Lapas attēli

Erasmus, 51, 87, 88, 348
Essex, Earl of, 159
"Euphues," Lyly's,


written for women, 104, 105;
on women in, 127-130, 133;
natural history in, 107, 108-
120; moral teaching in, 123,
124, 127; bringing up of
children in, 130-132; popu-
larity of, 137-142; Nash on,
139, 140; abbreviation of, 141
"Euphues his censure to Phi-

lautus," Greene's, 146, 168
Euphuism, Lyly and, 105; accli-
matization of, in England, 106,
107; Shakespeare on, 140;
Dekker and, 261
Exeter, Joseph of, 38
Exeter, Marquis of, seat of the,



Fayette, Mme. de la, 397

Fénélon's, "Télémaque," 50;
"Lettre à l'Académie,” 229
Fenton's, "Tragicall Discourses,"
80, 81

Fielding, 25, 124, 270, 313, 317,
406, 412, 417
Floire and Blanchefleur, 36
Florio's Montaigne, 227
Ford, Emanuel, disciple of Lyly,
192; "Parismus," 193-198;
collaborator of Dekker, 331
Fortescue's," Foreste," 81
Fouquet, 281

Fournival, Richard de, 107, 108
Fox, George, the Quaker, 158
"Francesco's Fortunes," drawings
from, II

[blocks in formation]

"Golden boke of Marcus Aure-

lius," translated by Lord Berners
and Sir Thomas North, 106,
Gomberville, 356
Gosse, 373
Gower, 296

"Grand Cyrus," romance of, 364,
383, 396

Green Knight, metrical romance
from the French, 39
Greene, Robert, illustrations to
his work, 11, 15; stories of,
translated into French, 27;
denounces foreign travel, 73
note; natural history of, 112:

imitator of Lyly, 145, 146,
170, 171 note; Warner on,
149, 150; character, birth,
and education, 152, 153, 154;
travels, 74, 154; writings,
"Groats-worth of
151, 155;
Wit," 156, 157, 158; "Re-
pentances," 158, 159, 162;
marriage, 159, 160, 166, 167;
Nash on, 160, 161; complaint
against plagiarists, 163; abuse
of Shakespeare, 164, 165; ill-
ness and death, 162, 163, 165,
166, 167; Ben Jonson on,
166; contributions to the novel
literature of Elizabethan times,
167-192; Euphuism of, 170-
173; "Penelope," 174; imi-
tated by Breton, 198, 199,
201; by Lodge, 202; style of
his novels, 290; 295, 296, 300,

Greville Fulke, Lord Brooke, 220,
226, 245

Grimestone's translation of tales
by Goulart, 81
"Groats-worth of Wit," 156, 157,
165 note, 328

Grobianism, 339, 344, 345, 346
Grobianus," 338, 339

Guazzo's "Civile Conversation,"
translation of, 76

Guevara, 86, 106

[ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Hartley, Mrs., as Cleopatra, 14,

Harvey, Gabriel, Nash and, 297,

Hastings, battle of, results of, 33
Hathaway, 331
Haughton, 331

Havelock the Dane, a metrical
romance, 39

Head, Richard, writer of a picares-
que novel, 294, 412, 413
Henri IV., 352

Henrietta of England, Duchess
of Orleans, 386, 387
Henry VIII., learning of, 87
Henslowe, 328, 331
Hentzner on Elizabeth, 96
"Heptameron," Reine de Na-
varre's, 398

Herbert, William, Shakespeare's
friend, 234

"Hercules of Greece," romance,


Heroical novels and plays in
England and France, 347-397;
reaction against, 397-412
Heywood, T., 331

"History of the Ladye Lucres,"

81; drawing from German La Calprenède, 356, 369, 384,

[blocks in formation]

398, 408; Mme. de Sévigné

on, 353

"Lady of May," Sidney's masque
of, 229, 289

La Fontaine, 232

Landmann, Dr., 106, 123 note
Laneham, Robert, account of the
Kenilworth Festivities, 85
Languet, Hubert, the French
Huguenot and friend of Sidney,
on English manners, 136, 137;
correspondence with Sidney,
221, 223, 288; poem on, in the
66 Arcadia," 222

"La Pucelle," 294, 350
Layamon, 39, 40
Lee, 392, 397

Leicester, Earl of, 91, 96, 159,

"Lenten Stuff," Nash's, 324, 325
Le Sage, style of, 47; "Gil
Blas," 294
"Le Sopha," 24

"Lettre à l'Académie," Fénélon's,

[blocks in formation]

Louis XIV., 352

Loveday, Robert, translator of La
Calprenède's "Cléopatre," 369;
frontispiece of, 20, 369, 371
Ludlow Castle, 219, 220
Lyly, John, editions of "Euphues,"
27; denounces foreign travel,
73 note; writes for women, 104,
105; his style, 107; know-
ledge of plants and animals,
119, 120; the moral teaching
of Lyly's "Euphues," 126-135;
comedies by, 137-139; imita-
tors of, 145-215; Sidney's style
compared with, 255; kind of
novel, 290; and the Martin
Marprelate Controversy, 297;
an ancestor of Richardson,
317; anticipates Rousseau, 131,

[blocks in formation]

Master Reynard, 292
"Matchless Orinda," The, 384,


Medicis, Marie de, 276
Melbancke, imitator of Lyly, 145
Melville, Sir James, ambassador
of Mary Queen of Scots to the
English court, on the manners
of the English, 91-95; on the
liking of the Elizabethans for
disguises, 239

"Menaphon," Greene's, 146, 155,
160, 185-187

Meres, Francis, 198 note, 254 note,

Mérimée's style, 305

"Midas" comedy by Lyly, 139
Middleton, 331

Milton's "Comus," 220, 221;
opinion of Sidney's "Arcadia,"
250, 251

Molière, his love for old songs,

232; his denunciation of the
behaviour of gallants at the
playhouse, 343, 344; the
"Précieuses ridicules," 373;
English translations of, 397;
the "Critique de l'Ecole des
Femmes, 405

Monmouth, Geoffrey of, 38, 41
Montaigne, 43

Montausier, 352, 388, 391
Montchrestien, Antoine de, 354,
Montemayor's "Diane," 76;
translation of, 227; style of,
229; imitated by Sidney, 236
Montesquieu's "Lettres persanes,"


More, Sir Thomas, writes in
Latin; the "Utopia," 50, 51;
Erasmus' opinion of, 87; hero
in Nash's novel, 348; his "Uto-
pia," a political novel, 413
Morris, William, 63
"Morte d'Arthur," Malory's, 54-
59; Ascham on, 63
Munday, Anthony, imitator of
Lyly, 145, 193, 331, 349
Mürger's "Scènes de la vie de
Bohème," 150, 151
"Myrrour of Modesty," Greene's,
155, 168, 349


Nash, Thomas, portrait of, 18;
his stories translated into
French, 27; initiator of the
picaresque novel, 294; birth,
education, studies, and travels,
295, 296; works of, 297; love
of poetry, 299, 300; style and
vocabulary of, 302-307; Dekker
on, 327, 334; begins the novel
of real life, 347, 348; 406, 412,

Navarre, Queen of, 86
Newcastle, Duchess of, drawing

from "Nature's. Pictures," 20,
379; literary works of the,
Newton, 24

North, Sir Thomas, 105, 107
Novels, in Tudor times, 80-102;

as sermons, 123, 124, 127;
pastoral, 235-283; picaresque,
291-346; heroical, 348-414;
philosophical, 414-416

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