Lapas attēli

McWhinney, W. J., K. C., Toronto.
MacCallum, O. B., Montreal.
MacDougall, G. W., K. C., Montreal.
MacFarlane, L., K. C., Montreal.
MacKinnon, C. G., Montreal.
Maclennan, F. S., K. C., Montreal.
MacMaster, D., K. C., Montreal.
MacPherson, K. R., K. C., Montreal.
Magee, A. A., Montreal.

Mann, J. A., K. C., Montreal.
Maréchal, L. T., K. C., Montreal.
Markey, F. H., K. C., Montreal.

Martin, J. E., K. C., Bâtonnier, Montreal.
Martineau, V., K. C., Montreal.
Mathieu, A. P., Montreal.
Mathieu, L. J. A., Montreal.

Mathieu, Hon. M., K. C., Montreal.
Mercier, Honoré, K. C., Montreal.
Mercier, J. A., Montreal.
Mercier, Paul, Montreal.
Meredith, F. E., K. C., Montreal.
Meredith, W. R., London.
Merrill, W. A., Montreal.
Mignault, P. B., K. C., Montreal.
Millette, N. A., Montreal.
Mitchell, V. E., K. C., Montreal.
Mitchell, W. G., K. C., Montreal.
Montgomery, G. H. A., K. C., Montreal
Morin, L. J. S., K. C., Montreal.
Morris, William, Sherbrooke, Que.
Morrison, M. J., K. C., Montreal.
Moss, C. A., Toronto.

Mousseau, J. O., K. C., Montreal.
Nantel, Hon. Bruno, Montreal.
O'Sullivan, John A., Montreal.
Quimet, J. A., Montreal.

Ouimet, Hon. J. A., K. C., Montreal.

Owen, T. S., Montreal.

Papineau, T. M., Montreal.

Parisault, C. A., Montreal.

Parkins, E. R., Montreal.
Patenaude, E. L., Montreal.
Peacock, M. B., Calgary, Alberta.
Pedley, Hugh S., Montreal.
Pelletier, H., K. C., Montreal.
Pelletier, L. C., K. C., Montreal.
Pépin, Alex., Montreal.
Pepler, D. T., Toronto.
Perrault, Ant., Montreal.

Perrault, Gust., C. R., Arthabaska.
Perron, J. L., K. C., Montreal.
Pesher, Harold, Ottawa.
Peterson, Wm., K. C., Montreal.
Phelan, M. A., Montreal.
Place, E. G., Montreal.

Plante, Arthur, C. R., Valleyfield.
Plimsoll, A. R. W., Montreal.
Poapst, W. H., Lethbridge, Alberta.
Pouliot, Hon. Justice, Montreal.
Prud'Homme, J. A., Montreal.
Pugsley, W. G., Montreal.
Raymond, B. Panet, Montreal.
Renaud, J. A., K. C., Joliette.
Rhéaume, J. T., Montreal.

Riddell, Hon. Mr. Justice William Renwick, Toronto.

Rinfret, T., K. C., Montreal.

Ritchie, W. F., K. C., Montreal.

Rivet, L. A., K. C., Montreal.

Robertson, D. C., Montreal.

Robidoux, Hon. Justice J. Emery, Mon


Robillard, J. A., K. C., Montreal.
Robitaille, C., Montreal.

Roche, Francis James, Toronto.
Ronayne, J. A., Montreal.
Ross, H. S., K. C., Montreal.
Roy, F. X., K. C., Montreal.
Roy, R., Montreal.

St. Germain, Paul, K. C., Montreal.
St. Jacques, J. L., Montreal.

St. Pierre, Alex., Montreal.
St. Pierre, G., Montreal.

Semple, G. H., K. C., Montreal.
Senecal, Os., K. C., Montreal.

Shallow, T. J., Montreal.

Shanks, W. R. L., Montreal.

Shaughnessy, W. J., Montreal.

Shepherd, Simpson J., Lethbridge, Alberta.

Sinclair, R. V. C., Montreal.

Skinner, W. W., K. C., Montreal.

Slipp, A. R., Fredericton, N. B.

Smith, R. C., K. C., Montreal.
Stackhouse, R. F., Montreal.
Stairs, G. S., Montreal.

Stephens, C. H., K. C., Montreal.
Stockwell, R. F., Montreal.

