 14 lapas an ignated by odd numbers, for seven sections in width on each side of said road and br dies -, But in case it shall appear that the United States have, when the line or rout uoi/4 rnor\ -in/} lira n/« Kino. ;„ ,1 ^« „ ,•*„!,, f: ____ i __u _____ .. ' * ^ line...
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The Western Journal, 9. sējums

1853 - 468 lapas
...Washington City, within ninety days after the completion of the same. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That there be, and is hereby granted to the States...United States have, when the line or route of said road is'definitely fixed by the authority aforesaid, sold any part of any section jhereby granted, or that...
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Stryker's American Register and Magazine, 5. sējums

1851 - 612 lapas
...right of pre-emption has attached as aforesaid, which lands being equal in quantity to one-half of six sections in width on each side of said road and branches, the State of Illinois shall have and hold to and for the use and purpose aforesaid : Provided, That...
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