SENATE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1914. The Senate met at 12 o'clock M., and was called to order by Lieutenant-Governor J. TAYLOR ELLYSON. Prayer by Rev. G. W. McDaniel. The following communication was received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth, transmitting a list of the names of memberselect of the Senate of Virginia to fill vacancies in the First, Thirtyeighth and Twenty-second Senatorial districts, as follows: To the Honorable Clerk of the Senate: RICHMOND, January 14, 1914. As required by law, I herewith respectfully transmit the following names as members-elect of the Senate of Virginia to fill vacancies in the First and Thirty-eighth Senatorial Districts as ascertained and determined by the Board of State Canvassers at their meeting held the fourth Monday in November, 1913; and in the Twenty-second District, as ascertained and determined by the State Board of Canvassers at their meeting held on January 13, 1914, the official record of which is on file in my office. First District-Counties of Washington and Smyth and city of BristolB. F. Buchanan. Thirty-eighth District-City of Richmond-James E. Cannon. Twenty-second District-Counties of Bedford and Rockbridge and the city of Buena Vista W. T. Paxton. Very respectfully, B. O. JAMES, Secretary of the Commonwealth. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE OF VIRGINIA. For the term of four years, commencing the second Wednesday in January, 1912. First District-Washington, Smyth, and city of Bristol: B. F. Buchanan. Second District-Scott, Lee and Wise: John H. Catron. Third District-Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell, and Tazewell: J. Powell Royal. Fourth District-Roanoke county, Montgomery, and cities of Roanoke and Radford: John M. Hart. Fifth District-Giles, Bland, Pulaski, and Wythe: Dr. A. G. Crockett. Forge: W. A. Rinehart. Eighth District-Rockingham: John Paul. Ninth District-Augusta, Highland, and city of Staunton: Edward Echols. Tenth District-Shenandoah, Frederick, and city of Winchester: F. S. Tavenner. Eleventh District-Fauquier and Loudoun: George Latham Fletcher. ericksburg: R. C. L. Moncure. Fourteenth District-Alexandria county, Prince William, Fairfax, and city of Alexandria: R. E. Thornton. Fifteenth District-Culpeper, Madison, Rappahannock, and Orange: C. T. Bowers. Sixteenth District-Goochland, Powhatan, and Chesterfield: J. B. Watkins. Seventeenth District-Albemarle, Greene, and city of Charlottesville: N. B. Early, Jr. Eighteenth District-Appomattox, Buckingham, Fluvanna, and Charlotte: Sands Gayle. Nineteenth District-Amherst and Nelson: Bland Massie. Twentieth District Campbell, and city of Lynchburg: Howell C. Featherston. Twenty-first District-Halifax: H. A. Edmondson. Twenty-second District-Bedford, Rockbridge, and city of Buena Vista: W. T. Paxton. Twenty-third District-Pittsylvania, Henry, and city of Danville: W. A. Garrett. Twenty-fourth District-Pittsylvania, and city of Danville: George Т. Rison. Twenty-fifth District-Mecklenburg, and Brunswick: W. D. Blanks. A. R. Hobbs. Twenty-eighth District-Nottoway, Amelia, Lunenburg, Prince Edward, and Cumberland: Robert K. Brock. West. Twenty-ninth District-Dinwiddie, and city of Petersburg: P. H. Drewry. Thirty-first District-Norfolk city: John A. Lesner. Thirty-second District-Caroline, Hanover, and King William: Charles U. Gravatt. Thirty-third District-Norfolk county, and city of Portsmouth: Samuel T. Montague. Thirty-fourth District-King George, Richmond, Westmoreland, Lancaster, and Northumberland: C. Harding Walker. Thirty-fifth District-Henrico, New Kent, Charles City, James City, and city of Williamsburg: L. O. Wendenburg. Thirty-sixth District-Elizabeth City, York, Warwick, and city of Newport News: Saxon W. Holt. Thirty-seventh District-Accomac, Northampton, and Princess Anne: G. Walter Mapp. Thirty-eighth District-Richmond city: James E. Cannon and A. С. Harman. Thirty-ninth District-King and Queen, Middlesex, Essex, Gloucester, and Mathews: John R. Saunders. The roll was then called, and the following Senators responded to their names: Messrs. W. D. Blanks, C. T. Bowers, R. K. Brock, B. F. Buchanan, J. E. Cannon. John H. Catron, A. G. Crockett, P. H. Drewry, Edward Echols, N. A. Edmondson, Howell C. Featherston, George Latham Fletcher, W. A. Garrett, Sands Gayle, Charles U. Gravatt, A. C. Harman, J. M. Hart, A. R. ! Hobbs, Saxon W. Holt, John A. Lesner, G. Walter Mapp, Bland Massie, R. C. L. Moncure, S. T. Montague, Edmund Parr, John Paul, W. T. Paxton, W. A. Rinehart, George T. Rison, J. Powell Royall, John R. Saunders, R. S. Blackburn Smith, V. M. Sowder, F. S. Tavenner, R. E. Thornton, C. Harding Walker, J. B. Watkins, L. O. Wendenburg, J. E. West-39. A quorum being present, Senators BUCHANAN, CANNON and PAXTON (3), having previously filed in the office of the Clerk of the Senate certificates of their election, came forward and the Clerk of the Senate administered to each of them the oath prescribed by law. MR. WALKER presented the following resolution: Resolved, That the rules for the government of the Senate shall be the rules adopted at the session of 1912, which are, as follows: RULES OF THE SENATE. ATTENDANCE AND ADJOURNMENT. 1. No member shall absent himself from the service of the Senate without leave, unless he is sick or unable to attend. 2. A majority of senators shall be necessary to proceed to business; five may adjourn, and nine may order a call of the Senate, send for absentees, and make any order for their censure or discharge. On a call of the Senate, the doors shall not be closed against any senator until his name shall have been once enrolled. 3. The speaker shall take the chair every day precisely at the hour to which the Senate shall have adjourned on the preceding day; shall immediately call the Senate to order, and a quorum being present, shall cause the journal of the preceding day to be read. Any mistakes in the entries shall, upon motion, then be corrected, and being found correct, shall be signed by the speaker and the clerk, and upon the last day of the session, the journal for that day being examined and found correct, shall be signed by the speaker and the clerk, and the said journals, when so signed, shall be the authentic record of the proceedings of the Senate. II. THE PRESIDENT. 4. If any question be put upon a bill or resolution, the president shall state the same without argument. 5. The president may call any senator to the chair, who shall exercise its functions for the time; but no senator, by virtue of such appointment, shall preside for a longer period than three days. 6. At the commencement of each session the Senate shall elect four pages, who shall receive for their service three dollars per day each. III. THE CLERK. 7. The clerk of the Senate shall not suffer any records or papers to be taken from the table or out of his custody by any person except a chairman of a committee; but he may deliver any bills or papers, directed to be |