Strathcona, Rt. Hon. Lord, Montreal.
Surveyer, E. Fabre, K. C., Montreal.
Taillon, Hon. L. O., K. C., Montreal.
Taschereau, R., K. C., Montreal.
Tremblay, F. P., Montreal.
Trihey, H. J., K. C., Montreal.
Vallée, Arthur, Montreal.
Van Horne, Sir Wm., Montreal.
Vanier, Anatole, Montreal.
Vanier, George P., Montreal.
Vanier, Guy, Montreal.
Vipond, E. E., Montreal.
Vipond, H. S., Montreal.

Wainwright, A., K. C., Montreal.
Wakefield, E. C., North Bay.
Walsh, J. C., K. C., Montreal. 藤
Walsh, T. E., K. C., Montreal.
Walter, A. J., K. C., London, England.
Walton, F. P., K. C., Montreal.
Wegenast, F. W., Toronto.

Weldon, J. W., Montreal.

Wells, Hon. Judge, New Brunswick.
Whelan, J. P., Montreal.

White, W. J., K. C., Montreal.
White, Wm. R., K. C., Pembroke.
Willson, F. W., Petrolia.
Wilson, C. A., K. C., Montreal.



Lord Chancellor Haldane, accompanied by his sister, Miss Haldane, and Sir Kenneth Muir-Mackenzie, Clerk of the Crown, arrived in New York City by the steamship Lusitania on Friday afternoon, August 29, and was met by a reception committee of . the Association consisting of Francis Rawle of Pennsylvania (Chairman); James C. McReynolds of Tennessee; Joseph H. Choate of New York; C. A. Severance of Minnesota; Alton B. Parker of New York; Charles Henry Butler of District of Columbia; Francis Lynde Stetson of New York, and Jacob M. Dickinson of Tennessee.

On Saturday, August 30, Lord Haldane proceeded with the Committee to West Point on the yacht Corsair, and there attended a special review of the Cadet Battalion of the United States Military Academy. On the same evening the Lord Chancellor was entertained at dinner in Albany by Honorable Charles J. Doherty, Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada, and thereafter proceeded to Montreal. Returning, he left Montreal on Tuesday morning and sailed for England by the Lusitania Tuesday midnight, September 2.

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A special convocation at which the Right Honorable Lord Strathcona, Chancellor of the University, presided, was held at Royal Victoria College, McGill University, on Monday, September 1, 1913, for the conferring of honorary degrees upon the following members of the legal profession:

Lord Chancellor Richard Burdon Haldane, of Great Britain; Chief Justice Edward Douglas White, of the United States; Maître F. Labori, Bâtonnier de l'Ordre des Avocats à la Cour d'Appel de Paris, France;

Prime Minister Robert L. Borden, of Canada;

Hon. William H. Taft, Ex-President of the United States; Hon. Joseph H. Choate, Ex-Ambassador from the United States to Great Britain;

Fon. Elihu Root, United States Senator from New York;

Hon. Alton B. Parker, of the United States.

Hon. Frank B. Kellogg, President of the American Bar Association;

Hon. Charles J. Doherty, Minister of Justice and AttorneyGeneral of Canada;


A Conference of Judges was held under the auspices of the Committee on Uniform Judicial Procedure at the Windsor Hotel, Montreal, on Saturday, August 30, 1913, at 8 P. M.

Thomas W. Shelton, Chairman of the committee, opened the Conference with a brief address asking co-operation by the judiciary in the cause of uniform procedure.

George Whitelock, Secretary of the Association, extended on behalf of the Executive Committee a welcome to the Judges present.

Attorney-General James C. McReynolds assured the Conference of the sympathy and support of President Wilson and himself in furthering uniform procedure.

Judge Don M. Pardee, of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, was elected permanent Chairman of the Conference, and Gaylord Lee Clark, of Maryland, was elected Secretary thereof.

On motion of Chief Justice Manoah B. Reese, of Nebraska, a committee of nine, Judge Andrew A. Bruce, of North Dakota, Chairman, was appointed to report upon the advisability of permanent organization and to submit a By-law therefor.

Judge Henry Stockbridge, of Maryland, addressed the Conference on behalf of the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in advocacy of uniformity of judicial interpretation and stated to the Conference that the Commissioners had determined to appoint a special committee upon that subject.

Frederic R. Coudert, of New York, delivered a brief oral address, in which he emphasized the importance to commerce and society of uniformity, not only of procedure but of judicial decision.

The Conference thereupon adjourned to Tuesday, September 2, at 3 o'clock P. M.

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